Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: Cromm on January 07, 2011, 09:02:26 am

Title: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Cromm on January 07, 2011, 09:02:26 am
Been thinking about this for the last week or so.
When you go out to hunt or 3D shoot what do you wear?
We push pretty hard about not using the FB word in the bows and are proud of the fact that we have taken a deer or hog with flint, stick and string but were you dressed in wool, skin...mud and grass??
Or something that was scentlocked, gore-texed 3D pattened?
Thanks for your time.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: lowell on January 07, 2011, 09:32:59 am
Mostly wool for mud if I can avoid it!! ;D
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 07, 2011, 09:52:07 am
Only a loincloth  :o

Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: mullet on January 07, 2011, 09:56:06 am
 Mismatched camo, part military and part store bought.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 07, 2011, 10:13:32 am
After watching and participating in the camo craze for most of my hunting career I decided to go in a different direction. I am selling all my camo(except my ghillie suit and some Filson wool) and wearing plaid and earthy colors. I have seen "0" difference in the way deer pick me out from wearing camo.

I have come to the conclusion that camo is to hunters as the latest fishing lure is to fishermen, may not catch a fish but snags the fisherman every time.

When I first quit camo I felt like a woman would feel going to a big event with out make-up, sort of a naked feeling when I went hunting. Worn the stuff for 40 years. After a hunting season without it, I now I feel odd when I wear camo.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Pappy on January 07, 2011, 10:28:13 am
Hunt with some of both ,[no mud or loin cloth] :) :) I use Camo/some sentlock on occasion
and wool a lot,To each there own,I don't clam  to be primitive,I just hunt with wood bows. :)
and love to practice primitive skills. :) At a tournament I wear overalls and a T shirt most of the time if the weather is warm,if not overalls and a flannel shirt.  :)
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: beetlebailey1977 on January 07, 2011, 10:35:16 am
When I am hunting I were a lot of different clothes depending on the temp and weather.  I do wear camo, but I don't believe it is as important as being still and hunting with the wind.I have had very good success with earth tone colors.....but I have yet to get my first deer with a all wood bow.  I have only been doing this for a short while with the bow.  I have killed a lot of deer, and some quite close.  At 3-d shoots I wear whatever suits me at the time and whatever is comfortable.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Sparrow on January 07, 2011, 12:34:22 pm
 Clothes make the man ! ..... Ha ! !   If that be so, I'm near bum.  Kirkland bluejeans and whatever is earth toned from goodwill.  '  Frank
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 07, 2011, 11:06:10 pm
Once when I had blown 5 different set ups on opening morning of turkey season, I skinned completely outa my camo down to blue jeans and a bright blue t-shirt.  I was walking back to the truck when  hen walked up over a ridge.  I sat down next to a tree and watched hen after hen walk by within 15 yds of me without paying a lick of attention.  Eventually I didn't have a bird in eyesight so I lit up my box call and had a gobbler and two hens pop up 50 yds up the ridgeline and look right at me.  He strutted his way to me over the course of 5 minutes and several exchanges on the call he got his head blown off at 12 yds.  3 yr old gobblers with hens on public land aren't supposed to be this stupid.

Camo?  I'm like you, I think it's there to sell to people with money (or plastic) in their wallets.  I like to wear dull colors and move slowly or move not at all.  How many times have you been wearing blaze orange and people have walked right up on your setup claiming they never saw you?  Predator vision is keyed to motion.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: crooketarrow on January 07, 2011, 11:27:29 pm
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: sailordad on January 07, 2011, 11:34:56 pm
most times i like to wear as much black as possible
most my hunting is done from the inside of ground blinds
so black blends in well
if im not in a blind,i wear camo
but have also had turkey and deer at very short ranges,less than 10 yds,while i was wearing street cloths and being very still
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: mullet on January 08, 2011, 12:31:03 am
 If you don't move you really don't need Camo.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: M-P on January 08, 2011, 01:58:40 pm
Howdy,  I think camo has become a "fashion statement" and entirely overdone.  I mean really, trademarked camo designs on all sorts of things.   If you're going to rely on a GPS unit do you really want it camouflaged so you'll have the greatest possible trouble finding it again after you set it down in the excitement of a hunt, or even if it just got misplaced during your rest stop 22 miles from anywhere?   At the range I frequent, there is a fashion divide between most of the traditional and primitive crowd and the compound shooters.   Use of camo is very understated among the traditional crowd and never seen on the primitive shooters.
I attended a Halloween party this year dressed in camo, wearing binoculars and carrying a compound bow.  Other archers (all wooden bow shooters) agreed that it was the scariest costume there and then told me to never be seen carrying that thing again.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 08, 2011, 03:01:49 pm
LMAO!!!  Now THAT was funny, Ron.  Thanks for the morning laugh, my day is complete.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: M-P on January 08, 2011, 10:14:01 pm
JW, Glad I could brighten your day.    Ron
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Grunt on January 09, 2011, 09:18:07 am
if you intent is to hide from critters wear something quiet and hunt into the wind. If your intent is to hide from other humans wear something quiet and something in muted camo to break up your outline. Camo works best hiding from someone hunting you.
Semper, Fi
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on January 09, 2011, 11:10:59 am
Even a moving tree would scare the wildlife  ;)
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 09, 2011, 03:10:10 pm
Even a moving tree would scare the wildlife  ;)

