Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Shooting and Hunting => Topic started by: aero86 on February 24, 2010, 07:04:49 pm

Title: i still cant..
Post by: aero86 on February 24, 2010, 07:04:49 pm
hit anything.  it seems like i try something different everytime, i get closer to being more accurate, but then, i relapse, or something!  maybe i should go back to using an anchor point and aiming.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: sailordad on February 24, 2010, 07:35:58 pm
all i can say is

do what works for you  ;)
everyones style is a little differant
not everything works for everyone.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Josh on February 24, 2010, 07:43:49 pm
how long have you been shooting?  Good shooting doesn't happen overnight.  Keep it up and if you get frustrated set it down and make me an arrow or two to calm down and then get back to it~!   ;D   O:)  O:)  O:)
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: DanaM on February 24, 2010, 08:23:02 pm
Even when instinctive shooting you need a consistent anchor point and good form, keep at it eh :)
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Kegan on February 24, 2010, 08:56:28 pm
Pictures! Takes some pictures of yourself shooting: full draw, the release, follow through. Any you can. Your alignment, your stance. Anything will help! First step to good shooting is good form :).
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: aero86 on February 24, 2010, 09:12:44 pm
I guess I should put it down for a whike I could make some matched arrows.  I do most of my shooting at work when I don't have anything to do, guess I could finish those feathers I split.  I might just do that josh, after I get those shafts out for you and oneeye!  Its hell trying to straighten shafts when you've got sinus problems.  The dry heat makes it worse!

Anyway to practice form without shooting?
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: woodstick on February 24, 2010, 10:36:00 pm
same anchor point every time. have somebody video you when you shoot, i did and i could see what i was doing wrong.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Josh on February 24, 2010, 11:21:05 pm
  Its hell trying to straighten shafts when you've got sinus problems.  The dry heat makes it worse!

...aww geez now I feel bad, hey take your time on mine... I'm not going anywhere.  ;)
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: kylerprochaska on February 24, 2010, 11:41:20 pm
lately Ive been having the same day i'll be dead on and the next i get near the target....idk what to tell ya since im still figuring it out
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: aero86 on February 25, 2010, 12:08:37 am
Nah don't feel bad.  Feel bad cause I can't get the stuff out that I want cause I can't breathe!   Its funny, I never had such problems till I quit smoking, but since I have quit, I have the worst winters ever!

