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Post Tenn.Classic pics here

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Pat B:
Post them if you got them.
 Unfortunately I was unable to go. A good friend in Savannah passed away last week so I headed east to Savannah instead of west to Twin Oaks. I'm jonesing so I need to look at pics of the friends, fun and food.

Know that you were truly missed, but no one faults you for the choice you made. Let me add my condolences to the many you have received already.

Sorry I am not posting a pic or two. I hardly took any at all. Fair chance this was to be my last Classic and I felt it was important to be fully in the moment. I did take a short video clip and sent it to Del the Cat just to put a thistle in his litterbox.

Pat B:
I'm sorry I missed seeing you, John. The last time was when Del came, wasn't it?  I don't blame you for not taking pics. The Classic can be pretty fulfilling and overwhelming.

Sorry to miss you Pat B.  Also sorry you lost a close friend.
Great meeting you JW .  Also first time meeting Eddie Parker in person.

I made a bunch of pizzas on my wood fired stove that I give away. Buying friendships one pizza at a time.   Didn’t get to making any bows and I tend to stay too busy talking.  I had my son Daniel with and helped get the Parker’s there as James truck is “done” as James would say
I could post some pictures but it’s been a while since I’ve been on here so have forgotten how that is done

Had fun hanging out with Jessie this year


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