Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Flintknapping => Topic started by: sailordad on January 16, 2009, 12:04:45 am

Title: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: sailordad on January 16, 2009, 12:04:45 am
hi everyone,

well i am new to this whole knapping thing,infact so new i dont even have any tools or stone or knowledge as of yet.
i have been wanting to give this a try. i see all the cool stuff you guys can make and think damn,must be nice to be able to do that.
so i figured i would give it a whack.
i am starting to watch videos on you tube  and am trying to get a few things together.i know that i wont be able to find anyrock atleast untill spring.
however i was wondering if anyone knows if and where in minnesota a person can find knappible rock.
any help is appreciated.

Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: billy on January 16, 2009, 12:26:55 am
Hey Tim,

Not familiar with knappable stone in MN, but you can always practice on the bottoms of beer/wine bottles.  They're plentiful and you can learn the technique without worrying about running out.  The larger bottles have bigger, thicker bottoms that can make good-sized points.  Wear leather gloves and protective glasses.  It';ll take some practice, but you'll make progress and soon you'll be making some mean points out of glass.  That stuff is really sharp and it'll work great. 
Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: sailordad on January 16, 2009, 01:17:05 am
what about granite?

we  have quarries all over this area
Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: stickbender on January 16, 2009, 02:57:59 am

     I wouldn't think that Granite would be worth while, grainy, and crumbly, I would think.  But then I would have laughed at anyone who said they were going to make an arrow out of Golden Rod.  But now I see that people have not made arrows out of them, but taken deer with them.  How far are you from Wisconsin?  I had an Aunt and Uncle that had a Dairy farm in Spooner, and I found a nice arrow head there.  I have not a clue where it is at the moment.  Just take your shoes off and kick around the snow, you will find a rock!  ;D  I don't know much about the rock in your area, or Minn. at all.  But maybe there is other knapple rock besides chert, or flint.  I am sure that someone on here will be able to tell you if there is anything knappable up there.  do you have any creek beds, or lakes near you?  Got a hammer?  ;)
Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: PeteDavis on January 16, 2009, 08:44:41 am
Granite will not knap.

There is plenty of stone available, you might want to google paleoplanet, go there, and peruse the vendors section. Be prepared to partially ruin your first box of rock, then again maybe not. It's not too tough to learn, but it really helps to spend an afternoon with a knapper who can show you how to set things up and strike. There are also some great flintknapping videos/DVD's on amazon. Let us know how your plans progress!

Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: DanaM on January 16, 2009, 10:07:10 am
Tim if its anything like the UP there ain't much, mostly likely some chert around. Contact
a state geoligist and ask a few questions. Toilet tanks are free and while not great but
good enough to practice on, 1/4" plate glass scraps are great for pressure flaking. Also
if you can find an old pig iron factory you may find some decent slag which is about the same as obsidian.
Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: Pat B on January 16, 2009, 10:22:30 am
Tim, At the temps ya'll are having lately, give ice a try. It should knap pretty well.     Pat
Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: n2everythg on January 16, 2009, 03:29:24 pm
been a while ago but I was traveling up to STP area and did a search on that area.
couldnt find the post tho.
it had a link to some MN rock. some just north of MSP area.
do a google on lithics and MN think that is where I found my info. not a lot tho.

here is some info:
Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: sailordad on January 16, 2009, 07:00:16 pm
thanks everyone.

im just north of the twin cities are by about 5 minutes.lots of lakes and creeks and rivers nearby,heck we got the mighty mississippi not even a mile away.
so come spring i'll check them for knappible rock.

pete:i would rather not buy rocks,kinda defeats the whole primitive thing with purchasing stuff,would much rather gather for myself or trade for things.

n2: cool link,didnt even realize we had a knapp in here in mn,will definatly take the scoot for ride there this year.

stickbender:only a little over an hour from wisconsin,i dont think i'll find a rock if i go kicking around the snow. maybe a misplaced fender burg or ice chunk.

for all ya southern folk a fender burg is that big nasty brown hunk of crud that hangs on your car fender/wheel behind the tire from driving in the crap.

dana: ya i already eyed up the wifes glass cake pans etc. she said no way on gods white earth will i be allowed to use them,unless of course she gets new ones first.
         have you priced this stuff out lately  lol

thanks again
Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: n2everythg on January 17, 2009, 11:30:38 am
I get up that way occasionally for work. HQ is in STP.
Next time I am up that way will try to hook up.

sometimes do some climbing up north of MSP at that ST Croix st park. Nice place.

Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: sailordad on January 17, 2009, 07:58:51 pm
climbing,like rock climbing?

no thanks wade i'll have to pass. i am way way to afraid of heights to do that.
well actually not afraid of heights,just the sudden stop at the end of the fall i would surely take doing that. lol
Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: sailordad on January 18, 2009, 09:14:47 pm
ok so i have been driving down by the river and found a few places that are open and lots of rock laying around.

which got me to thinking,damn that hurts.
what exactly am i to look for in finding acceptible rock to try knapping?
do i just start busting rocks up or what?

Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: stickbender on January 19, 2009, 02:13:29 am

     Well, I would take a hammer with me, and just start whacking a few rocks, and see what it looks like inside.  If it looks, smooth, or glossy, it should knap.  Some might need heat treating to make it easier to knapp.  Once you find a suitable rock, look for others like it.  But keep whacking the other rocks, in case you find another material that will knapp.  Anywho, that is what I would do.  But the more experience people on here might have better ideas.   Well in fact, I would bet on it. ;D

Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: n2everythg on January 21, 2009, 06:37:29 pm
check out this link on MN sources:
Title: Re: looking for stone in mn.
Post by: sailordad on January 21, 2009, 08:22:22 pm

excellent link,been doing a little research myself and know that there are some cherts here just dont know
what it looks like. i need a visual if any one can help.

as soon as i can im grabbing my 4lb hammer and going to the river and bust a few and see what i find ;D