Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: rileyconcrete on May 30, 2010, 08:38:36 pm

Title: 7'4" Prehistoric Fish, and a few other pics
Post by: rileyconcrete on May 30, 2010, 08:38:36 pm
Took the old mans jet boat out today.  Was a good day on the Snake.  I caught this great sturgeon, man they are wonderful fish. Hope you enjoy.

Also he caught a nice catfish to boot.

Later I was walking an old road and also found a good treasure.


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Title: Re: 7'4" Prehistoric Fish, and a few other pics
Post by: rileyconcrete on May 30, 2010, 08:39:51 pm
Here is the other pics.


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Title: Re: 7'4" Prehistoric Fish, and a few other pics
Post by: mullet on May 30, 2010, 09:50:52 pm
 Looks like yall had a great day. Sturgeon are cool and really exciting swimming up on one underwater.
Title: Re: 7'4" Prehistoric Fish, and a few other pics
Post by: oneeye on June 01, 2010, 02:21:50 pm
Nice fish Tell.  I spend alot of time down there on the river, Was that at the orchard hole or up at rattlesnake eddy?  hope to run into you someday. Scott
Title: Re: 7'4" Prehistoric Fish, and a few other pics
Post by: El Destructo on June 01, 2010, 03:52:52 pm
Tell....what did you do with that 100+ year old Lady? They are like Eddie said.... exciting to swim with....they don't care for the bubbles of a Scuba Tank...but you can swim with them while Snorkeling.....takes them forever to mature....that's why They are disappearing from lots of waterways...
Title: Re: 7'4" Prehistoric Fish, and a few other pics
Post by: Mudd on June 01, 2010, 03:54:38 pm
I have a friend that works for the fed catching pallid sturgeon so they can have more brood stock since they are close to being an endangered species because of the dam systems across our rivers.

The catfish looks like a great meal! I hope you returned the sturgeon to his home waters.

Thanks for sharing.

God bless,Mudd

Title: Re: 7'4" Prehistoric Fish, and a few other pics
Post by: mullet on June 01, 2010, 10:47:20 pm
 They have some big Sturgeon in the Suwanee River in North Fl. The State has been restocking them in our local rivers that feed into the Gulf for the last few years. The Mote Marine Research Labaratory is raising them and selling them for food and Caviar. I contacted them when I found out about it to see if I could get the skins but they are all shipped to some place in NY.
Title: Re: 7'4" Prehistoric Fish, and a few other pics
Post by: rileyconcrete on June 02, 2010, 12:19:49 am
Thanks guys.

Oneeye, this is a place called Indain cove. dont know about the others you are talking about.

We turn all the sturgeon loose.  They are Illegal to keep, and you arent sopposed to even take them out of the water.  They are a wonderful fish and I love catching them so I hope they do well in the future. There are alot of people up here taking care of them.

The catfish was turned back also. I am sure she was about ready to spawn.

Never had the chance to swim with one but I bet It would be cool


Title: Re: 7'4" Prehistoric Fish, and a few other pics
Post by: oneeye on June 03, 2010, 02:41:05 pm
Tell, that must be up around CJ ? I'm normally down below Swan Falls, maybe we can get together sometime and blast up the river.   Scott