Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: aznboi3644 on November 06, 2010, 12:55:05 pm

Title: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: aznboi3644 on November 06, 2010, 12:55:05 pm
My roommate and I came home this morning around 2 AM...all lights off as usual.  As we entered my roommate saw someone in our apartment so I ran outside to see where he went...he jumped out my bedroom window where he broke in.  It was pitch black outside so we lost him.  We were robbed.  I never thought this would happen...I live in a pretty safe neighborhood.  But I'm going to take home security much more serious.

Hope this doesn't happen to anyone else. 
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: cowboy on November 06, 2010, 12:57:52 pm
Been there - done that. Can't stand a thief! Would like to have cought him coming around the corner and put a baseball bat through his teeth - ouch!!
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: jonathan creason on November 06, 2010, 01:36:57 pm
Our preacher just had 5 guns and a t.v. stolen a little over a week ago.  I guess it's getting harder to be able to afford meth.  I can't stand a thief, either.  Hate ya'll were victimized by one.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: Grunt on November 06, 2010, 01:49:43 pm
You can't use lethal force to protect property. At least that's what they taught me in a concealed carry course I took lately. Of course if they are stealing guns that changes things. 
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: Lombard on November 06, 2010, 03:35:16 pm
Unfortunate event, it seems to happen with disturbing regularity. Three of our neighbors got hit last year, thankfully the jerks got caught. One of them turned out to be a construction worker that had worked on one of the homes he robbed. Needed money for drugs was the excuse.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: NTD on November 06, 2010, 05:03:12 pm
You can't use lethal force to protect property. At least that's what they taught me in a concealed carry course I took lately. Of course if they are stealing guns that changes things. 

You can in Arizona and New Mexico!!! ;D  These things are a state by state basis, as is concealed carry itself, AZ does not require a permit to carry concealed.

My Wife is a 911 operator.  About a year ago she received a call from a gentleman who had people attempting to break into his home.  He retrieved a firearm and sat in a chair facing the door and waitied for them to break in.  As soon as they breached the door he shot them dead.  There were no charges filed.  Shortly after that there was another break in at someones home.  They entered the home where the home owner met them with a gun.  He shot at them and they fled, He was seen on home security camera footage chasing after the burglars and shooting at them AS they fled!  No charges were filed, at least not on the homeowner :)

The articulation of self defense is much different on your property than in a public area such as a street,parking lot etc.  In THOSE situations you usually only have the right to stop the aggression/threat to yourself. 

Private property rights are sacred in Arizona!
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: mullet on November 06, 2010, 06:00:26 pm
 Same in Florida, Nate. We have the Castle Doctrine Law. If they are in your house it is Open Season. We also have the Fear for Your Life law, you can shoot somebody on the street if you are in fear of bodily harm. Sure stopped car jacking here.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: NTD on November 06, 2010, 07:07:46 pm
That's good to hear Eddie, as much as I want to expound on all this I fear I would be in violation of one of our rules here ;D >:D :-X
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: cracker on November 07, 2010, 12:05:59 am
Same here if I feel threatened I can start blasting. I am easily threatened. >:D Ron
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: osage outlaw on November 07, 2010, 12:49:09 am
Our county has been having a lot of daytime break-ins lately.  I work nights and sleep during the days.  I have been sleeping next to a 44 mag.  Just in case ;)
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: sailordad on November 07, 2010, 01:44:44 am
sorry to hear

reasons like this i want my concealed carry permit
but i am armed for home protocetion
even if i have to go palio on them  >:D
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: El Destructo on November 07, 2010, 02:04:57 am
Sorry to hear that You were violated like this...

