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Bows for New Traders

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Well said.
I have always tried to let people know that I live in the UK when I trade, some are happy to send that far ( if they live in the USA) some you never hear back from, which is fine if not a bit rude.
Try and let everyone know in your profile or in the first emails that you send in a trade......
Thanks for your time.

well i was one of those that didn't fill in the blanks,first time user. but now all is filled in,and will gladly give more info. if needed to whoever wants or needs it on a trade which i'm trying to do now. rich battistoni

Ya know Eddie I`m just a tad offended..I dont know alot about selfbows and when we traded and I recieved the bow and the string kept popping off the upper limb I had no idea it was because the brace heigth was to low..I did communicate with you and at no time did you tell me to check the brace heigth..Sorry I cost you 60.00 but it also cost me to..Tell you what your a moderator remove my add and remove my membership as well..Nice you make it sound it was all my fault..

 Rick, I didn't point fingers or mention names. I just pointed out some particular problems that could come up and some that have. You are the one that just added a name to it.

wasnt to hard to figure out who you were talking about being you posted a reply in my add about me costing you 60.00 in shipping on a deal that went bad so to speak..Might have helped alot if you had giving me the brace height at the time of purchase or told me to check it when I told you the string was popping off the upper limb but you didnt..Remember Eddie it cost me in shipping to..Could of all been avoided if you had sent the right brace height info with the bow or asked to check  me to check the brace height when I contacted you about the string popping off..


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