I think before I shoot again ill have some arrows made up that will be proper for my bow.  I spined a few of my arrows so far, and the ones I'm shooting, feel the same but I'm not sure.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Mechslasher on February 25, 2010, 03:32:18 pm
99% of the reason behind bad shooting is inconsistency.  if you have the same anchor point, grip, and release, then the arrows should hit in relatively the same area.  usually when i miss, i know exactly what i did wrong.  if i hit high and left, i had a weak grip.  when i hit dead right, i plucked the string.  to increase your accuracy, concentrate on "burning a hole" in a very small spot.  you will be surprised at how soon you'll start hitting the spot.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Pat B on February 25, 2010, 04:21:54 pm
Properly spined arrows will make a world of difference too!  ;)
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: aero86 on February 25, 2010, 06:17:59 pm
thats my next plan pat!! ;D
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Pat B on February 25, 2010, 06:43:07 pm
You'll be amazed!!! ;)
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Hillbilly on February 25, 2010, 07:56:02 pm
You can't shoot good without good arrows. Period. And it takes awhile. I went through a lot of the same stuff when I started back shooting stickbows. Eventually, after thousands of arrows, I would have those moments when something "clicked" and I reached another level. I don't shoot as much as I should now, but I finally got to the point where I know how to if I can make myself do everything like I know I should. I'm still inconsistant from time to time-some days I just can't miss, and some days I couldn't hit a cow from ten feet, but the more you shoot, the better you get (as long as you're not just practicing bad form and bad habits.) When I finally learned to make good arrows, my shooting got considerably better, too.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Tsalagi on February 25, 2010, 11:13:01 pm
Best non-archery practice for archery is a shotgun. Shoot some skeet, or some rolling targets with a shotgun. The principle is the same, because you don't aim a shotgun. Make sure it's a shotgun with a plain bead.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Jesse on February 26, 2010, 02:24:30 am
I got a great tip from a really good shooter after he watched me shoot.  . The tip I got that helped my shooting accuracy instantly was to take a deeper hook on the string. I had the string out neer the tips ready to roll off which I thought was good but you would be surprised how much improvement it makes by putting the string deep in the joint.  It feels strange at first but it works ;).  Also I was coming off anchor right before my release and I didnt know it.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Mechslasher on February 26, 2010, 12:06:19 pm
even shooting arrows not matched to the bow, they should all hit in roughly the same place if form is consistant.  you won't know if your arrows are match or not, or if it's your form unless you can keep them in a group.  pick a spot and shoot three to five arrows.  if they are grouping, your form is ok.  if they hit right, your arrows are under spined.  if they hit left, your arrows are over spined.  missing up or down is probably your nocking point in need of adjusting.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: aero86 on March 03, 2010, 05:50:22 pm
ok, well, crossing over from my other thread, i got the string slap part down.  i was holding my bow arm the wrong way.  i was trying to hard with it, so i was pushing my elbow down, not out.  and i wasnt holding the bow tight enough either.  and string the bow at 7 or so inches helps.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Little John on March 07, 2010, 05:31:21 pm
I would get a copy of Fred Asbells instinctive shooting book or both prefably. I just re read mine after several years and found several things that I could be doing better.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Dave 55 on March 09, 2010, 09:44:37 pm
Part of the problem may be as you stated,I try something different everytime,I believe it may help if you pivk a comfotable anchor and continue using the same form until it is ingrained,just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: aero86 on March 10, 2010, 12:19:09 am
I tried that at at 6 or 7 yards I was able to place 3 out of 5 shoots, with the same arrow, within a dip can size area. Not my dip can, my co workers. I just anchored again at the rear of my jaw and focused on the target
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Dave 55 on March 10, 2010, 02:29:35 pm
Stop your string of shots at 3 and rest alittle then try another 3 arrows after a bit move back to 15 yds.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: mullet on March 10, 2010, 09:30:28 pm
  If you are anchoring at the REAR of your jaw, thats like a compound shooter or shooting with a Thumb ring. That probally has a lot to do with you not being consistant. Try anchoring at the corner of your mouth and looking down the arrow, and cant your bow a little. And, personally, I don't like shooting like Asbell. It's not for everybody.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Bent Rig on March 10, 2010, 10:33:28 pm
You have to pick an anchor point that is comfortable for you and stay with it for a while , instinctive shoot takes alot of practice -daily all year long , why would anyone want to learn any other way for hunting ? Looking down the shafts , split vision and gap shooting -I believe is more for  target - where you are at known distances . Get Asbell's book - regardless it has alot of useful information and a good explaination on eveything that is stated in the book .  ;D
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Dave 55 on March 11, 2010, 09:51:04 pm
Ive been a fan of G Freds since the 80s when he used to write some great trad bowhunting stories and Im sure he is an excellent shot but his method doesnt work for everyone,or for most for that matter,if it doesnt work for you and you decide to make it work,IMHO its a great way start snap shooting or short drawing,just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Kegan on March 12, 2010, 10:36:20 am
You have to pick an anchor point that is comfortable for you and stay with it for a while , instinctive shoot takes alot of practice -daily all year long , why would anyone want to learn any other way for hunting ? Looking down the shafts , split vision and gap shooting -I believe is more for  target - where you are at known distances . Get Asbell's book - regardless it has alot of useful information and a good explaination on eveything that is stated in the book .  ;D

Hunters have been using aiming styles and pointing the arrow right at the target for years. Even if you don't use it to aim, it sure helps to have it pointed where you want to go! ;D
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Bent Rig on March 12, 2010, 06:48:33 pm
That's why practice is the key , and with good form the arrow goes where you point -like the example of how one shoots a shotgun . Yes everyone needs to find his own way , all I was saying was that there was good info that someone with no experience could start on . Peace ! 8)
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: riarcher on March 13, 2010, 02:20:45 pm
Ive been a fan of G Freds since the 80s when he used to write some great trad bowhunting stories and Im sure he is an excellent shot but his method doesnt work for everyone,or for most for that matter,if it doesnt work for you and you decide to make it work,IMHO its a great way start snap shooting or short drawing,just my 2 cents.

