Main Discussion Area > Bows

Tree ID

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This tree is scheduled for removal by the power company. It’s on my property and I was told it’s a black locust tree. It has no lower limbs really. It’s tall and forks one time about 40 feet or so up. I’ve already talked with the guy from the power company and told him if it’s black locust I want it cut a certain way to use as bow wood. Best pictures I could get right now.

Looks more like honey locust than black locust to me. Black has deeply furrowed bark. Honey is smoother.

No spines/thorns on it at all Kidder, not one. I’ve got some honey locust seed pods around either. I’m going to try and get some better photos of it. Here’s another picture of the bark

I think certain it is black locust. Honey locust of that size will be covered with 3"-4" thorns. And yes the honey locusts bark is smoother but much smoother than what you have there.

Bill B.:
  Black walnut maybe?


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