Main Discussion Area > Bow of the Month Contest

Contest Idea


What do y'all think about the idea of an "Arrow Of The Month" contest?  I have seen the beautiful arrows crafted by many of the participants on this forum, and I feel that such a contest would serve to recognize those skilled in the fletcher's art, as well as encourage others to develop their skills in this area.  Thoughts?  Ideas?

I discussed this with the other moderators and the consensus is no.
The BOM contest is lots of work, just ask Don. No one has the time or inclination to take
on the additional work load. Sorry to disappoint you NorthernArcher.

Sorry to hear that  :(
However, I do understand the workload issue.
Perhaps the issue could be revisited at a future date.

why dont we just do it online and just have a poll we dont need anything special in the mag.  someone can just do it in the begining of the month.


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