Here in Texas We are guaranteed the Right to use Deadly Force as We deem Fit to protect Ourselves and Others from a threat....or Our Property and the Property of in plain English...don't come to Texas and mess with Me or Anyone I know...or try to break into Mine or Anyone Else's House ...because You may end up ...Dead Meat
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: sailordad on November 07, 2010, 10:07:04 am
Mike,thats the attitude more states need to adopt
i know it would cut donw on certain types of crime

after all who wants to break into a home KNOWING that the odds of getting shot are greater than getting away with the crime  ;)
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: HoBow on November 07, 2010, 01:06:57 pm
I'm in Chicago where guns are illegal...for now ;D as it is- criminals have no need to worry!
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: HatchA on November 07, 2010, 02:25:56 pm
Damn.  Sorry to hear you got burgled, Azn :(

Hope they didn't take much/anything?
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 08, 2010, 10:12:56 am
In my lifetime I have had two cars stolen(never recovered), house broken into once(they were in the house and ran out the back door when I came home), car broken into twice and had a brand new 20 Merc stolen off my fishing boat. Sure leaves you with an indescribable hopeless feeling when you get victimized. Now we can blast them in Bama, in the house or in the yard, they changed the law a few years ago to read that you don't have to retreat if possible or feel threatened.

One other thing, I clear shooting lanes with a pair of 36" geared Fiskars bypass pruners, an absolutely amazing cutter. I just throw them in the bed of my truck because I use them so often. Went to get them the other day and they were gone, apparently snatched out of my truck bed by some lowlife.  I could have had a senior moment and misplaced them but I don't think I did.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: aznboi3644 on November 08, 2010, 11:09:48 am
Not a lot of items were stolen...but what was stolen were the most valuable items in the apartment.

I'll be ready next time.  I'm gonna make sure my bedroom window will never be broken into again...Primitive traps are in order.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: El Destructo on November 08, 2010, 11:48:22 am
AZN....don't get caught setting any kind of boobytrap.....this is considered Premeditated...and will land your ass in a penitentiary quicker than shit....believe me....protecting oneself...or ones property is a god given right in my book....but you will be hard pressed to have a jury see your setting traps a means of protecting yourself....jmo
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: NTD on November 08, 2010, 01:03:49 pm
What EL D said!  Most states have laws against boobytraps.  Bar your windows and get a gun.  A good dog helps too.  You don't want one that barks at everything though or you'll just tune it out. 
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: jonathan creason on November 08, 2010, 02:13:34 pm
Just found out this morning that some farmers in our county had over $100,000 worth of irrigation pipe stolen last week.  People are getting desperate for their next high I guess.  Better bolt everything down.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: Stingray45 on November 08, 2010, 02:39:25 pm
Sorry to hear about this, its getting bad out there. Lately we have had cars broken into in the parking lot at Church while we have been sitting at Mass. Yesterday my priest announced for ladies to please hide their purses in their cars or to carry them with them when in line for communion because this past Saturday night a woman left her purse at her seat while in line for communion and her wallet was stolen right there in church. Many people no longer find anything sacred.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 08, 2010, 11:52:43 pm
Check your local laws, your mileage may vary DRASTICALLY.   Castle Doctrine dates back to medievel England and is one of the basic presumptions of Common Law.  But it no longer carries much weight in our judicial system, regardless of how we may feel.

The guy that pursued the burglar and firing his weapon would have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon in most states and would have been found guilty.  Once the burglar turns tail and is leaving, you are no longer threatened.  At that point you are just trying to kill someone, and that is at best manslaughter.  Bullets in the front is easily argued as self defense.  Bullets in the back is bushwhacking.  We had a guy here in town a few years ago sitting around in his underwear injoying a rousing round with his Xbox when three dudes kicked in his door and proceeded to lay a beat down on him.  He got to his cheap-a$$ Gen-U-Wine Japanese Ninja Sword and prodeeded to go ginsu on their carcasses.  He chased them out of the apartment, but then decided to continue chasing them.  He caught one of them a block away and proceeded to slice off the guy's ear.  He got a couple years in the State Lockup for aggravated assault along with his three assailants. 

