Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: VenomBOWslinger on February 22, 2010, 05:31:43 am

Title: Up all night BOWS on my mind!!!
Post by: VenomBOWslinger on February 22, 2010, 05:31:43 am
I went to bed about 11:00pm figured let me get a little shut eye.  I was on PA earlier.  Laying in bed staring up at the ceiling I'm seeing the next bow I want to make.  Thinking dimensions wood tiller finish ya da ya da ya da... my son comes in...ok I'll go down check my bow stave stash... ok its good I'll go back to sleep here comes my daughter.."I had a bad dream"  Ok hop in bed.  I go out on couch made a nice warm fire in fireplace turn the old tube on "DANCES WITH WOLVES"  god DAM*&%  there are SIOUX and PAWNEE on there I just have to see their bows and arrows as well.  Keep in mind I saw this movie at least 45 times.  Need less to say Its 3:45 a.m. and the movie I with John Dunbar, Stand With Fists and Kicking Bird are having a swell time.  I hate u all... just kidding!

Title: Re: Up all night BOWS on my mind!!!
Post by: catfishon on February 22, 2010, 07:38:43 am
well i got a new girl on my mind all night ......
but you guys and bows are the next best thing....... LMAO!!!!!
life is good .........................................
Title: Re: Up all night BOWS on my mind!!!
Post by: profsaffel on February 22, 2010, 09:49:11 am
I can relate...

I've had a few sleepless nights because I couldn't get bow dimensions or tillering steps or finishing ideas or whatever out of my head. We call that "obsession" round these parts.
Title: Re: Up all night BOWS on my mind!!!
Post by: Pappy on February 22, 2010, 10:15:53 am
Been there done that,not as bad anymore but still happends on occasion,go to bed thinking about one and wake up still thinking, Been a lot of years catfishon since I went to bed thinking about a new girl  ;) :) :) and yes life is good. :)
Title: Re: Up all night BOWS on my mind!!!
Post by: VenomBOWslinger on February 22, 2010, 11:13:53 am
LOL thanx for moving the thread I forgot about the campfire bit.  It is an aweful thing to have to sit up all night with wood and such on ur mind really show how simple life really is.  Anyway in that freakin movie they were taking  "TATANKA" buffalo down with one shot hitting them kinda high and mid torso.  They were dropping like flies was amazing.  Well I just thought I would share a moment I had last night as rediculous as it may sound I really was up all night thinking about bows.  Have a good day fellas.

Title: Re: Up all night BOWS on my mind!!!
Post by: aero86 on February 22, 2010, 12:15:57 pm
i was up all night saturday night cause i couldnt breathe.  but, yeah, life is good!  haha
Title: Re: Up all night BOWS on my mind!!!
Post by: profsaffel on March 02, 2010, 09:52:50 am
Another rough night...

My wife tells me yesterday when we get home (we are both public school teachers) that she is going to tell her boss she is moving schools at the end of this year. (I won't go into details) So, we both go to bed relatively early last night and she tossed and turned for two hours. She told me this morning she was thinking about what she was going to tell her principal today.

Me? Well, I couldn't sleep either. Tossed and turned for two hours. What's my problem? Ottawa bows. Dimensions. Wood grains. Stylization. Handle styles. Flemish vs Endless. Maple? Or Hickory? board or new felled tree? Yep, these are the things that plague me. What a rough life.  ;D
Title: Re: Up all night BOWS on my mind!!!
Post by: HatchA on March 02, 2010, 11:45:48 am
Me? Well, I couldn't sleep either. Tossed and turned for two hours. What's my problem? Ottawa bows. Dimensions. Wood grains. Stylization. Handle styles. Flemish vs Endless. Maple? Or Hickory? board or new felled tree? Yep, these are the things that plague me. What a rough life.  ;D

Good to see you've got your priorities in order though ;)

Seriously though...  hope all goes well for your wife's move.