Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => English Warbow => Topic started by: Asiertxu on January 18, 2009, 04:17:07 pm

Title: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Asiertxu on January 18, 2009, 04:17:07 pm
Hey fellas!!
Itīs been a whyle since I posted the thread where this Ash bow of mine was posted here!
The bow itself gives arround 94@#32 and Itīs 74" ntn.
Here is drawn by hand at 30-31" in lenght so I need some time untill this Ash Warbow is Fully draw and, the most important thing, CONTROLLED!!..:D...

By the moment this is the stage where I am right now!!


All contructive comments are very well come...


Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: triton on January 18, 2009, 04:35:11 pm
Very nice Asier.  How does she shoot?
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Ian B on January 18, 2009, 05:39:34 pm
One really nice looking bow there.
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Et_tu_brute on January 18, 2009, 05:52:12 pm
Hey Asier, that's a great looking bow, lovely tiller and looks like your getting it back well there. I can't seem to make myself keep my bow arm slightly bent as you do, I always lock it out, which is something I need to work on! Lovely work.
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: cracker on January 18, 2009, 07:29:33 pm
Looks like you need no further comments other than to say that you have built a very impressive bow. If you pointed that thing in my direction I would be scurrying for cover.Ronnie
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: sailordad on January 18, 2009, 07:42:43 pm
very nice warbow you got there  :o 8)

how the heck do you manage to pull that bow back,the draw wright has to be dang near what you weigh  lol
just kididng, it just amazes me how you guys can pull them monsters back

keep up the nice work
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: cracker on January 18, 2009, 07:56:32 pm
Wow I gotten all inspired I wonder how a seven foot piece of osage would hold as a war bow.Ron
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Ian B on January 18, 2009, 08:03:08 pm
Wow I gotten all inspired I wonder how a seven foot piece of osage would hold as a war bow.Ron

Very well mate osage makes a lovely bow
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: cracker on January 18, 2009, 08:15:05 pm
Wow I gotten all inspired I wonder how a seven foot piece of osage would hold as a war bow.Ron

Very well mate osage makes a lovely bow
Thanks hope I can count on you guys once I start.Ron
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: skerm on January 19, 2009, 02:39:23 am

that looks like your full draw to me and looks fine! Can you really get another inch out of it without extending your bow arm?

Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: stevesjem on January 19, 2009, 06:21:09 am
Hi Asier

That bow has a great tiller mate, I have not had much success with ash, but you sure have made a good job of that on.
You may find that your body frame is not big enough to draw to the full 32, I am the same I can only manage 31" draw lengths with a heavy bow, but hey 31" is still enough to get your arrow moving at speed.

Cheers and well done

Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: alanesq on January 19, 2009, 07:07:42 am

I agree with Steve on both points; very nice tiller and I don't think you would want to be drawing any further than that

32" is only a rough standard (like the 28" for target bows), the draw length will be different for each person so don't get hung up on managing to get to 32"

BTW - Cracker: have a look at my guide to making an ash bow (, this should help get you started
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: cracker on January 19, 2009, 07:12:39 am

I agree with Steve on both points; very nice tiller and I don't think you would want to be drawing any further than that

32" is only a rough standard (like the 28" for target bows), the draw length will be different for each person so don't get hung up on managing to get to 32"

BTW - Cracker: have a look at my guide to making an ash bow (, this should help get you started

Thanks for the info.Ronnie
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Joe M on January 19, 2009, 03:01:13 pm
I would be interested in your training technique, Asier.

Very impressive indeed, and a very sound bow it appears.  Let us know how it shoots. :)
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Justin Snyder on January 19, 2009, 05:14:05 pm
Great looking bow.  I agree, it looks like a full draw to me.  If you pull it back much farther your going to need a longer arrow.  ;) Justin
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Asiertxu on January 21, 2009, 11:46:48 am
Hey Warbow Fellows!! Thanks alot for all your inputs!! MUCH APRECIATED... :D ;)..

Hellow Mike! I havenīt shoot her yet as I only have been playing arrown a little with it but for sure Iīll report distances etc that this Ash bow is capable to achieve, and a video too..THANKS!

