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posting pictures


Kev K.:
After youve selected pics. from the additional options then what do you do?

                After gettin'pics from My pics  then hit browse, select another one if u want an hit browse again up to 6 pic at a time if'n u want.......bob

Justin Snyder:
Click on the browse button and it should bring up your pictures  file on your computer.  In the look in box at the top you can select the folder you wish to look in.  Double click on the picture, or click once and then click open. You should be back at the posting page at that point. If you want to add more pictures, click on more attachments.  When you have all the pictures you want, just click post.  This system is not like all the others that you have to do extra stuff.  Your pictures cannot be over 600X400 pixels, and you can only post 6 per post.  Justin

Justin Snyder:
Looks like you were posting while I was Bob,  :D Justin


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