Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: predatorcaller on November 25, 2010, 01:26:47 pm

Title: Hunter -Trapper learning life lessons
Post by: predatorcaller on November 25, 2010, 01:26:47 pm
    Hunter-Trapper has moved out-got an apartment-and learning about life.Besides the fun of bills-work and all it has to offer he just found out his boss won,t let him off for Penna. deer opener on Monday.Welcome to LIFE!!It won,t be the same without him but I,ll still pack in Sunday for Monday,s opener.We have seen a few dandy bucks during archery and bear not to mention the coyotes.We got a nice big male(45lbs) last Saturday with muzzleloaders.I told him to buck up-there,s other days to hunt.I,ve got most of my rifle season bucks the second week.Good luck hunting and have a great day-Lloyd
Title: Re: Hunter -Trapper learning life lessons
Post by: Pat B on November 25, 2010, 02:52:07 pm
Good luck hunting for you too Lloyd and good luck in life for Hunter-Trapper. He will get it figured out soon enough. Sometimes you just gotta pay your dues!  ;)
Title: Re: Hunter -Trapper learning life lessons
Post by: recurve shooter on November 25, 2010, 02:54:02 pm
yup. this weekend will only be like my third hunt this year. work, school, family and the girlfriend come first.  :-\
Title: Re: Hunter -Trapper learning life lessons
Post by: Sparrow on November 25, 2010, 11:30:51 pm
 Life is tough and then you learn your priorities. For some work, for others, the outdoors, for a lucky few work is the outdoors. Find your passion , then make a job out of it.
 Fear holds many of us from our dreams. Hopefully Hunter-trapper finds his good path early.  He seems to have been raised well and taught good things. Mistakes are to be made and learned from.   I think he will do well.  Good luck on the hunt !  '  Frank
Title: Re: Hunter -Trapper learning life lessons
Post by: Postman on November 26, 2010, 09:37:30 am
I'm sure he'll do great - seems very mature for a kid his age. Besides, too many idiots from Pittsburgh are up there on opening day  ;)