Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: El Destructo on January 16, 2010, 06:17:36 pm

Title: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 16, 2010, 06:17:36 pm
All my Friends here knew that My Father had Prostate Cancer that They tried to Cure with Radiation Therapy....well They killed the Cancer in His Prostate ...and in the Process gave Him Bladder Cancer from excess radiation! Well He has been undergoing Chemotherapy for the last 5 Months....which killed the Cancer in the Bladder...but also made it entirely Useless...So He was Scheduled for a Cystectomy on Friday (Bladder Removal and the fitting of a Bag)

He went under Anesthesia at 7 am yesterday morning...was in Surgery for 7 1/2 hours...2 hours longer than expected.  Everything was going well until they dissected a piece of His Intestines to make the Stoma (a tube that connects the two kidneys to the Abdomen where the Bag is placed)....When they dissected the Intestins...He started Hemorrhaging ...and they could not get it under control due to the Damage from all of the Radiation from His Prostate Cancer Treatments....They gave Him 14 units of Blood and 4 units of Platelets before They finally got the Bleeding to stop....He about bled out on the Table...My Stepmother called Me at 2 pm to let me know that He made it...barely...and was being brought to the ICU for the Night....She called Me about an Hour ago...and told Me that They moved my Dad into His own Room at Noon...and that when He woke up this Morning He was already telling the Doctors that He was ready to get the Hell out of there and go Home! ...I talked to Him...He sounded weak...but in very Good Spirits...and told Me that They want to keep Him for a Week...but He had bet Them that They would be letting Him go in that sounds like my Dad!!

They also said that everything else looked OK...besides all of the Radiation Damage...and that They had removed all of the Local Lymphnodes and sent them off to Pathology ...but expected them to come back the Looks of them.... So I am praying that everything goes well and they will let Him go Home earl next week....He is going to have to learn how to do a lot of things differently now...and to live with the Stoma and's not going to be easy...but He is a fighter...and at 72...He is in better shape than I am......... ::)
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: Frode on January 16, 2010, 06:30:39 pm
Glad to hear he's doing better, El.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: zeNBowyer on January 16, 2010, 06:34:01 pm
Sounds  like his  cancer  metastacized,  radiation  doesn't  cause  cancer in  a few  months  of treatment, at  72  he probably  has a  host  of  other conditions  that have  exacerbated surgery, at  72  major  surgery  has lots  of risks, I'm sure the  medical  team did everything they  could,
good  luck  to  your  father

Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: DanaM on January 16, 2010, 06:59:18 pm
Mike you and your family have my prayers and well wishes, I lost both my parents to cancer so I know the helpless feel;ing that one feels as you watch a loved one suffer. I met your dad and I have to say I liked him, he's struck me as the kinda gut that speaks his mind which and tells ya exactly whats on his mind :) Sounds like he may be a worse patient than me ;D M last surgery I was in the elavator with an IV my arm and a nurse chasing me >:D Hope to see your dad again this summer at the Salmon derby :) Best wishes from a fellow Yooper eh :)
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: Justin Snyder on January 16, 2010, 07:03:21 pm
Glad to hear he is doing a little better. If you can visit him and keep his spirit up he will be even better.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: NTD on January 16, 2010, 07:04:23 pm
Glad he made it through Mike.  I will keep praying for him.  I know what you mean about being a fighter, and I guess it runs in my family too(i.e. Mackenzie).  My father had his 5th heart attack 6 years ago...they told all the family to come see him because he wasn't leaving the hospital alive... well a week later he walked out on his own and 6 years later was able to see my daughter born.  Point being, there is something to be said for being stubborn.  I hope he makes the transition well to living a little differently.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 16, 2010, 07:30:23 pm
Sounds  like his  cancer  metastacized,  radiation  doesn't  cause  cancer in  a few  months  of treatment, at  72  he probably  has a  host  of  other conditions  that have  exacerbated surgery, at  72  major  surgery  has lots  of risks, I'm sure the  medical  team did everything they  could,
good  luck  to  your  father


