Main Discussion Area > English Warbow

Delamination of horn overlays.

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Is there an adhesive that will hold better than loctites two part epoxy. Surfaces are flat and mate up good but when I brace the bow the epoxy starts to crack and gives way soon after. First time was spectacularly violent. Second time on the other nock I heard it before it let loose and I used the bandsaw to remove it. The bow is bamboo backed ipe.

A good quality superglue.

Del the cat:
That's possibly why warbows tend to have horn nocks which go right round the tip, they will hold on with no glue at all!
Here's a pic showing a cross section of a well fitted one (mine) and two hideous ones (which still held up).
Here's a link showing a video from my Youtube channel showing how I do it.

Awesome! Thanks Del. I will try this instead of overlays.

Overlays will work just fine if they are glued on right! It doesn't matter what draw weight. Horn nocks were 'invented' to stop the string digging into yew. If using a harder wood you could use self nocks with no problem.


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