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Got this built for momma.
Now back to something I like doing
Got the bark off this guy today and put a nice coat of polyurethane

Pat B:
I'll bet Momma will be happy and I know you are.  :OK

Del the cat:
Sweet little cabin :)
Very satisfying building something like that.

And just in time for Mothers Day.

Looks like a nice straight piece of Osage.


Thanks gentlemen. I had built one about twice that size 2 years ago and I pretty much took it over. She never really complained but did mention that I had done so. I promised her I’d build her one. Mother’s Day was the target date, missed it buy about a week Bj. Now I can get her few things out of mine and get back to bow making. Glad it’s done. It’s time and money well spent. And she loves it. She already told me I can’t put anything in it. Now I can get back to finishing my trade bow.


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