Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: Kegan on April 04, 2011, 07:15:21 pm

Title: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: Kegan on April 04, 2011, 07:15:21 pm
Ok... we have an official turkey sighting. This is big, because they usually only roost here but fly down across the valley (and road) onto our neighbor's property at first light. Never even giving us a chance :'(. Anyway, they're hanging around for once, but with everyone and their cousin out calling like madmen they're rather call-shy. I'm low on funds but was hoping to entice them just a little closer with home made 2D decoys, like they sell for deer and antelope every once in a while. Would it work, or would the sharp eyes of the turkey be too hard to fool with such cheap imitations?
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: Pat B on April 04, 2011, 07:19:02 pm
Kegan, they should work just fine but try to get the colors right for the bird you are representing. Maybe make one a front of with the head to one side and another a side view. Movement should help too.
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: sailordad on April 04, 2011, 08:03:27 pm
2d will work fine
there are alot of commercial 2d turkey decoys on the market

colr pattern,bird positions like feeding hen or alert hen ,alert jake  etc
put the decoy where you would like to kill the bird at
if you can make them move some,that makes them even better
attach real feathers will help too

if you know where they are roosting, and where they are going to fly down too and which way they head from there
set up so that you can ambush them on their morning feeding walk after fly down
then you may not even need a decoy or call

if they are getting call shy,then i would use real soft subtle calling and very little of it
dont over do it.
if its early in your breeding season then a jake in half strut real close to the back side of a submissive hen as great set up

just remember, toms will usually walk up to a jake face to face(to fight)
tom will usually walk up to a hen from behind(to breed)
set decoys so that when he does come in that you get them in position to get the best kill shot
if hunting them with bow i find a back shot to be the best(spine them or upp the back door and gut them)
with a gun you realy would like them to stretch that nice long neck out for you(decoy positioning not quite as important for gun hunting)
good luck
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: lowell on April 04, 2011, 08:09:10 pm

  It doesn't take that much of a decoy to fool them.  A friend made me this one a few years ago and had toms come in on it and knock it over trying to fight with it.  

  I put a jake tail on it and put it on a steel stake with a string attached so I could make it move a little!!

 This one is made of light plywood but would think cardboard may work except may not hold up to rainy weather.
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: tattoo dave on April 04, 2011, 10:31:41 pm
I agree with Lowell, cool decoy by the way! I have shot birds in the past with no decoy. I also fooled a nice tom once with the black backpack I was wearing. He was within gun range, but didn't fall for it once he got within 25 yrds.
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: FlintWalker on April 04, 2011, 11:11:21 pm
Lowell's right! They really ain't all that smart :o
 I say...Why bother with a turkey decoy at all? With a turkey decoy you're still trying to make him come to you.
 Be aggressive! Go to him! You need a COW decoy ;D ;D ;D
 I made this one from 1/4" ply wood. She works like a charm >:D
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on April 04, 2011, 11:23:29 pm
Lowell , Do not use a nice lookin Jake decoy with real feathers in Penna. or you are probably going to get shot especially a movin one. Shannon love your heifer decoy hows it work in pasture with the young bulls :o :o :o Oh yeah runnnnnnnn faster. Nice lookin turks. Later Bob
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: Kegan on April 05, 2011, 02:59:15 pm
Thanks for the input everyone! I'm getting excited about this year. Having trouble finding time around work and vehicle troubles to find where they're roosting but I'm trying. I'm thinking I'll try to do my best to talk Kyle into helping me double team the buggers, after all, it's his turkey call :D
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: criveraville on April 05, 2011, 03:05:53 pm
Run!!!!  There's a water buffalo behind you ;D
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: lowell on April 05, 2011, 05:10:41 pm
Sawfiler.....your decoy looks like fun too!! >:D

 Does it work if the turkeys aren't near cattle very often??.....or only when cattle are present??
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: FlintWalker on April 05, 2011, 08:37:03 pm
It is fun Lowell ! I've personally never killed a turkey from behind it but I've been the "driver" on several.
 The most important thing I've noticed is how you present it to them. You gotta let them see you from a distance and get used to you for a little while. After that, you can pretty much "feed" her right up to a big old strutter. Seems to work better on smaller flocks that are busy feeding around one gobbler. I've had about a 50/50 success ratio with it no matter if there was cows around or not.  If you get in a pasture with cows they'll usually stomp and run around you like they're stupid...but the birds didn't seem alarmed.
 This thing is only used around the tail end of the season on some of those birds that seem to live in the midst of a hundred acre field and change roost places at midnight! I prefer calling them in but do get a rush watching old Bessie fart lightning! ;D
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 06, 2011, 11:11:27 am
I have a tom fan attached to a 1/2" pvc pipe I use. No body , no head. They havent figured me out yet! I just stick it in the ground and they keep walking around trying to figure out where the rest of the bird is! Kegan I have OLD feather flex hen you can have if you give me your shipping info.
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: Ryano on April 06, 2011, 01:26:26 pm
That'd be illegal here Shannon. The bird must be called to you in pennsylvania. Kegan I'd say don't waste your time making a cardboard one, you can buy a foam 3D one at most any wallmart for less than $20. I've seen 'em on sale for as low as $7.99 Its not worth your time to make one that probably won't hold up anyways.... You know the way its going here is PA this year it'll still be snowing during turkey season.
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: Kegan on April 08, 2011, 05:08:57 pm
This weather is a mess. One day of work, one day lost. We were roofing in snow. Sheesh.

Looks like there are plenty of options, thanks everyone. I'm really getting psyched :)
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: mullet on April 11, 2011, 08:54:24 pm
A six dollar bag of Cracked corn will keep them there for a long time ;D ;).
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: Kegan on April 11, 2011, 08:58:55 pm
A six dollar bag of Cracked corn will keep them there for a long time ;D ;).

Illegal here in PA. Along with about 900 other things that just put the screws to honest people ::)
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: mullet on April 11, 2011, 09:11:06 pm
Well, You could hide behind Shannon's cow and Mooo, that would be calling. ::) :)
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: johnston on April 12, 2011, 01:43:49 am
Wonder if a plywood turkey would work on cows?

Mullet did you get a Carolina turkey?

Kegan how about a corn decoy?

Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: mullet on April 12, 2011, 02:07:21 am
My buddy and I got in a calling contest on the same bird. We thought we were working two seperate birds, but one disapeared. We ended up 40 yrds .apart, calling to one 25 feet in front of me, 40 yds from him, that I couldn't see and he could,,, you get the picture. It was ugly but we kissed and made up after we figured it out :). The excitement was still there and had a great vacation. I've never taken that much time turkey hunting straight.
Title: Re: Cardboard turkeys?
Post by: Kegan on April 12, 2011, 04:49:48 pm

Kegan how about a corn decoy?


I like it :D!