Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Arrows => Topic started by: zeNBowyer on October 23, 2009, 05:42:45 am

Title: Artificial Sinew
Post by: zeNBowyer on October 23, 2009, 05:42:45 am
Looking around  at my  local  leather  shop  for  some  sinew  and  what  not,   which  they  didn't  have  but did  buy  some  artificial  sinew to  try  for  wrapping tips on  my  bamboo  arrows, the  saleslady said  it  was  processed from  animal  gut so  I  was  interested,
   according  to  my  research however  it  appears  to  be  nylon, no  matter, very  strong and  looks  a  very  pleasing tan color,  however I  am  wondering  if  the  wax  coating is  going to  prevent  a  good  bond when  glue/epoxy  is  applied, anyone  use  this  stuff?

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Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: Pappy on October 23, 2009, 05:54:08 am
I have used it and it dose ok,not as good as backstrap sinew but better than most other stuff I have used.I always split it down to make it thinner it seem to work better that way.I haven't had any problem sealing over it with tru oil,witch is about all I use.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: Pat B on October 23, 2009, 09:26:25 am
I have used artificial sinew for wraps on bows and arrows.To seal it or set it I generally use super glue but sometimes TBIII.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: coyote pup on October 23, 2009, 09:57:51 am
The wax coating can be quite thick and as you suspect, does weaken the adherence to wood or glue. Not that it won't work - just that what you suspect is correct.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: Shadow Walker on October 23, 2009, 11:31:28 am
As pappy said,,, split it down. You should be able to get six thin strands when you split it. I use it a lot for sewing hide and have even braided it for dowstrings.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: adb on October 23, 2009, 11:52:08 am
I've used it to attach stone heads, and it worked OK. I used a 2 part epoxy which was fine. It also looks decently authentic.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: billy on October 23, 2009, 02:30:31 pm
I only use it as a last resort, or if I'm just making some crap arrows that I don't care about and I am willing to lose.  Sinew is much better because it makes a much stronger bond due to it shrinking when it dries. I just can't get as tight of a bond with art. sinew as I can with real sinew.  So much for modern technology....

But if the fake stuff is all you've got, then use it.  And like everyone said, the strands are quite big, but you can split it down into much smaller strands that make a neater wrapping job.  It is waterproof, which is a big advantage over real sinew.   
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: knightd on October 23, 2009, 03:16:54 pm
You can also order it in different poundage  So the number of times it will split down can vary.. If you get the 15# spool you wont have to split it at all..
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: Little John on October 23, 2009, 04:01:04 pm
I never use it any more but when I did I worried about the glue bonding to it, I thinned as mentioned and washed in acetone and had decent results. I would just order some backstrap sinue from someone who sells it or harvest some from a deer harvest or roadkill. you will really like the genuine stuff, but the artifical stuff will get you by till then.      Kenneth
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: mullet on October 23, 2009, 05:57:33 pm
 Save yourself some money and use unwaxed dental floss if you are just going to wrap points. I get mine for free from the Dentist. There is also unwaxed artificial sinew. I bought a roll at the Classic this year.

  If you use the waxed version, I lust wipe it real good with a rag, wrap the point and apply super glue to the thread. It soaks in real good as it dissolves the remaining wax.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: Scowler on October 23, 2009, 07:27:43 pm
I use it for re-enforcing self nocks and tying on feathers.  I put a coat of Barge cement over the wrappings and it works quite well.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: Pat B on October 23, 2009, 11:00:39 pm
I have 2 sizes. One for wrapping and one(thicker) for sewing.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: scattershot on October 24, 2009, 12:30:26 pm

I use it sometimes. I usually just wrap it tightly and rub in the direction of the wrap to melt the wax. You can also apply a thin coat of epoxy.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: zeNBowyer on October 24, 2009, 01:01:02 pm
I  like  the  way  you  did  your  nocks,  but I  think  recessing the  sides  that  little  bit weakens  a  crucial  part  of  the  nock,  though  aesthetically  they  look  great
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: Justin Snyder on October 24, 2009, 01:01:38 pm
I only used it once. I got so frustrated that I wont use it again. It is still on, but I tied a half hitch when I got to the end then just used the glue to stop the knot from slipping.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: Pat B on October 24, 2009, 01:26:35 pm
ZenBowyer, those little relief cuts on either side of the nock don't effect the strength of the selfnock but do protect the string from sharp edges.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: Justin Snyder on October 24, 2009, 03:24:50 pm
ZenBowyer, those little relief cuts on either side of the nock don't effect the strength of the selfnock but do protect the string from sharp edges.
Yes, what Pat said. I do mine like that all the time and never had a problem. I figure they will explode no matter what if they aren't wrapped, but once you wrap them it is going to hold unless you abuse them.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: scattershot on October 24, 2009, 06:56:50 pm
Even though I usually wrap mine or use a spline, I have made arrows without either that worked just fine. The only self nocks I have broken were too tight for the string.
Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: zeNBowyer on October 25, 2009, 10:35:52 pm
Tried  this to  wrap  nocks  since  I  haven't  acquired   sinew  just  yet,  very  strong  material, used denatured  alcohol  to  get  some  of  the  wax  off,
   also  used  a  2  part  epoxy  resin  to coat the  nock  for  added  strength, I've  used this to protect bow  nocks  and  it  works  great

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Title: Re: Artificial Sinew
Post by: George Tsoukalas on October 30, 2009, 07:44:04 pm
I use it for selfnocks and wrapping feathers. To finish I use a couple of half hitches and coat with hide glue. Jawge