Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Arrows => Topic started by: old foul dude on April 01, 2009, 09:45:30 pm

Title: Testing arrows
Post by: old foul dude on April 01, 2009, 09:45:30 pm
I assume that you folks who are making shoot and cane arrows with tied and glued stone or metal broadheads test each arrow before hunting with it. What do you shoot into that won't damage or distroy these arrows? I've just started building some out of wild rose and dogwood. It's a learning thing right now.
Title: Re: Testing arrows
Post by: mullet on April 01, 2009, 10:23:12 pm
 No rocks in Florida. I shoot them in Orange Groves, All sand. I just shoot them and see how they fly.
Title: Re: Testing arrows
Post by: JackCrafty on April 01, 2009, 10:38:36 pm
There is a fancy foam target that is designed for broadheads that can be purchased at most archery shops.  My brother-in-law has one and I've used works well for steel broadheads.

My own personal favorite target for hunting arrows is a cardboard box stuffed with the kind of foam they use for cushions and such. It's about 1-1/2" thick and has a flat side and a bumpy side.  The foam stops arrows quickly but is very gentle on the arrow heads.  Doesn't work too good for barbed tips, though.  A big pile of dry, loose dirt probably works better.
Title: Re: Testing arrows
Post by: Little John on April 05, 2009, 11:56:08 am
soft hay bales work pretty good if there are no rocks baled up in them, try to get twine bales over wire bales.    Kenneth
Title: Re: Testing arrows
Post by: Pat B on April 05, 2009, 11:59:06 am
I have a rubberized foam block I bought at a shoot that I shoot every arrow I make into. I wouldn't hunt with an arrow I didn't test shoot first.