Like I said, your mileage may vary...check your local laws cause they don't let you make bows in the pokey.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 09, 2010, 12:09:03 am
When my place was broken into, they broke out a window in the back bedroom, stood on my doghouse(my lab probably licked them) and crawled in the bedroom. I had to leave the next weekend and was afraid of a repeat performance so I strapped a 12ga to a chair facing the window(unloaded) and ran a couple lengths of cord from the window sill to what looked like the guns trigger(not really, just another bluff) left a bedside light on and the blind up a couple inches so one could just see in the room if they stood on the doghouse. Never had anyone try to break in again.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: Grunt on November 09, 2010, 09:01:35 am
All these break in's and stealing are going to get worse as things decline. Every responsible household member should have a carry permit, spend time on a range and have a full knowledge of local laws. Having a throw down weapon wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: mullet on November 09, 2010, 04:14:19 pm
 We just had three kids skipping school and breaking into houses get a rude awakening. The guy and his wife were asleep when they broke the bedroom window. One had a foot inside and the second one was standing outside waiting his turn. The home owner shot the first one in the head and the second one in the chest. The third ran away. The first 17 year old died, the second recovered in the hospital and along with the one that ran away they are charged with second degree murder.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: El Destructo on November 09, 2010, 05:14:45 pm
They charged the Homeowners...or the Kids for putting their Buddy in a Life Threatening Situation?
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: recurve shooter on November 09, 2010, 05:31:58 pm
sorry to hear

reasons like this i want my concealed carry permit
but i am armed for home protocetion
even if i have to go palio on them  >:D

oooo. poor thief. limping/crawling out of your house with about ten pounds of shattered obsidian in him.  :-X ;D
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: mullet on November 09, 2010, 08:42:55 pm
 They charged the kids, Mike. The homeowner got charged with possesion of cocaine, but not shooting the thieves.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: El Destructo on November 09, 2010, 09:00:48 pm
LMAO....if anything like Michigan....the Homeowner got more time for the Drugs...than the Kids got for second degree murder! I remember back about 2002 when Michigan changed their Laws when that C@#$%^&n Woman... Jennifer Granholm took over the State...She made it so bad that an 18 year old Kid...first offense 25- Life for two 8-Balls of I don't know but I have been told that can run that much up His Nose in a Weekend.....thats what I heard anyways........ :P.... ;D......... :-X...... :-[
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: mullet on November 09, 2010, 09:10:23 pm
 He'll probably get off the drug charge, it was just a little. We have a Jam up sheriff here. He was on the news saying even though they found cocaine the homeowner should have all the right in the world to protect hisself and his property.

 This is they same Sheriff a few years ago that was interviewed after a murder suspect was shot . The guy had executed a deputy and his dog and then was hiding in the woods over night. They found and shot him I believe 128 times. When Asked on the news that night why he was shot that many times he said," because they ran out of bullets".
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: Hillbilly on November 14, 2010, 01:24:24 pm
I had about fifteen guns and my wife's jewelry stolen from my house about ten years ago. Especially makes you mad when they rob you while you're at work.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: HoBow on November 14, 2010, 01:32:22 pm
I had about fifteen guns and my wife's jewelry stolen from my house about ten years ago. Especially makes you mad when they rob you while you're at work.

Did you ever get any crimes tied back to you from the stolen guns...that's what I'd be afraid if!
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 14, 2010, 02:06:08 pm
This reminds me that I should get the model and serial numbers of all my guns updated, copied, and saved somewhere outside of my home (fires sometimes steal from us too). 
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: mullet on November 14, 2010, 03:12:20 pm
 I need to do the same, and take photos or a video of them.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: NTD on November 14, 2010, 04:11:57 pm
It seems Photos are a must if they aren't registered.  Tucson police Department has a 1911 of mine because it wasn't registered.  Now mind you, AZ does not require registration.  2 years ago after moving to Arizona money got really tight, I was sending partial payments on my truck.  They didn't like that it was partial payments and counted those months as non-payment.  They repossed my truck and with it my 1911.  The Repo guys turned it over to TPD and gave me a claim number.  TPD said that they required proof of ownership.  I said first of all it was sitting in a truck registered in my name.  I supplied the serial number, and described every wear mark and aftermarket part on the darn thing, even got service records from my Gunsmith in New Mexico, it wasn't enough, they said because it was registered at some point to another person I needed to prove it was mine.  They said pictures of it would be good.  Damn this still makes me mad! >:( >:(  My wife, a TPD employee, said it's likely to be melted down soon...
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: mullet on November 14, 2010, 04:36:21 pm
 That would give me a long, meltdown. >:D :'(
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: Hardawaypoints on November 15, 2010, 11:35:06 pm
When I was in school in Colorado ('79-'81) my house was broken into when I was out of town.  My guns, TV, stereo, and pretty much anything valuable was stolen.  I gave the police the serial numbers of the stolen guns when they came to investigate.  Three weeks later my Colt revolver was used in a robbery and the Law came looking to me for the whereabouts of my gun(?!?)...When I told them that I'd reported it stolen less than a month ago and showed them a copy of their own report, you should have seen the look on their faces. Sheesh.

