Main Discussion Area > Bow of the Month Contest


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Pat B:
Andrea, Have you seen a corn snake? They are pretty sharp and unique looking.     Pat

Andrea S:
I've seen pictures...corn snake would be pretty awesome, too. At this point, I would take anything that wasn't a rattlesnake, python, bull snake, or anything else that are just shades of brown, beige, black, or gray. Red and black would be really nice. I found a back-cut skin of a red belly snake on eBay, but it's $25 plus shipping, and I'd almost rather help someone out on here with something in trade than just paying money. Oh well. It's what I get for being picky.  ::)

 ;D ;D   Andrea stated;      "No offense intended to anyone, and I still think they are gorgeous bows with plenty of time and energy put into them, but since being on this site, I've seen a gazillion and a half rattlesnake-backed osage recurves. The bows that differ from that tend to catch my eye because they are not only beautiful but striking in how they stand out from the norm. I am not shallow; I merely appreciate divergent thought and the audacious application of imagination into one's craft.

So, nyah!     

 You go Girl ;) ;) ;)  Andrea For President ;D ;D ;D

david w.:
well stated
i would vote for you.  Hillary si too liberal

John K:


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