If I ever see a tree walking towards me I am gonna try outrunning it.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Pat B on January 09, 2011, 06:20:01 pm
Most of my hunting cloths are commercial camo. I like the style of pants and if I could find them in non camo solid colors I'd use them. I do occasionally buy new camo long sleeve T shirts because I like Ts during the early(hot) season. Some of my camo is over 10 years old. No scent lock though. I like wool pants but rarely cold enough to use them here for hunting.
  If I ever make a buckskin shirt I'd wear that hunting. A wool sweater makes a great hunting top for cold weather as does wool and flannel plaid shirts.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Grunt on January 09, 2011, 07:31:17 pm
As a teenager I remember sitting in a hole at night and shooting at a whole field of moving bushes coming at me. Of course that took place on a different planet in a galaxy far far away.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Postman on January 09, 2011, 10:06:39 pm
I got a ghillie this november as a anniversary present, but bagged my first stickbow deer in mismatched camo in october.  I think the ghillie helps my number one cause of blown setups - the Squirrel fun police didn't spot me at 3 feet and freak out. I have a white / black plaid baja pullover that works great in snow, also.  Too much pressure here for buckskin - I'd get crossbowed or shot with a rifle.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: iowabow on January 10, 2011, 01:11:56 am
Deer are colored blind. We used colored blind people during world war II to spot camo tanks and postions from the air because camo doesn't work well in black and white. Deer also have eyes on the side of their head so depth perception is difficult but if the head is moved up and down the system works great. That is way if a deer is trying to pick you out from the background they will move there head up and down to break you up from the back ground. So camo will not work because it is related to a binocular color illusion. Camo is an attempt to create a line converging probelm that the mind cant solve easily by breaking up the shape of the body and merging it with the background. Now color has three componets value (deer can see this) intensity and hue. If you are human and looking at a person in camo these three are used to trick you. Intensity or brightness in color and warm colors advance in a landscape. Additionally bold or very dark or white values will also advance due the relative value of a setting. So deer could care less about intensity and hue and it make sense because value contrast is the alert. The change in light and dark is the blinking caution light for the woods. If you do not create this value change there is no trigger for an alert. Think of yourself as a projecting flat plane rather than an over lapping plane,shape, or form. Camo is a great system if you are human to human because it cover all the bases. So my solution for deer has been to make sure that when I place a stand that I have a real good and close back cover. So for example I might place a large dead cedar behind the stand or set a stand in a shingle oak because it holds its leaves during the winter. This makes it difficult for the deer to make me move in relationship to objects far behind me. my point is we are a shape in in reference to other shapes and if there is no reference then we are no shape. Movement in relationship to the background presents a shape. This is more of a discription than anyone really wants to read sorry for being long winded.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Postman on January 10, 2011, 02:12:20 pm
Well done explanation, and why I  always have a nice confusing backdrop to my setup, whatever I hunt in.  There was a theory a few years back that UV  brighteners in laundry soap could cause a camo - clad hunter to glow to a deer's different wavelength sensitivity.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: iowabow on January 10, 2011, 03:50:26 pm
Thank you! I was thinking this morning that it make sense that predators often have eyes more forward because of their lack of movement in a stalk (lion waiting in grass or on a limb) in contrast to an animal that moves from food area to food area. Each benefit from eye placement respective to function. I didn't know about UV but sounds interesting does anyone have a link to that data or article. I got busted by a doe once this season because I was following her with my bow as she was walking in, their eyes pick up everything.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Little John on January 10, 2011, 09:04:17 pm
I suppose camo works fine, but I just hate to look like all the other hunters in the woods and in town at Wal Mart with camo right down to their bic lighters. I use dull green wool jeans, Earth tone shirts, and wool sweaters. You can find the wool sweaters in the thrift stores and  in nice hunting colors. I like the off white sweaters for hunting in the aspens. And an Art Young style wool hat.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 10, 2011, 09:44:17 pm
Iowa...that was a really good explanation, I think I understood most of it.  Camo or not, when you are skylined your every movement is a billboard.  With your back up against a solid object like a tree trunk, big ol' rock, or a deadfall and your movements just don't stand out as much.  Another advantage is the bullet/arrow/shot stopping properties of what you are leant up against....not everyone out in the woods is paying attention to detail.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Grunt on January 10, 2011, 09:56:17 pm
I have a nice Realtree shell that has eleven pockets. It works so well I can never seem to find the pocket I'm looking for. Putting it on is a pain cause it's hard to find the top or the bottom. Good to know if I hold still no one can see me. 
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: iowabow on January 11, 2011, 06:06:20 am
I though an illustration for the above description might help. The little guy is an illustration of what it looks like if you wore solid colors with and without a background in a tree. I was too tied to draw the camo version. My point in posting this was to agree that camo color makes on difference but a pattern that matches the background in value can make a big difference. The guy that said movement was a big factor was dead on. In my last drawing, if the bow was in his left had and he raised it to fire he would block out the light coming from behind and fill that space with the silhouette of his bow. This is the high contrast change that I think deer pick up on. Your concealment is dependent upon your setting. So the guy that wears dark and sits in a field of snow might have a problem but if he sits in a dark cedar is OK. So forest green camo (which is dark) would be a poor choice if sitting on a hillside of tan brown leaves you would be better of wearing a plaid tan three piece suit. Patterns or solids are Dependant on conditions. Solid is good if you are in a field of snow. A dark grey solid would be good in that cedar tree or if you have a backdrop that is dark. I think the most important thing is not to create value contract change with your movement so clothing that works in relationship to the hunt that you have designed will yield the greatest success.
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: iowabow on January 11, 2011, 06:33:42 am
One more point deer don't wear camo. hey rely on value contrast for concealment.  The deer is dark on top to reduce the effect of highlight contrast and white on bottom to reduce the volume created by shadows. If I were designing Camo I would make it light sensitive ink. If light hit the Camo it would go dark and if not it would be light to reverse the effect that light and shadow has on creating volume. I think that the camo makers have missed the boat on camo design. The shoulders of camo should be a little darker and the inside of the arm a little lighter. A solid brown shirt with dark shoulder and light tan underarms could be be called archery deer camo. You would not want to look like a deer during gun season around here!
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: recurve shooter on January 12, 2011, 10:45:12 am
i hunt in olive drab surpluss pants and a nice briar-proof carhartt.  ;D
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: stickbender on January 15, 2011, 05:01:41 am

