Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: recurve shooter on February 13, 2011, 11:13:28 pm

Title: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: recurve shooter on February 13, 2011, 11:13:28 pm
my girlfriend stands 5 foot nothing, weighs 130 pounds, and i can compleatly cover her fist inside of mine. she's pretty small. she turns 21 in april, and wants go get her carry permit and a gun. problem is, im a rifle guy. and the pistols i do shoot are BIG. im sure some of you have some knowledge of this, and im looking for suggestions on a gun. here is pretty much the guidlines of what we are looking for, in order of importance.
1. stopping power. i want it to do its job if she ever has to use it.
2. recoil. shes little like i said, and not exactly a tough girl. she's kind of a panzy actually, even by girl standards lol. she has shot a ruger blackhawk in 357 with .38s in it and a 6 inch barrel, as well as some kinda little 38 snubnose revolver with no problem, so it dont have to be all that small, just something managable.
3. trigger pull. something we dont think about as caveman-hands can usually fire any of them off, but i got a guy to let her shoot a little taurus .22 compact pistol, i dont know the moddle but its one where the barrel pops up to load the first round instead of racking the slide, and it had a hammer, which made it have a double action trigger pull, and she shook so much trying to get the thing to go off she did good to hit the burm.
4. price. she's a collage student, and im younger that her, so not a whole heck of alot of money here. cheaper is better, prefferably under 300 dollars.
5. last, but not least, and most important to her sence she refuses to carry a purse. its gotta be SMALL. a judge in the back pocket of skinny jeans just dont work lol, or maby suggestions for some other way of carry? ancle holster?

Im at a loss on this one guys. at first i thought some kinda compact simi auto belly gun, but then i got to worying about jams, trigger pull, ect.
then i thought a small revolver, like the smith and wesson lady smith, but thats HUGE compared to her tiny little hands, then i thought maby derringer, but thats only two shots and she aint exatly a marksman, so i have no clue. like i say ANY suggestions from ANYONE who knows anything would be great. thanks guys!!!

ps- she wants it "pretty"  :D :P
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: NTD on February 13, 2011, 11:16:31 pm
My wife carries a Bersa .380 and she is taller than yours but 110 pounds.

Kel-tec makes a very small .380

Pretty is in the eye of the beholder so can't help you there ;D
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Knocker on February 13, 2011, 11:38:11 pm
I like my little .380 Colt Mustang - but it will likely cost you more than $300 to get one...
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: nugget on February 13, 2011, 11:39:31 pm
Kel Tec makes awesome carry pistols in several calibers. I carry a 32 with no problem in my front pocket. Less than 300 is no problem for this gun. If you get a good hollow point it will definitely leave a hole upon entry and exit.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: sailordad on February 14, 2011, 12:12:20 am
there are ALOT of compact 9mm, .40 cal, even .45 acp to choose from for cc
if she can handle a .357 mag,then she can handle any of the calibers i just mentioned
down side to smaller calibers like the .380, and .32 calibers is penetration
theres a show on the outdoor channel caled" THE BEST DEFENSE"
they always do shows on personal self defense.with everything from barehands to guns
they recently discussed these types of guns.
they actuall found that the small caliber guns like .380 etc had a hard time penetrating thru heavy clothing and still
makeing good penetration into tissue
my personal choice is .45 acp,tried and proven for stopping power
smith & wesson make some "pretty" guns just for womens taste
and they make them in concealed carry modles too  ;)
only downside is S&W arent always the cheapest
but they do make a damn fine firearm that you can depend on
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: NTD on February 14, 2011, 12:15:40 am
Tim, I agree with you on .45 ACP.  I love my 1911.  But she hasn't shot .357, he said she was shooting .38's out of a.357 ;)
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: mullet on February 14, 2011, 12:17:59 am
 I bought my wife a Taurus Titanium 38 Spl. Then I had a trigger kit put in it. It doesen't jam and when in doubt, keep pulling the trigger.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: mullet on February 14, 2011, 12:19:48 am
 I carry a 45 Para-Ordinance 1911. Love my 45's
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: sailordad on February 14, 2011, 12:23:44 am
NTD, thanks for clarifying that for me
i went back and reread his initial post
dont know how i misread that,its rigt there in black and white  :P
but hey if she can handle .38's,she can still handle a 9mm or .40 cal
my wife not a big person
she used to out shoot me with MY .357
i NEVER let her shoot my .45 acp,didnt need her showing me up with that too  ;D
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: NTD on February 14, 2011, 12:50:21 am
My wife is a better shot than myself as well ;D  That's why I picked up the bow ;)
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Knocker on February 14, 2011, 03:06:48 am
To elaborate, I said that I liked my little Colt .380 Mustang because it is small enough to carry in a pocket.  It's my "summer gun" when wearing lighter clothing.  Most of the year a Kimber .45 is my pistol of choice.  Of course if I knew I was going to a gun battle I'd carry a 12 gauge, .223 ranch rifle or 30-06 BAR.   >:D 

The pistol I usually recommend for a camp gun or lady's gun is a .357 Ruger SP101.  Rugged and reliable, .38's for practice and .357 hollow points for carry.  Fine for a purse, but a little big for a pocket.

Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: El Destructo on February 14, 2011, 03:12:18 am
My Wife carries a Kimber Pro Crimson Carry 45acp with a 4 inch Barrel ...but they make an Ultra that has a 3 inch Barrel that is even lighter and smaller......She also has a 357 magnum Ruger GP-100 with a 4 inch Barrel.....I carry a Kimber also...but mine is the 5 inch Crimson Carry....and my wife is 5'4"...and weighs 115...and has no trouble wielding this Gun....and with Authority...I might add!
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 14, 2011, 05:05:47 am
I'm 22...also a poor college student.  Getting my permit soon.

If I do need to use a firearm for protection one shot to the head is all that is needed for even the biggest person on earth.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: jamie on February 14, 2011, 08:21:03 am
not to be a stick in the mud, but does she know how to shoot.  not just at the range. im a firm believer that a pistol is more dangerous to the owner if the owner cant instinctually draw that weapon and pull the trigger. if the weapon is drawn the trigger should be pulled and the mag emptied. no warning shots. ive taught many females to train with their weapons. so that under duress the abililty to shoot is there. doesnt matter what size the weapon is if she cant remove it and be ready to injure or kill somebody. peace
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: NTD on February 14, 2011, 10:26:07 am
I'm 22...also a poor college student.  Getting my permit soon.

If I do need to use a firearm for protection one shot to the head is all that is needed for even the biggest person on earth.

Not as easy as it sounds.  Have you ever hunted?  Ever had or seen someone get buck fever?  Now multiply that with the fact that it's a life and death situation.  Ever been in a fight?  Then you know what adrenaline does to fine motor skills.  There is a reason you train for center mass....
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: El Destructo on February 14, 2011, 10:35:13 am
I agree with you 100 percent Nate....
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: recurve shooter on February 14, 2011, 10:41:47 am
not to be a stick in the mud, but does she know how to shoot.  not just at the range. im a firm believer that a pistol is more dangerous to the owner if the owner cant instinctually draw that weapon and pull the trigger. if the weapon is drawn the trigger should be pulled and the mag emptied. no warning shots. ive taught many females to train with their weapons. so that under duress the abililty to shoot is there. doesnt matter what size the weapon is if she cant remove it and be ready to injure or kill somebody. peace

i agree. she had never shot in her life before i got her. iv spent as much time with her and handguns as i can, but sence im not much of a handgun guy, and all i really have access to is my .22 revolver, my black powder .44s, and a flintlock 40 cal lol. but she is catching on fast and listens to what i tell her. we still have a long way to go before she starts carrying, but im not just throwing a gun at her and saying have at it.

thanks for all the replies guys. im leaning towards the kel-tek, and i think i can get ahold of one for her to try. thanks a ton guys, glad so many of you chimed in.  ;D
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: thomas h on February 14, 2011, 10:56:01 am
I'm 22...also a poor college student.  Getting my permit soon.

If I do need to use a firearm for protection one shot to the head is all that is needed for even the biggest person on earth.