His Prostate Cancer was 5 years ago....not a Few Months.... Diagnosed with Bladder Cancer last Spring...They went in and removed all of the Tumors that They could...then treated Him with BCG Bladder Cancer Treatment....that didn't they started Him on Chemo and decided that the Bladder had to be removed and He had no other alternatives due to the Damage done from the Radiation.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 16, 2010, 07:30:57 pm
Thank You guys.... He needs all of the Prayers he can get
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: sailordad on January 16, 2010, 07:35:27 pm
Mike ,glad to hear its coming around for the better now.
he will be in mine and my wifes thoughts,good luck on a fast recovery and better health in the future for him.
72 is not all that old,and hes got many years left i am sure.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 16, 2010, 07:43:31 pm is that Sweetheart of Yours??
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: Hillbilly on January 16, 2010, 07:49:41 pm
Mike, glad to hear that he's doing better. I lost my dad to cancer a few years ago, it's not a fun thing to go through. Sounds like he's got the right attitude.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 16, 2010, 07:55:08 pm
Thanks Steve....and Yes...He does have the Right Attitude for a does My Wife....When they removed that 12 inch Tumor from Her Colon...and over two more foot of Her Colon damned near to Her Rectum...When She came to....She told Me ... Calm down.... It was only Cancer...They cut it out...I'll be Fine....and so far almost 4 years later....She is!
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: NTD on January 16, 2010, 08:00:17 pm
She is outstanding Mike!!!  Doing great at home and being a normal baby.  To look at her you'd never think she ever had anything wrong with her... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 16, 2010, 08:03:57 pm
She is outstanding Mike!!!  Doing great at home and being a normal baby.  To look at her you'd never think she ever had anything wrong with her... ;D ;D ;D


Thats Fantastic to Medicine has come so far since I was a Neighbors Girl was Born with the same disorder that Mackenzie had...and She is still Wheelchair bound....that is Awesome News....God Bless this sweet little Girl.......
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: sailordad on January 16, 2010, 08:05:18 pm
glad to hear your wife is doing well too Mike
attitude has alot to do with a good recovery,and i agree.sounds like your pops has the right one

ntd, now that is a very cute baby.dont miss out on anything as shes growing happens so fast,before ya know it she'll be an adult.
i spent many many days being the parent in the neighborhood that played street hockey,roller blading,football etc etc
with my sons and all the other kids in the hood.damn glad i did too.
your gonna love every minute of it ;)

Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: boo on January 16, 2010, 08:23:54 pm
Thats great Mike, your dad is in my prayers. Sounds like he is to stubborn to let something like this keep him down. Just like my dad. He has been through all of this except the bladder, and is doing great.

NTD, that is one pretty little girl, glad she doing well.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: islandpiper on January 16, 2010, 09:34:06 pm
Best wishes and thoughts for your Dad, Mike.  He sounds like a tough old bird, and that counts a lot. 

Look at the bright side.....with the bag he won't be getting up at two AM to pee like the rest of us. 

Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: sailordad on January 16, 2010, 09:38:02 pm
Best wishes and thoughts for your Dad, Mike.  He sounds like a tough old bird, and that counts a lot. 

Look at the bright side.....with the bag he won't be getting up at two AM to pee like the rest of us. 


ha, i got that beat. i can make it until about 4 am  ;D
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 16, 2010, 09:39:25 pm
Thanks Boo....And He is one Stubborn Individual...I guess thats where I get it from!! could always go and get a's you can sleep through the Night....and then let me knowhow it's going..... ::)
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: mullet on January 16, 2010, 11:52:39 pm
 Great, Mike.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: FlintWalker on January 17, 2010, 12:02:47 am
That's good news Mike. I hope everything works out well for him.