Take patience and it works. Just not for target leagues and such.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: mullet on March 13, 2010, 10:44:56 pm
 Looking down the arrow and not shooting like Asbell works for the targets I shoot at Bent Rig, they dripped red stuff pretty good this year and last.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: jamie on March 14, 2010, 02:27:28 pm
when i hunt i snap shoot. its more fluid. but i believe you need to practice perfect form in order to stay consistent with snap shooting. find a comfortable anchor and stick with it. keep the bow arm on target. and allow the string to slip from the fingers using your back muscles. once you get this down your form will be crisp even when snap shooting. ive suffered from target panic for a few years now and by shooting at close range and being strict in form it has brought my confidence back when hunting. one more thing it doesnt matter if you gap shoot or shoot instinctive. what matters is putting the arrow where you are looking.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: mullet on March 14, 2010, 04:18:25 pm
  Asbell's book is an excellent book. There are a lot of good books that will help with you shooting and form. I suck when it comes to 3-D shoots. I guess I get bored, socialise too much,, just have a hard time getting serious, but I have a good time. I take on a whole different attitude when I'm shooting at meat. There is a lot more at stake when you hit an animal and I think you should be comfortable with your shooting and know what you are doing before you release that srting on something alive.
  I have a long draw and I just never could get used to snap shooting to get comfortable doing it. I've also had to hold on target at a full draw for a few seconds when I was about to get busted. The botom line to me is to pick whatever style you can feel comfortable with and practice consistantly that way. Let someone video you while you shoot and go back and see if you are reaching the same anchor point each time and your body mechanics are the same. And start out shooting the target close till you can get a good group like Dave said.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: crooketarrow on March 15, 2010, 02:44:37 pm
   You've got to do the same thing over each time as well as a ankor point.Practice and it well all come together.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Dave 55 on March 15, 2010, 11:19:15 pm
It all started long ago  ;D I got a HH Big 5 and a copy of HUNTING THE HARDWAY,Howard was my hero and the book explained his swing draw and split vision method,a kind of gap shooting really,I practiced religously and my shooting looked nothing like Howards or anyone elses for that matter.after a while I was releasing at every place but my anchor point and couldnt hit the ground with my arrows.This went on for a year or so and I was so fedup I was about to quite.One morning I was sitting in a ground blind Id brushed into waylay any completely safe deer when a squirrel jumped up on a branch about 20 yds away,I raised my bow straight up,picked a spot,pointed a the squirrel pulled staight back to anchor and put the arrow straight thru the critter,I was dumbfonded and to make it more bizzare another squirrel came out on another branch a few yards from where the other had been,I raised my bow hand and pointed at that one ,came to anchor and shot an arrow thru that one too.I was so amazed I picked up my 2 squirrels and went home.That was the end of the swing draw for me tho it certainly worked for Howard.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: Kegan on March 17, 2010, 06:03:58 pm
Dave makes a really good point. Set arm is a bit easier, because it loads the pressure of the bow's draw onto your arm and into your shoulders, so you get proper alignment. Swing draw is tricky in that very few individuals can use a true "swing", that is, approach the target completely from beneath and finish once anchor is reached. Most, even Hill, brought the bow up and drew about 2/3 the way back, and then finished in a straight line. This, though it does allow for more variables than a true swing, loads the force back onto the bones so you get less chance for torquing and flailing. I prefer this "half swing" myself because my eyes get distracted so easily, but I know that I can shoot slightly better set arm.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: riarcher on March 17, 2010, 09:22:05 pm
I love the swing / draw,,, but with a twist.
Basicly I swing and draw at the same time.
Swing stops just short of the mark and draw is complete.
Then I let(?) the bow move into position and the arrow is gone.
A little backwards maybe, but it works well enough for me.
Just part of a style more than anything.
Sometimes it's fast like snap shooting,,, and sometimes it's,,,, well, painfully slow (seemingly). Not something I try to control,,, more like let it happen.
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: mullet on March 18, 2010, 12:12:08 am
 Shooting dove, with a shotgun. You still have to anchor. ;)
Title: Re: i still cant..
Post by: aero86 on April 08, 2010, 12:41:40 am
just to let you guys know, im doing a lot better.  i reduced down the brace height on my bows to help reduce set and stress.  the string slap has stopped all together unless i get sloppy.  ive got them braced right before the front wrappings on my fletching.  also, from 6 or 7 yards, i can hit a soda can 3 out of 5 times and the others are right near it.  its amazing what proper equipment will do for your shooting as well, since ive finished a couple well matched arrows.  the whole instinctive thing is neat.  it really is like throwing a football.  just gotta get tuned in with your equipment