in a stress under fire situation  that (one shot to the  head) may be a tuff shot to master all the practice in the world cant prepare you  when another actual living person  is trying to  kill you.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: JustinNC on February 14, 2011, 12:31:09 pm
IF she can shoot and she really wants a gun....those Ruger LCP's are nice little guns. I just bought a Ruger SR9C....9mm compact, and only got it over the LCP because the 380 ammo isnt as readily available as the 9mm.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: recurve shooter on February 14, 2011, 03:23:05 pm
i LOVE anything made by ruger, and the 9 mil is cheap and easy to find, but for that the price is the issue. does kel-tec make their little simi auto pocket guns in nine mill or just 32 and 380?
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Marc St Louis on February 14, 2011, 03:25:36 pm
You can get old military surplus handguns for a pretty decent price.  I bought an old French service pistol in .32 auto, made by Unique, many years ago for $90.  Quite portable with its 4" barrel, worked fine and could easily hit a man sized target at 25 yards.  Recoil is also very mild
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: mullet on February 14, 2011, 03:35:14 pm
 Like Marc said. I used to carry an East German made Makorov. It was a nice shooting gun and cost less than $200.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Dane on February 14, 2011, 03:44:48 pm
Jamie is right. You both have to think this through very carefully. If she wants to or has to carry pistol, she has to be absolutely willing and able to kill her enemy without blinking or hesitating. And then, she has to be ready for the consequences of that decision, including taking another life and how that is going to affect her, and legal liability. She should know that pistol or revolver so well if she does have to use it, she wont fumble; forget how the safety works, all that. I’d say she should put hundreds if not thousands of rounds through it. She should be an excellent shot with it at defensive ranges, and be trained to hit center mass. Those that say head shot only or shoot to wound or firing warning shots make me cold, and they probably should get some training themselves. Those that carry a pistol or revolver to use to scare a potential threat should not be carrying at all, and are idiots of the highest order.

You also may want to consider other kinds of skills like the ability to carry concealed, what happens if a bad guy tries to disarm her, etc. Probably knowing her local gun laws and the consequences should be mandatory too before she actually carries. Where can you legally carry, when do you have to lock up the gun before you go in (federal property, courts, airports, private businesses that post no firearms, etc.). Also, not just shooting to kill, but awareness of those around her and the possibility of hitting an innocent person, shooting through a house or apartment wall and what that may lead to, etc.

The handgun should be small enough to conceal, but large enough she can actually hit her target without flinching before each shot, etc. Folks get so into mag capacity they forget that an average defensive shooting situation is not a gun battle, but putting down the aggressor and nothing more.

And, of course, there is civil liability to consider, as well. She may be in the right, may be defending her life, and still be ruined financially in the aftermath.

On more practical matters, consider what kind of concealed holster is best for her, and those can be very expensive, but cutting corners there can be very dangerous for her or even get her killed. And besides all that, have you considered revolvers? The single best thing about a revolver is no worries about the safety. She pulls the piece, sights and acquires her target and pulls the trigger. Fast reloading and high capacity should be the last thing for her to worry about.

Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: NTD on February 14, 2011, 03:46:51 pm
Makarov's are good lil guns. 

Kel-tec makes a small carry 9mm.  It's not as small as the .32 and .380 but still a pretty small package for a good price, actually wouldn't mind having one myself.  I really want the Para Ordnance Warthog, but it's way above my price range. 10+1 .45 in a compact 1911 format ;D  It makes me drool a bit.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: El Destructo on February 14, 2011, 04:02:19 pm
Sweet Pisstolla....might just have to add one to the collection....I bet she barks....and breathes Fire.... >:D
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: mullet on February 14, 2011, 10:37:26 pm
 I just got a Para-Ord, 1911, double action. One made in Ontario. 1" groups with nothing done to it at 15 yards.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 15, 2011, 12:21:56 am
If I do need to use a firearm for protection one shot to the head is all that is needed for even the biggest person on earth.

Those "one shot to the head" kills are generally from behind and are euphamistically referred to by the legal system as 'murder'.

I read some stats on Law Enforcement shoot-outs that turned my head.  Taking into account that these people are often ex-military and come into the job with considerable experience, and then go Academy, and then have to qualify on combat arms courses, and then go out into the field where their nerves are tested time and time again until they can seriously say they "been there, done that", AND THEY STILL MISS TWO OUT OF THREE SHOTS WHILE AIMING FOR CENTER-OF-MASS!!!  Just makes me wanna slap the smirk off people that complain that the "cop shoulda shot the gun outa the poor criminal's hand". 
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: HickoryBill on February 15, 2011, 12:32:15 am
My wife carries a KEl Tec 380( can't remember the model) And she can shoot it too!!!!!
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Pappy on February 15, 2011, 12:26:44 pm
Miss Joanie carries a small 380 auto 7 shot and o ya she can shoot and I promise she wouldn't hesitate to use it. :) :) She also keeps a 12 gauge in the bathroom closet loaded with 00 buck shot and a 38 revolver in the basement where she watches TV,she has told me several time do not try sneaking in and scare her,I believe her. :)I have a pass word I holler out when I come in the back door if she don't know I am around. :)   
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Marc St Louis on February 15, 2011, 12:56:35 pm
Miss Joanie carries a small 380 auto 7 shot and o ya she can shoot and I promise she wouldn't hesitate to use it. :) :) She also keeps a 12 gauge in the bathroom closet loaded with 00 buck shot and a 38 revolver in the basement where she watches TV,she has told me several time do not try sneaking in and scare her,I believe her. :)I have a pass word I holler out when I come in the back door if she don't know I am around. :)   

