Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Shooting and Hunting => Topic started by: NOMADIC PIRATE on March 26, 2009, 09:06:53 pm

Title: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on March 26, 2009, 09:06:53 pm
I've never being a beliver that shooting groups from your most comfortable stance is very conducive for practicing with hunting in mind.

I mostly practice for form, when I shoot at targets, I like shoot at a few tennis balls hunging from strings, what I like about it, is that you can practice moving targets after you made a hit


I will post a series of videos with the kind of stands I like to practice in when shooting targets.

The equipment in all videos is:

a miss matched bunch of arrows ;D


and for bow, a 68", 93 # ELM elb, that Thimo made for me

Title: Re: Hunting practice
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on March 26, 2009, 09:08:32 pm
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Title: Re: Hunting practice
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on March 26, 2009, 09:09:49 pm
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Title: Re: Hunting practice
Post by: Bushman452 on April 03, 2009, 06:48:40 pm
It's good to see ya back Manny; haven't heard from ya in a while. :)
Title: Re: Hunting practice
Post by: recurve shooter on April 04, 2009, 02:55:31 am
thats one of my flaws. i can peg a shotgun shell from 2o yards with an osage short bow with hickory backing (new bow, love it. thanx islandpiper, great job on the bow) but i will be shooting from a sitting possition in the woods. gotta practice that some more.
Title: Re: Hunting practice
Post by: El Destructo on April 04, 2009, 03:46:44 am
You can hit a 3/4" X 3" Taget from 20 yards on a constant Basis???? Well remind Me not to Shoot against You at any Tournament
                                              I am  lucky to peg a Pop Can 1 out of 3 shots at 20 yards
Title: Re: Hunting practice
Post by: recurve shooter on April 04, 2009, 04:04:01 am
haha. everyone in my family has a knack for some kind of shooting. my grandpa can hit a squirl at 80 pluss yards with a shotgun. my dad can shoot a rabit in the eye at 50 or so with a pistol, and i can hit a shell at 2o with a bow. kind of a gift i guess. but yall all outhunt me with a bow. i aint killed anything with mine yet. ???
Title: Re: Hunting practice
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on April 04, 2009, 05:06:40 pm
recurve, that's excellent shooting, but shooting in the field is a total different cup of tea, if you think you'll be shooting from a sitting position, you should really do most of your practicing from sitting, other common mistake I've seen in practicing at targets, is that people tend to shoot at real high targets, the vitals ( unless you go for the big fellas) are quite low, I belive it's conducive to place the target pretty close to the ground
Title: Re: Hunting practice
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on April 08, 2009, 06:31:12 pm
Here's a video of actually shooting at those balls, the quality is extremely poor, the nite before the camara got a bit wet while hunting and never being the same since  :(

It's really hard to see what's happening, so I describe the sequence of the shooting to make it easyer to identify them.

first shot is at the right ball, the ball is slightly swinging in the trades, the hit sets the ball swinging nicely, next shot gets the ball swinging real hard, 3rd shot at the swinging ball stops her dead in her tracks, last shot at the ball in the low left corner, hits so square and hard that buries the ball in the bale  ;D

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Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on April 11, 2009, 02:43:11 pm
LOL, guess not much interest in this  :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: Josh on April 11, 2009, 08:25:39 pm
LOL great shooting but why did you throw your bow down on the ground when you were done?   ???
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: Kegan on April 12, 2009, 10:07:50 am
I've been visiting this thread once a week since you posted it and my computer finally elt me watch them again ;D! I don't think it likes me, but I sure do like your practice videos Manny- great shooting :)!
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: adb on April 12, 2009, 02:06:59 pm
Hey, Manny
I love the tennis balls on a string. A great idea for small targets. I'll have to give that a try. Aim small... miss small.
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: El Destructo on April 12, 2009, 02:27:19 pm
Hey, Manny
I love the tennis balls on a string. A great idea for small targets. I'll have to give that a try. Aim small... miss small.

Just make sure that you have a good backstop....My Cedar Fence isn't enough!!  I had to go out in the Alley and cut one of my Cane Arrows off flush with the Neighbors Fence....when I hit a Tennis Ball on a Cord....and the Arrow ricocheted hit the Fence....went through said Fence....and lodged in the Neighbors 2 X 6 Treated Pine Fence..... that was the last time I shot at a swinging target in My Backyard....just a word of warning....Hang a Arrow Stop Net or a good Tarp loosely behind the Targets....this will stop the Arrows ... :o
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on April 14, 2009, 07:16:30 pm
but why did you throw your bow down on the ground when you were done?   ???

 :D :D :D , ...funny how we ( or at least I ) are so delicate with our bows when we first make them, but after using them in the field for a bit we start to be very hard with them  ;) the wooden bow is a lot more stout than people think,...being thrown in the grass is really no big deal, that was quite a nice sequence of shooting, I was pretty happy there  ;) for arrows glancing of tennis balls,..yes is good to have a backstop quite near, light arrows will change trajectory quite badly, the heavy arrows I use 800 to 900gr hardly get deflected at all ;D
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on April 26, 2009, 02:15:39 pm
TTT, so that whitewoodhunter can have a look  :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: Kegan on April 26, 2009, 04:41:41 pm
Manny, how do you make your heavy hunting arrows? You seem to have a wide variety of different weight on hand- do you use ramin or somehting else?
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: whitewoodshunter on April 26, 2009, 06:20:14 pm
Decent shooting ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on April 27, 2009, 06:21:24 am
Kegan, I have 600 RAMIN dowels and about 100 DUG FIR 85 # spined shafts left, those with 190gr broadheads and left about 29-30" long come out in the mid 800gr range.

the alluminum ones are 2117's filled with 1/4" tubing, than you can play with all kinds of weight up front with those

2 of them are IPE arrows that RICK from Paleoplanet send me, those are over 950gr
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: Kegan on April 27, 2009, 02:06:08 pm
Ahhh. Thanks :). Are the ramin dowels about 85# then too?

And where did you get them?
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on April 28, 2009, 07:02:16 am
mostly between 90 to 100 # spine, I either sand them down to get the spine I want, or leave them long to keep the weight up
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: Kegan on April 28, 2009, 05:04:30 pm
Thanks Manny :)
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on May 01, 2009, 04:58:03 am
Ho yeah, got them from ALAS, 100 bucks for 600 dowels, ...just now I was sorting some to make arrows for a bow I'm finishing, 5 rejects out of more than 40 spined, that's a great value for the money  ;D
Title: Re: Hunting practice shooting videos
Post by: Kegan on May 01, 2009, 07:20:09 pm
Thanks Manny. I've been using birch for a while. Most of them are pretty good, but there are some really crooked ones. They weigh in (finished at a 27" draw) about 650 grains with a 125 gr point and spine around 75#-100#.