Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Flintknapping => Topic started by: The Burnt Hill Archer on September 07, 2009, 10:03:38 am

Title: it actually worked!
Post by: The Burnt Hill Archer on September 07, 2009, 10:03:38 am
ok before i tell ya what i did, i gotta tell ya the whole story.

i started knapping about 2 years ago, worked at it for about a month, stalled out, and quit. then i got some great rock from Tom in a trade, and my fire has been re-kindled. and this time around i have a better understanding of what im supposed to be doing.

i was working on some of the small flakes he sent me, you know, just trying to get re-aquainted with my tools and such. right now im really not looking to make points, just good flakes. so my pieces are gonna be pretty rough for a little while. but from what ive heard, if you go for good flakes, the points will come.
anyhow, i was working down a little piece of obsidian using the bopper, and my small ishi stick. early on i had some pretty bad step fractures, mostly from striking too flat into the piece i think. well these were starting to build up into a mass of junk right in the middle of the piece. i was starting to get frusterated, so i put it down for a while, and picked up a small flint flake to pressure knapp on. after a bit i went back to the obsidian, and it dawned on me. i can get all that crap off in one flake if i make a platform here and hit it right....there...whack! and wouldnt you know it, the flake took it off and feathered out right where i thought it would! i couldnt believe it!

this is the first time i planned a flake, and actually had it work out for me! ive put the piece asside and will take pics of it later, but i just had to let ya know what happened. im syked!


edit: here are the pics



Title: Re: it actually worked!
Post by: Hillbilly on September 07, 2009, 10:07:24 am
Good deal, you're starting to figure it out. A lot of knapping just comes with beating on enough rocks to get the feel of it. You can use that same technique early in the process to remove humps and areas with a lot of mass to get your piece thinned and start building a uniform cross-section. Learning to knap is a sequence of those "A-Ha!" moments.
Title: Re: it actually worked!
Post by: DanaM on September 07, 2009, 10:08:28 am
Congrats Phil its fun when it works eh :D
Title: Re: it actually worked!
Post by: nugget on September 07, 2009, 10:08:41 am
That is what most of us strive for. I have had a couple of thos emoments myself. The hard part for me is to repeat them.
Title: Re: it actually worked!
Post by: The Burnt Hill Archer on September 07, 2009, 10:27:34 am
thanks guys!

Hillbilly, i know what you mean about getting the feel for it. since this piece ive worked on a couple more that had some pretty bad humps, and i was able to almost replicate it. it felt alitlle better anyhow.

Dana, it is fun...and addicting!!!

Nugget, that is the hard part, but mostly right now the hard part is recognizing when to use the different tecniques.

Title: Re: it actually worked!
Post by: recurve shooter on September 08, 2009, 09:34:18 am
huh. got to get back after my "john stone" when i get home.  ;D
Title: Re: it actually worked!
Post by: StevenT on September 08, 2009, 05:40:25 pm
And that is a pretty nice looking zig zag you have got going on the side!
Title: Re: it actually worked!
Post by: n2everythg on September 08, 2009, 08:59:14 pm
congrads! that is a pretty good feeling huh... when you get one and say... ah - ha!

too bad I have only had one or 2 myself :)..... like tj said repeatability is the issue...
keep at 'er.
Title: Re: it actually worked!
Post by: Hardawaypoints on September 08, 2009, 10:13:12 pm
Those moments of success are enough to keep you coming back for more abuse.  It is so overwhelmingly satisfying to have a piece of stone break the way you wanted and intended it to go.  It is equally as heartbreaking and aggravating to see one go to pieces that was working into the shape you desired. Good thing it's only rock.  Many of my broken points have ended up getting flying lessons...and not on the end of a shaft.

  Here's to many many more successful steps along your knapping journey. They are to be celebrated & enjoyed.

Title: Re: it actually worked!
Post by: The Burnt Hill Archer on September 08, 2009, 10:43:14 pm
thanks for the encouraging words guys!

a little update on this broke. i got a little too over zealous when i was notching it, and snapped it right in half...oh you said its only stone!

talk about not being able to rest on your laurels! good news is my wife got another small arrow head for a necklace. she's actually excited about this hobby, go figure!