My wife doesn't like being surprised either but she's not going to shoot me for it  :)
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: recurve shooter on February 15, 2011, 10:03:03 pm
dane: thanks man. all good points. the legal side of things shouldnt be a problem for her. she is a collage student majoring in criminal justice, and is in her third year here. shes going to go for her masters. she has kept up i belive a 3.7 through collage. very smart girl, very cautious and calculatging, the kind of persom that dont do anything without knowing what the result will be ten years from now. i believe she can handle the legle side of it, and i believe that she would never draw a weapon unless she intended to kill. i trust that she can handle it.

now, that said, im not a handgun guy, so i dont have a lot of them for her to practice with. once we decide what to get for her there will be a rediculous amount of ammo sent through it, and hours of time learing every aspect of it before i let her have it. she's a good girl and she listens to me, and smart as a whip. i am possitive that she understands the responsibilitys involved with carrying, and i know she will do as she's supposed to.

now, back to the original question. what gun? revolvers: this is what i would prefer her have as well, but she is so little, she can shoot them, and likes them. a 38 snubby is no problem for her. i just dont realy know how she could conceal one on her. but i dont know what kinda holsters they make for ladys to carry in, ect. i love revolvers myself, and would prefer her have one. it will never jam, never misfire, and like yall said, no safty to wory with, just a trust worthy gun. pluss the slide wont cut her thumb off if she grips it wrong. :o and a double action trigger pull is to much for her. she litterally can barely get it to go off, and when she does, forget hitting anything with it. but i think it would be better to take the time to thumb cock the gun than to have to teach her to use a simi. hmmm. old 38 maby?
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Kent D. on February 15, 2011, 10:17:11 pm
My wife is about the same size, she likes to carry her 38 special snub nose. 
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Kent D. on February 15, 2011, 10:20:48 pm
A gun my wife bought not long ago is a 22 mag revolver.  The darenger looking thing.  When she carries it, she keeps rat shot in the first chamber.  That way if she is in danger, she is ready to blind the perp with the rat shot to the face, then she has 4 bullets to finish the job if needed.  With that said, she still likes to carry the 38 special i mentioned, the best.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: El Destructo on February 16, 2011, 12:04:19 am
If my Wife can handle the Ruger GP can your Girl.....and you will never find a more Accurate....and definitely never find a stronger...well made Pistol as the GP 100...they are almost indestructible
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Ryano on February 16, 2011, 12:53:34 pm
If your looking for something cheap google "hi point fire arms" They are made in Ohio and you can get a brand new .380 for $140.00
The down side is they are kind of clunky and heavy. The up side is thier under 200 bucks and they actualy shoot really well. One of my co-workers has one in 9mm and he loves it. Shoots as good as or better than a lot of more expensive guns.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: recurve shooter on February 17, 2011, 04:07:47 pm
22 mag revolver.  The darenger looking thing. 

i know that gun. we actually thought about getting that one, but im a little leery of the 22 mag. but, you can kill a man with a good pelet rifle, so i guess a 22 mag would work.
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: johnston on February 18, 2011, 07:26:34 pm
Lots of good advice has already been given but I'm gonna chime in on a couple of things.

I have shot in over a hundred IDPA matches and the only semii's I never saw fail were the Glocks. Never saw a revolver that did fail. No opinion here just an observation.

The best rule is to carry as much gun as you handle well. If that is a .22 rimfire then so be it. A handgun is always a trade-off anyway.

Once you have a weapon selected a method of carry can be found.  The trick here is to determine that the gun is needed as an item of personal attire. Sometimes it is a chore carrying a gun but not as bad as waking up dead.

As to expense, I really understand limited  funds. But the average person spends more on a TV than on a weapon that could save their life. You don't have to go whole hog but this ain't something you want to be cheap on either.

Whatever she winds up with your plan of a bunch of practice is dead on.( Buying the gun is the easy part). And remember to teach her safe gun handling methods as well.You got a big job, good luck!
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: Hillbilly on February 18, 2011, 08:49:51 pm
My wife carries one of these:  ;D
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: El Destructo on February 18, 2011, 09:30:07 pm
In Her Clutch Purse....huh Steve.......... >:D
Title: Re: carry gun for little woman?
Post by: aznboi3644 on February 19, 2011, 01:02:46 am
In Her Clutch Purse....huh Steve.......... >:D

U mean carry her clutch purse on that lol