   Depends if it is in Montana, if so it is surplus Swedish wool pants and coat, here in Fla. blue jeans, and camo, or mismatched military, combos.  You shouldn't have mentioned the mud and straw stuff, now Eddie will be trying that out, and scaring the folks at Cades place.   ;D ;D  Go for disruptive patterns, and comfort, if you choose camo.  I still like Tiger stripe pattern as my all time favorite.  Color is pretty much a moot point as the Animals are color blind, or see in shades of black and white.  I like the duck hunting pattern of reeds and grass, for hunting in grassy areas down here.  Blends in real well.  But when you have your blaze orange on, it kinda defeats the purpose, unless you are bow hunting. ;)  Shoot if you're hunting from a concealed stand, you don't really need much camo. :)

Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: jamie on January 15, 2011, 06:42:27 am
only reason i wear camo is so that people dont see me. mostly i wear flannel shirt and jeans
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: crooketarrow on January 15, 2011, 08:38:52 am
   I agree I'd have to take my crying kids home. Man I JUST REMEMBERED I have'nt pulled a compound in 25 years. 
Title: Re: So do you do whole thing?
Post by: Kent D. on January 18, 2011, 03:41:57 pm
I go naked and only use my hands and teeth to take animals.  Lol.  Actually I prefer wool in cool weather and cotton in hot.