Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Flintknapping => Topic started by: Lobo69ss on November 19, 2009, 12:21:13 am

Title: old stuff
Post by: Lobo69ss on November 19, 2009, 12:21:13 am
trying to post a few of my old points

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Title: Re: old stuff
Post by: Lobo69ss on November 19, 2009, 12:22:12 am
A few more

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Title: Re: old stuff
Post by: cowboy on November 19, 2009, 12:28:53 am
Cool old stuff - always nice to look at. I like them coins too. That bottom right base looks a lot like one I found in Laredo. Where did you pick these up?
Title: Re: old stuff
Post by: Lobo69ss on November 19, 2009, 10:23:05 pm
They were all found in northern IN, at a farm called ... are ya ready??
Indian Hills...   The place has been known for decades as an old
native encampment & the local farmers have been plowing up lithics there
since the early 1900`s.  A friend of mine knew the owners of the
largest farm in the area & introduced me to him.  Permission was granted
to go walk the fields after a rain & got me a few brokes.  Now if I`m lucky
in the spring after the plowing`s done, I might find a few better than those
are.  The beans are in, but the stubble`s still in the fields, sorta hard to find
anything out there right now.  Here`s a couple more...

Unfortunately, the rest of my pics are sized too large to upload here but the best
piece I`ve found out there so far was a unifacial knife, 1 small nick  at the backside
from the plow.

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Title: Re: old stuff
Post by: cowboy on November 20, 2009, 07:18:07 am
Cool! You aughta hook up with Sawfiler sometime. He walks the KY backer fields and finds some nice stuff. Would be nice if we could all get together some time on a hunt. I have a few spots down around San Antonio and there is some VERY nice stuff in there :).
Title: Re: old stuff
Post by: Pappy on November 20, 2009, 07:18:16 am
Cool pictures,that looks like some of my knapping. :)
Title: Re: old stuff
Post by: warhawk on November 20, 2009, 08:23:25 am
those are really nice. i found alot of thing near Ft Hood TX.
Title: Re: old stuff
Post by: Lobo69ss on November 20, 2009, 10:23:33 pm
Pappy,  your knapping must be pretty good if it looks like those,  mine just make me wish I could knap better.
 Cowboy, I`d love to have the spare $$ for a trip to Texas, but my better 1/2  says I`ve gotta pay the rent,
electric, groceries, insurance, dumb stuff that gets in the way of a good point hunt. I guess I`ll just have to settle
for the things I can find around here.
  Heck, I`ve got family in KY. that I haven`t seen in 5 years or so... maybe I`ll scrounge a few $$ & go south
to find Sawfiler, that`s a lot closer than Texas...
Title: Re: old stuff
Post by: FlintWalker on November 20, 2009, 10:32:35 pm
When the timing is right and you know where to look you can find a double handful of points and pieces in a few hours around here. 
 I'm waiting for some rain right now.  There's a couple of fields just up the road that got disc'd up a few days ago. I found several this year in one of them.  Can't wait to get back in there!