Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: burn em up chuck on March 13, 2009, 08:11:06 pm

Title: TBB-3 page,82
Post by: burn em up chuck on March 13, 2009, 08:11:06 pm
    i was wondering if anyone has tried this improved composit bow design? if so what wood combinations did you try?

Title: Re: TBB-3 page,82
Post by: Pat B on March 14, 2009, 05:13:21 pm
I've never tried it but if I were to I would use the woods they used.
Title: Re: TBB-3 page,82
Post by: burn em up chuck on March 15, 2009, 01:54:59 am
  pat b,
       thank you for your time. only thinking of materials i have verses ones to gather, maybe substitutions. say vinemaple,and yew?
 just putting this out there for theoretical discussion if anyones interested. and this might be a way to make another type of long
 draw short bow. i probably should stop thinking about it and just do it. thanks again

Title: Re: TBB-3 page,82
Post by: Pat B on March 15, 2009, 11:19:56 am
The actual materials used don't necessarily make the bow. I'm sure there are other materials that will work in this situation. The person that came up with this idea did lots of research as to the proper materials for the end result desired. If you are willing to experiment with different options and are willing to fail, possibly multiple times, with success as your ultimate goal, I'm sure you will come up alternative materials for the same final results.
  Don't stop thinking! We wouldn't where we are today in natural archery if folks just quit thinking and followed the pack. If one idea doesn't work, try another and another until you find one that does work. 
Title: Re: TBB-3 page,82
Post by: brian melton on March 15, 2009, 10:45:50 pm

  That would be one tough design, I wish you luck.....Vine maple would be out in my opinion, good (really good) yew may work for a belly, but I think you would need horn...

Title: Re: TBB-3 page,82
Post by: Shooter_G22 on March 16, 2009, 03:54:44 pm
i dont have a TBB-3 page 82,

   what bow design are you talking about...   sorry just being nosey and really curoiuse as to what the conversation is about???

  i would like to know becuase i love short bows but i have a long draw... of 27-28" draw and need a bow that would work that in the bush and thick areas...   plus i do alot of hiking and really what i need is a good take down to stuff in or strap to my pack...

  soo thats why i ask becuase i saw the comment of short bow long draw...????   what is a composite bow design???  and what design is on TBB-3 page 82?????????
Title: Re: TBB-3 page,82
Post by: burn em up chuck on March 19, 2009, 01:46:24 am
         i'll try to give a brief discription. an optimized (theorecally)composit bow, made of wood,sinew,and horn. highly reflexed,with
 design elements from other bow designs including the andaman/holmgaard. it has potential for short bow long draw.
         thank you for asking.