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Bows / Re: bamboo backed and bellied hickory bow
« Last post by simk on Today at 02:55:21 am »
Cool bow Dave  - and very well made of course! Whenever I see one of those Boo-backed/and-bellied bows I got rememeberd to my personal bucket list. Still a few glue-up problems to solve for me. Bamboo belly should be awesome I imagine. cheers
Bows / Re: bamboo backed and bellied hickory bow
« Last post by Aussie Yeoman on Today at 12:10:43 am »
Amazing bow; great job.

What draw weight were you chasing when tillering it prior to putting the belly lam on?
Bows / Re: bamboo backed and bellied hickory bow
« Last post by Selfbowman on May 31, 2024, 11:39:45 pm »
Tandy leather has some 6 count linen that would require about 10 strands on that design. It seems like a rope but it works.
Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by Pat B on May 31, 2024, 08:10:51 pm »
OK Pappy, you know how much we like pics here so lets see pics of the new pup.
Bows / Re: bamboo backed and bellied hickory bow
« Last post by superdav95 on May 31, 2024, 09:23:35 am »
Many thanks guys!  Ya Arvin I’m working on the other one to try and get it to 50 pounds.  I’d like to try and get both of these ready am if all goes well with my strings then I may have a contender.  I’ve been breaking linen strings.  I must be doing something wrong.  I’ll keep at it. 
Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by Pappy on May 31, 2024, 08:39:56 am »
Yep, we will see how it goes, Sister is not as social as Sally was but seemed to warm up to Annie after a bit yesterday, they stayed together in the kennel last night, looking forward to seeing how they done this morning  :-\ The first night I put Sister in the kennel with Sally , Sally put her out of the house, the second night the curled up together and the rest is history.  :) Hope this works out the same. Headed down this morning early for the weekend so maybe we can get more acquainted , she is a sweet thing and love to be petted. Ya Pat I didn't think we would get drawn at least not for 2 elk, and yes it is my turn but I am fine with the trip either way and much rather see Beau get another than me, just love the time I get to spend with him and the adventure of it all. Now I got to get to work and get this old body in shape, been doing about 2 miles 2 or 3 time a week for about a month with 30lb pack, but it time to pick that up a bit, gold is 5 miles and 60lbs. should be there by August if all goes well.  :) :) Hope yall have a good one. Life is Good.  ;)
Bows / Re: bamboo backed and bellied hickory bow
« Last post by ajooter on May 31, 2024, 07:41:55 am »
Very cool!! Way above my pay grade.   I'd like to try a bamboo backed ipe someday maybe.
Bows / Re: bamboo backed and bellied hickory bow
« Last post by Selfbowman on May 31, 2024, 06:36:39 am »
Good bow design! It’s a contender. Great speeds. I like it. Make one at fifty pounds.
Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by chamookman on May 31, 2024, 04:53:47 am »
Always fun to get a new Pup !  (=) Bob.
Bows / Re: Ink for Bow Specs
« Last post by Mo_coon-catcher on May 30, 2024, 10:07:50 pm »
I do the same as Pat B

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