NTD, that's precious goods right there. ;)
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: Pat B on January 17, 2010, 01:54:14 am
Mike, Glad to hear your Dad is doing well. You have had one heck of a month in the worry department. First your son lost in the blizzard and now this. Ain't being an adult fun!  ::) 
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 17, 2010, 02:04:43 am
Yeah's been a Roller Coaster of Emotions and Worries for the Last Month I'll tell You!! Oh to be a Child again........ O:)
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: ZanderPommo on January 17, 2010, 02:24:20 am
I hope for your Father all the best.sounds like a fighter
you wanna know stubborn?
my 72 year old grandpa walked in the Chicago marathon a couple years ago. the one they cut short b/c of the heat :'(
should heard him after that!
" 'eh I coulda done it no problem! wasn't even breakin' a sweat!" and so on. he'll probably give it another shot at 80 ::)
crazy old coot :D

point being don't underestimate a 72 year old. I'm sure he'll pull through
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: stickbender on January 17, 2010, 02:25:26 am
     El D, Glad to hear he made it through the operation, even though it was close. :o  I hope he continues to keep up the fight to heal, before the doctors estimate. 8)  Attitude is 90% of any endeavor. ;)  Ntd, that is one cute little sweetheart, O:)  I hope you continue to have good news also.  A prayer to the both of you guys, and thanks for letting us know how things went.

Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: ricktrojanowski on January 17, 2010, 08:32:50 am
El D
Glad to hear your Dad made it through the operation.  He sounds like a stubborn fighter, kind of like someone else we all know. ;)  That's just the attitude he needs,  He is in our prayers.  Hope he gets home soon.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 17, 2010, 10:10:33 am
Thank You Guys....I am sure that He will pull through this bout too...He can still outwalk Me in the Woods...hell the last time We went to Colorado Hunting...He was keeping up with all of Us at 12,000 foot at Rifle Gap and I was amazed then! He is a Fighter...but then He comes from a Family of that is to be expected.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: Jesse on January 17, 2010, 12:02:57 pm
Glad things are looking up for him. Must have been hard to see him like that.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 17, 2010, 12:10:00 pm
Didn't get to see Him...He's in Madison Wisconsin for the Surgery...and didn't want anyone else therebut the Wife...and I live 1300 miles away it's a little frustrating at times to just talk on the Phone...would rather be there...but I honored His did all the other Kids and Grandkids
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: cracker on January 17, 2010, 03:12:13 pm
Mike I'm truly glad to hear that you're dad is on the road to recovery. Best wishes to you and yours from me and mine.Ronnie
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: J. DEMPLER on January 17, 2010, 05:31:25 pm
Im glad to hear he is doing better, Mike
We will continue to pray for him.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 18, 2010, 09:45:46 pm
Talked to my Dad on the Phone last night....He sounded really good....He said that Mentally ...He is 100%....The Doctors were worried on how He would take it ...having a Bag...didn't seem to be a Problem far....and He said He feels about 70 % Physically....Been up and walking all of the Wing that He is in...and driving the Nurses Crazy..

They still have Him on Ice Chips and Popsicles or nothing until He has Bowel Sounds....He told the Doctors that if They want Belly Sounds to bring on the Steak and Potatoes.....I am telling You He is a Resilient Old Fart...and Stubborn as the Day is Long too
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: cracker on January 19, 2010, 05:44:51 pm
Hey Mike I'm glad to hear that. Attitude is probably half the fight and it sounds like he's got a good one. Ron
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: DanaM on January 19, 2010, 08:29:55 pm
Mike sounds like a Yooper to me ;D Good on him for being a tough ol bugger. Only met him the once and only for a few minutes but
he's a true blue Yooper ;D Hope to see him here for the Salmon Derby next year and I hear your in charge of da chummin ::) :P >:D
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 19, 2010, 09:42:21 pm
                                         Dana..I am always and will always be.....the CHUM KING.......... >:D

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Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: stickbender on January 20, 2010, 03:51:34 am

     Would there be a possible chance of a transplant ?

Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: Pappy on January 20, 2010, 07:37:57 am
Glad to hear he is doing better,Yall will be in my thoughts. Tell him to hang in there
and you to. :)
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 20, 2010, 08:40:15 am
They are about three years from being able to lone Organs like the they say.... He has never talked to Me about Transplants of the Bladder...but it may be an Option down the Road.

Thanks Pappy...He can use all the Prayers He can get
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: GregB on January 20, 2010, 09:27:52 am
Mike, sounds like your dad is on his way to a great recovery and a continued quality life. I hope the best for his recovery.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 21, 2010, 04:12:04 am
Thanks Greg....I called my Fathers room at the Hospital in Madison Wisconsin after work today....and the Phone just rang and I decided to call my Stepmothers Cellphone to see what was going on....well She answered the Phone...and I asked what was up...well She told Me that She was in the Grocery Store picking up a few things...and the Dad had told His Doctor this Morning that He was going Home hell or High Water....TODAY! There is supposed to be Bad Weather rolling in for the Weekend and He wasn't going to get stuck thee in it....and if They couldn't get the Paperwork done...He was firing the Lot of Them....and Leaving anyways....well by 2 in the Afternoon...He got His wish and they headed Home.... He seems to psychologically be 100%...but I believe that He isn't Physically ready to be Home....By the time it was all said and done....He was given damned near 4 total Blood Changes.....34 pints of Blood and 6 pints of Plasma....and is still bleeding some Internally...they have a Drain in His side that is draining about 120ML every 3-4 hours of Blood and Fluids from His abdomen...but He was too Stubborn to stay another Day!  He says that He feels better being Home....and I know that after my Bike Wreck...I felt a lot better just being Home maybe I am just worrying for nothing....I want to thank You all ...Y'all....You's Guys....did I miss anyone...... >:D for keeping my Father in Your Prayers and I will keep You appraised of His progress also.........God Bless

Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: RG on January 21, 2010, 09:40:40 am
EL Glad to hear your Dad is doing better Lots of prayers being sent up from here

Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: cracker on January 21, 2010, 11:49:24 am
Same from me Mike. I just hope he isn't pushing things too fast. Ron
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: Wulamoc on January 21, 2010, 06:38:56 pm
Sounds like the same type of character I called Dad!  They just don't lay down too well! Prayers are with you and for him, my friend!
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on January 21, 2010, 09:54:21 pm
Thank You Guys....I really appreciate the spiritual help...and you can never get enough.... O:)...He is one from a different generation for sure...they never call it quits...never lay down and surrender....I too hoping that He isn't pushing Himself too fast too...but He is as stubborn and as Strong as a great Oak Tree.... and won't give up as long as He is rooted soundly to the Earth....
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: mullet on January 21, 2010, 10:11:56 pm
 I'm glad to hear he is doing better, Mike. It's always nicer at home. Everything smells like it's supposed to, and well, it's just, home. Tell your Pop's to get better and if he comes back down this year, I'll have him a pig tied to a tree waiting for him.
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: PeteC on February 07, 2010, 01:40:01 pm
Just saw this Mike.I'll sure be praying for his healing and full recovery.God Bless
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on February 07, 2010, 02:04:33 pm
Just saw this Mike.I'll sure be praying for his healing and full recovery.God Bless

Thanks Pete...He is doing well...still waiting on the Oncology Report on His Lymph Glands and Nodes that They see if the Cancer had spread any past the Bladder...I am praying that it has not...but time will tell
Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: Steve Cover on February 09, 2010, 05:47:40 pm
I'll also be adding your father into my prayers.

Here's hoping for the best

Title: Re: My Fathers Cancer Surgery/Latest Update for All My Friends
Post by: El Destructo on February 09, 2010, 09:26:17 pm
Thank You Steve....I haven't talked to Dad in a to give Him a Call this Weekend and get a Progress Report...and hope that all is Good