Main Discussion Area > Bow of the Month Contest

what's all the uproar?

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I'm pretty new around here, but I can't help but noticing the hubbub and contention going on around the bom contest, among other things.  I think the purpose of forums like this is to allow like-minded people to discuss their topic of choice openly, and to bridge the barrier of geographical distance.  I for one can take a little criticism no problem, and have no complaints about other bowyers and archers giving me their comments and advice...let's approach this forum in a brotherly fashion, speak openly but not abrasively, and help each other improve and enjoy our craft.

Scott McCall


Justin Snyder:
Scott, there seems to have been a little missunderstanding going on. There is at time a feeling that the contest is a popularity contest and that leaves a bad taste at times.  However this is because Manny chose to pull his bow from BOM in protest to the fiberglass bows in the magazine and the fact that the editor ignored his question posted in feedback to the editor.  Some of us applaud the fact that Manny would stick up for what he believes in enough to pull a bow that was an obvious contender because what he believes is more important than winning BOM.  My hat is off to anyone that stands up for what they believe with that kind of fortitude.  Because some of us agree with Manny others have taken offense.  Everyone is free to participate in BOM and nobody will think any less of them for doing it. WE just applaud Manny for having conviction to what he believes in.  Justin


and i love that barnes quote very much!

Manny's Letter to the Editor was not ignored.  It is responded to in the August issue.

  Somebody should have let Manny know and it wouldn't have gone this far.


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