Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: RidgeRunner on February 09, 2010, 12:33:34 pm

Title: Otter Hide
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 09, 2010, 12:33:34 pm
Daddy just called.
He ran over an Otter just a few minutes ago.
The Otter is now laying on the top of daddy's well house.

I plan to skin the Otter when I get home from work.
Is there any thing that is different about skinning otters that I need to know?


Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: uwe on February 09, 2010, 12:45:37 pm
I would skin it like a muskrat.
Regards /Uwe
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: Hillbilly on February 09, 2010, 01:14:14 pm
Just case it out. They have scent glands near the anus like a mink or skunk, so don't poke a blade in there. :)
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 09, 2010, 02:53:51 pm
Case Skin = 
1.  Cut through the hide just above each of the four feet.
2.  On the belly side, Cut up each back leg to the middle.
3.  Remove the hide much like taking a sock off.

Are the above steps correct?

How is the tail skinned?  Do I split it or try to case it out intake.

Will be on the lookout for the stink bombs Hillbilly.

Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: DanaM on February 09, 2010, 03:05:04 pm
Tails you skin by rolling it off, but once its skinned you split it, if that makes sense :)
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: Hillbilly on February 09, 2010, 05:11:23 pm
Yep, cut it from back heel to back heel and peel it off like a sock. With the tail, you skin up to it and put a stick on each side of the tailbone just below the hide, grab them firmly while squeezing them together, and pull. It'll strip the bone right out of the tail.
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 09, 2010, 05:22:15 pm
Wish me luck. :D
Will let you know how it works out.

Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: billy on February 10, 2010, 07:16:05 am
HEy David,

You're lucky dude, cause otters have beautiful pelts.  I found one last summer that was a fresh roadkill, so I case skinned it.  I also just sliced the tail from the butt hole to the tip, and carefully skinned it with a sharp stone flake.  Be careful not to slice the hide. 

Otters have pretty thick skins, so after I got it off the otter I put it on a fleshing beam and scraped off all the fat and meat.  I left the skin inside out, put small sticks inside it so the skin was an open tube, and put a fan on it to dry it as fast as possible.  You'll want to dry the skin helps to "set" the hair. If you leave the skin wet for too long the hair will begin to pull out.

I haven't finished tanning mine yet, but I'm gonna make a killer quiver when I do. 
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: mullet on February 10, 2010, 08:04:39 pm
 Get some  GOJO, you'l need it. And lemon juice to get the fish smell off your hands.
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: Hillbilly on February 11, 2010, 12:19:44 pm
Well, how'd it go?
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: huntertrapper on February 11, 2010, 12:24:16 pm
easy skinning skin like anything, case. just like coon or fox.
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 11, 2010, 02:23:15 pm
Well it was not to bad. ::)
Could not get to it Tuesday Afternoon... Life happens sometimes and we have to stop playing caveman for a while and deal with life.
So I left  Mrs. Otter out in the cold Tuesday night.  It went down to 25 so she froze quite well.
When I left to go to work Wednesday morning I covered Mrs. Otter in a pile of chopped up leaves from the compost pile.
Wednesday afternoon she was still frozen. 

Got to work on her about 5:00 PM.  It took me most of an hour to case skin her out.
Could not strip the tail out.  It was "FULL" of fat and, at it's base, as large as my wrist.  So, the tail was split down it's lenght and flat shinned.  I did manage to case skin the rest of the hide off.  Found a bit, not much, of the stink glans.  Smells just like a skunk only in far less amounts.  Could not get the head to skin out very well as all.  It was just about completely dark so I cut the hide off just behind the ears.
It is quite cold thesedays and I did not know it the hide would dry or not if left outside.  Inside drying is out of the question.  Me wife would see to that. :D.  So, I froze it in the deep freezer.  Sheeee, The wife does not know that. :o  The hide is inside four Wally World shopping bags.  Each inside the other.  I am going to place the whole lot inside a ziplock bag when I get home this afternoon.
Cut through the very tip of the tail just a bit.  Really disappointed in that.  Took off loads of fat with the hide but very little flesh.
The hide will need lots of fleshing out.  Don't think I cut through any where else.

After the weather warm a bit I hope to tan this hide.  Don't know nothing about that yet. Very soft yet strong hide.  Most soft fur.
Quite certain that It can be made into something very nice.

Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: Hillbilly on February 11, 2010, 05:45:21 pm
David, don't cut into the musk glands on a mink in someone's basement right next to the air intake on their central heating system. It could cause quite a spectacle. Don't ask me how I know this.  ::) The hide will be fine in the freezer for awhile. My wife won't go near our freezer anymore. I don't know why..............
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: Pappy on February 12, 2010, 09:41:01 am
Cool,should make a nice skin,Hillbilly mine won't either,she opens it up and will say what dead stuff do you have in here now.  ;) :) I just smile. :)
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 12, 2010, 11:43:36 am
I think it will make something nice as well Pappy.
Say....  You know how to brain tan a hide don't you....
May have to ride up some day when Jesse is going to be around.

Wanted to come up this weekend but have got far to much to do at home and no money right now. :'(

Me wife will still go to the freezer.  She has no idea what is in it. ;D

Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: Swamp Bow on February 12, 2010, 01:17:31 pm
Cool,should make a nice skin,Hillbilly mine won't either,she opens it up and will say what dead stuff do you have in here now.  ;) :) I just smile. :)

Just tell her dead cow, dead pig, dead chicken, dead....   ;D

I'm lucky, mine wants to see learn how I process the critters I shoot and butcher. 

Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 12, 2010, 02:15:32 pm
My wife will help process and cook farm raised animals and deer.  She will cook wild rabbits.  She will not touch anything else.

Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: Hillbilly on February 12, 2010, 03:27:31 pm
My wife helps me butcher and process deer and other critters. She just finds too many things that look back at her in the freezer. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Otter Hide
Post by: predatorcaller on February 13, 2010, 01:43:13 pm
if u don,t tan it yourself look for fur a fur dealer in your area.The 1 in my area is very reasonable for price.I just dropped off a red fox and it was only $18 to have it tanned.He sends a bunch of stuff to NY to have done and its a good quality tan.I do taxidermy part time and the tanneries i use charge a lot more (example-that same red would cost $45-55 bucks plus shipping both ways.We,ve had just about everything possible tanned and it all comes back nice.Be careful around the ears and eyes when u skin the head-good luck and have a great day-Lloyd