Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Arrows => Topic started by: aero86 on February 11, 2010, 02:19:59 am

Title: straightening bamboo video
Post by: aero86 on February 11, 2010, 02:19:59 am
so it seems to me that the hardest time that people have with bamboo is straightening it.  and i promised a video.  here it is.  a few things.  yes my house is a mess.  i am from texas.  the heat gun i have is 2 settings, and i use low, and i sit in front of it because its not hot when it hits me, just warm.  anyways, its not the best video as my camera doesnt have a stand, but hopefully this will help you guys understand how i do it.  i basically just keep it spinning to find the bends and the keep my eye there to straighten
Title: Re: straightening bamboo video
Post by: riarcher on February 11, 2010, 10:46:39 am
I know I'll be in trouble.
I'll forget to put the wife's haidrier away before she gets home.  >:D

Nicely done.
Title: Re: straightening bamboo video
Post by: aero86 on February 11, 2010, 11:38:25 am
that might work too actually.  if its high enough watts.  i put the section i want right in front of the heat gun. 
Title: Re: straightening bamboo video
Post by: riarcher on February 17, 2010, 02:47:50 pm
Noticed you have 104 hits. Bet 60 of them are mine!  ::) ;)
Thanks. Here I go again.  ;D
Title: Re: straightening bamboo video
Post by: aero86 on February 17, 2010, 05:32:46 pm
haha, kinda embarrassing actually since i was in pj's and its just a bad video!  hahah