A friend of mine had an absolutely beautiful woman as a neighbor who lived in the apartment across the hall from him.  She wasn't much interested in us, but she was very nice and a fun person to talk to & hang out with.  One night, my friend heard her cry out for help and a struggle going on in her apartment. He loaded up his grandad's single-shot Iver Johnson 16 gauge, stuffed a few extra shells in his pocket, and kicked the door in to find a serial rapist working over the partially-clad neighbor lady. The rapist started turning toward my friend and he dropped the hammer on the guy, who went down in a heap.  He had loaded the gun with light field loads and the rapist ended up paralyzed from the chest down & in prison for life.  That was the last woman he ever tried to rape.

Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: Little John on November 16, 2010, 08:36:52 am
Three german shepperds here, most thieves would consider another place to snoop around.      Kenneth
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: cracker on November 16, 2010, 09:43:09 am
I do the dog thing too mastif in the yard bulldogs in the house.Ron
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 16, 2010, 04:27:53 pm
He had loaded the gun with light field loads and the rapist ended up paralyzed from the chest down & in prison for life.  That was the last woman he ever tried to rape.

However it may not be the last time he was involved in a rape.   >:D 

Goes to show why my favorite handgun is a shotgun. 
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: ErictheViking on November 16, 2010, 04:43:27 pm
JW thats bad, lol. Thats always the poetic justice of prison when it comes to rapists.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: dwardo on November 19, 2010, 08:27:51 am
Should be over here in the UK, i believe we are obliged by law to help the thief carry out our belongings, just incase he throws his back out whlst carrying my tv away and sues me...
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: DCM4 on November 19, 2010, 11:18:07 am
We have always lived out from town.  20 acres at that time, basically such that you could take a chainsaw and cut yourself a door in our old home place and nobody would wonder... as long as you got down the drive without being seen.  Got burglarized while at work and they stole guns and stuff.  This was bout 2 weeks after a giant Halloween party my brother threw.  I mean freakin' part-tay where 100 people showed up, friends of friends of friends kinda thing.  Be mindful of who gets into your house, invited.  Some of them will want to come back...

I learned my lesson.

We had a convenience store, Mom and Dad's second "career," although I was the one doing the 80 hr weeks.  Had my old .410 single barrel Stevens (my first gun when I was 7) behind the counter, more or less as a snake gun.  Somebody tore the door off the place (again out in the country) one night and took beer, cigs, coins from the pool tables and poker machine, and my ole .410.  Sheriff took my report.  About 6 weeks later got a call from the Sheriff.  Picked some ahole up dwi and found my lil slip of paper hidden under the butt plate of the .410 w/ my name etc., serial numbers matched just like I'd told him.  Was able to charge him with the break-in as well.  That was a long time ago, still have that lil ole .410.
Title: Re: Can't believe it happened to me.
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 19, 2010, 05:24:33 pm
Should be over here in the UK, i believe we are obliged by law to help the thief carry out our belongings, just incase he throws his back out whlst carrying my tv away and sues me...

And sadly, it was YOUR law where the U.S. was inspired to adopt it's Castle Doctrine, i.e. a man's home is his castle.  It was British Common Law that held that a person has the right to lawfully defend themselves and their possessions, we just copied it.  I've read about instances where British citizens have fought back against an intruder bent on violence only to be the one charged, tried, and imprisoned while the violent offender sues for damages and wins.  Back in the 1970's MAD Magazine had a strip where everyone boarding a plane was handed a weapon of their choice.  The look of discouragement on the would-be hijacker's face was only eclipsed by the look of eagerness on the little old lady with the sawed off shotgun!  An armed society is a polite society.