Hi Ian!! Thanks mate for your input!

Hey Et_tu_brute!! I manage just to do the oposite as you try to do...hehehe... I try to lock up my bow arm stright to get a longer draw but at the moment havenīt get it...

What is best, to keep your bow arm completelly stright or slyghtly bent at full draw??

Hi Ronnie!!...hehehehe..Thankyou mate and thanks for your input!!

Hey Sailordad!...I weight some thing more than this bow..hehehe... ;)...but it is just technic, practice a nd a little of patiance...Cheers..

Hi Daniel!...Yes mate,  if I get to lower up a bit and roll back my draw arm I think that is possible, that what Iīll hope to do next!!..;)...Cheers...

Hey Steve!!...THANKS ALOT for your valuable input and advice! much apreciated. Cheers...

Hi Alan!..Thank you so much for your support here!...Yes, I know 32" in draw length is only a rough standard but even so Iīll see if I can get it basck an inch or so..:D...THANKS FELLOW!!...

Thanks alot both Joe and Justin!!...;)...cheers fellows..

Well, I think itis moment to show you all up, specially to you Joe M as you requested me for it;), my slightly different trining technic.

Please, donīt laugh about it!!!!!...hehehehe..;):D...DIFFERENT BUT IT WORKS FOR ME..;)..

( (

Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: triton on January 21, 2009, 12:05:13 pm
 ;D can you do push ups in that position?

from what I can make out, if your bow arm is too straight, the string hits your arm or bracer which reduces string speed for the last inch or two of its travel.  bent too much and you lose draw length.  But I may be wrong  ;)
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Et_tu_brute on January 21, 2009, 12:18:16 pm

Hey Et_tu_brute!! I manage just to do the oposite as you try to do...hehehe... I try to lock up my bow arm stright to get a longer draw but at the moment havenīt get it...

What is best, to keep your bow arm completelly stright or slyghtly bent at full draw??

Hey Asier, I think it's better to have a slight bend in your bow arm, the way yours is looks perfect to me, I need to try and do the same thing.
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: skerm on January 21, 2009, 01:46:20 pm
If you have the arm to straight, you're elbow will take some punishment when you shoot. I think that was a mistake I made recently cause when I tried to draw my bow yesterday I felt a sharp pain begin at 20" draw, so I put the bow down and I'll rest.
By the way, nice top!  :D

Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Asiertxu on January 22, 2009, 10:08:28 am
Hey fellows!
Thanks alot for your all answers. ;) :D

Hey Mike!
I havenīt tried it yet, to do push up in that position of mine in the video, but with some of practice Iīll hope to so at least a few!!..hehehe...
Thanks  to clear me up the thing about the bow arm slightly bent, I does alot of sense what you said mate! :)..THANKS!

Hi Et_tu_brute!

Hey Asier, I think it's better to have a slight bend in your bow arm, the way yours is looks perfect to me, I need to try and do the same thing.

Thanks so much for the tip fellow!! Iīm more confident with my technic... ;) :D..THANKS ALOT!!

Hey Daniel!
If you have the arm to straight, you're elbow will take some punishment when you shoot. I think that was a mistake I made recently cause when I tried to draw my bow yesterday I felt a sharp pain begin at 20" draw, so I put the bow down and I'll rest.
By the way, nice top!  Cheesy


Thanks mate!...hehehe.. :D..Ihavenīt experienced something like thaīt now I think Itīs because of my slyghtly bent bow arm!!
Thanks fellow!

See you all!

Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: hawkbow on January 22, 2009, 10:34:00 am
very cool bow brother. looks like a real shooter. Hawk a/ho
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: Joe M on January 25, 2009, 08:42:54 pm
Ahhh, the ol' standing on the hands training.  Thanks Asier... :)  I have to admit I was expecting something
different,,, and well,,, I wasn't expecting that and that's certainly different!  Thanks my friend! :)
Title: Re: Training for an Ash Warbow I made!!...(Pics)
Post by: heavybow on January 28, 2009, 11:19:47 am
Asier nice bow. Marlon