Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Arrows => Topic started by: Jakesnyder on September 11, 2021, 08:14:51 am

Title: Gluing on trade points?
Post by: Jakesnyder on September 11, 2021, 08:14:51 am
Whats the best to use to glue on steel trade points?
Title: Re: Gluing on trade points?
Post by: Pat B on September 11, 2021, 09:03:34 am
Here's how I do it...after tapering the point end like I do for glue on points I cut a single saw cut to the depth I need and open it as needed for the trade point with a thin blade knife and/or just sandpaper folded over and over to get the slot size. I heat up pitch glue and drip it into the slot then heat the butt end of the trade point just enough to melt the pitch glue and slide the point into the slot and bottom it out. I situate the point so the arrow spins truly on my finger tip. If the glue cools to much while adjusting it I reheat the point just enough to loosen the it and adjust. Once the arrow and point are true I re-melt the pitch and smooth it with my fingers then it's time for the sinew wrap.
 While doing all the above I chew a lengthy strand of sinew until it is soft then wrap the shaft and point together. I take a second wet sinew strand and go over the rest making sure I go down the shaft about 1" then let it all dry. Once dry I seal the sinew wrap with pitch varnish and she's done.
 If by chance the point becomes loose for some reason a simple heating of the point will soften the glue enough to straighten and re-set the point. Let it cool and you are good.
Title: Re: Gluing on trade points?
Post by: Jakesnyder on September 11, 2021, 09:54:29 am
Awesome thanks pat!
Title: Re: Gluing on trade points?
Post by: Pat B on September 11, 2021, 11:13:06 am
Don't forget the pics when you are done.   :OK