Main Discussion Area > Bow of the Month Contest

How do you pick the BOM?

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With the number of entries for BOW of the Month increasing (this is a good thing) I have found it hard to compare all the bows without going back and forth numerous times to the bows, which takes a lot of time.  To make it a little easier I worked up a point system using an excel format that weights several different categories and automatically totals all the points.  This allows me to go through all the bows, assign points, then return and review three or four bows with the most points and determine my winner.  The one with the most points usually wins but not always, sometimes I might add bonus points in the overall Impression category for the bow that just impresses me for some unknown reason. 

How do you go about choosing the BOM winner?  What system if any do you use: objective, subjective, or combination of both types like me?

Below is a copy of my rating system (if the embedded excel file works) and an explanation of the category, points available, and how/why I rate the category.

Full Draw    25 points   I feel this is the most important category so it has the most available points.  Also, it is the easiest one to examine because they are all posted beneath the entry links.  If I rate the tiller at less then 20 points I rarely bother to research the other categories unless the bow impressed me earlier in the month. 

Braced    10 points   I would like to give more points to this category as it is the one seen the most often.  However, to excel in the full draw category, the braced view some times suffers.

Tips      20 points   For me, the tips on a bow show the craftsmanship and experience of the bowyer.  I don't necessarily look for overlays or certain styles/types of tips but rater if they flow smoothly, fit the style of bow, and the details shown: Often these pictures are out of focus and have cost people my vote.

Handle      15 points   Like the tips, the handle needs so flow smoothly into the limbs.  Being larger then the tips I find them easier then the tips to get right, therefore less points are available.

Accouterments   10 points    This encompasses a lot of things, including but not limited to handle wraps, drawings, snakeskin's, writing, inlays, ect….  But they must add to the look of the bow.  Sometimes I find myself deducting points rather then adding them here.

Glue Lines   + or -      This can be a deciding factor if two bows are tied and they both have glue lines that you can see in the pictures, but that rarely happens.  If one has glue lines and the other doesn't the bow get equal points unless I can tell the glue lines are bad, and then it gets a minus.

Overall Appearance   20 points   The overall look and feeling I get from the pictures.  This is purely subjective but its score is usually close to the same ratio received in the other categories.

The excel file lost its formatting when I tried posting, if you would like a copy send me a pm and I will forward it to you.

Justin Snyder:
OH MAN this again.  :'( We had a discussion on this several times, and people always get offended by others criteria. Feel free to answear and discuss, but lets try to keep it civil.  Don't tell anyone they are wrong or attack them for their meathod of picking since it is a personal choice and we all feel different.  I for one am staying out. Justin

I second Justin's comment :)

Me 3. ;D ;D Get out the pop corn. :D

Heck this could be more entertaining than Super Bowl commerials  ;D


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