Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: k-hat on May 23, 2011, 04:09:09 pm

Title: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: k-hat on May 23, 2011, 04:09:09 pm
this is a kid's bow, 53"ttt, 52"n2n, bendy handle, same width (1.25") with thickness taper out to midlimb, then width tapers to 1/2 inch nocks and uniform thickness. Tips are even, but the bend isn't exactly the same as you can see from the grid. Am I being too picky? Wanna take her out to 26 inches, at 22 now with a 6" brace.


Thanks guys!

Here she is after some work,  looking better?

Title: Re: tiller critique
Post by: bigcountry on May 23, 2011, 04:30:39 pm
Looks to me, your left limb is stouter, and you got too much bend outer 1/3 on right.  I would get even bend with a tillering gizmo on that right limb and knock some wieght off the left.
Title: Re: tiller critique
Post by: k-hat on May 23, 2011, 06:46:51 pm
thanks BC, working on it.  I'll update shortly!!
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated**
Post by: johnston on May 23, 2011, 08:04:36 pm
Looks pretty good if you ignore all those little squares in the background ;D.

To my blind eyes the last picture shows a bow ready to be shot a little if it was at desired draw length.
But I don't know too much.

Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated**
Post by: rps3 on May 24, 2011, 01:13:17 am
I like how your scale is attached to the bowstring, more closely representing fingers. I often wondered what the difference in weight is when I go from a simple hook to 3 fingers on the string.
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated**
Post by: Pappy on May 24, 2011, 09:59:14 am
Looks pretty darn good to me,I would be shooting that thing. Nice work. :)
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated**
Post by: cracker on May 24, 2011, 06:13:40 pm
What are you waiting for take it down off the wall and shoot it.Ron
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated**
Post by: George Tsoukalas on May 24, 2011, 10:55:59 pm
Excellent tiller. Jawge
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated**
Post by: k-hat on May 25, 2011, 01:13:50 am
Thanks guys!!  Appreciate the encouragement.  unfortunately i've only put a couple of arrows through just to see what she'd do, but that was at about 16 inches draw.  now i've got her out to 26 inches, came in at 15#, which is the neighborhood i was hunt'n fer.  Seems like these thinner bows are harder to tiller than the heavier ones!!  the only downer is that hinge that began to develop.  I was able to work around it and still get a nice draw curve, but the unbraced profile is a little screwy :-[    Oh well, guess if it was fer looking perty unstrung, i wouldn't tiller it to begin with ;)  Been a real good learning experience and y'alls input has been very helpful.  If these stinkin tornadoes will go on round us, maybe i can take my son out tomorrow to take her for a spin. It's the second bow i've made for him, hope he likes it!  i'll put another pic up when i've got her all decked out with handle wrap and finish :)

RPS:  the scale thing was kind of serendipitous.  I didn't like the idea of the hook going on the string, and it did seem like it'd be a little unnatural too.  I found a couple of links with the screw closure that worked nicely for hooks and could hold a lotta weight, so i modified the getup and this is what i got.  Looking back, it does seem to help.  It's also pushing me in the direction of Dean Torge's philosophy of the stiffer limb being the upper rather than the lower.  Fits with my physics background as well (that's these schools have been letting me teach for the past 10 years or so ;D).  Course, i'm probly starting an argument now >:D  cause i know there's lots of opinions round here bout that from men who've been doing this a lot longer than me.  All i know is what i see working in my garage and in my hands ;)
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: k-hat on May 27, 2011, 01:21:02 am
K boys and girls, here it is all done but the waxn.  Thanks so much for all the great advice and encouragement.  I love PA!

Stats:  53" ttt, 52" ntn, 15#@25".  Made based on "the perfect [bendy] bow" in TBB1.  I was going for a more primitive look, hence the art sinew and tie-on nocks.  I burnished it today and will wax it later on after she's good and broken in.   This one is the second for my son, and he's already in love :P, put a few arras thru already and he says it feels good and i ain't arguin!

Here are the pics, sorry the quality aint so great:

Side profile unbraced, straightens out real nice-like.  heated in about 2" of reflex to start, which i figured would tiller out to give a flat profile.  Perty close!!



ignore the leftover handle lace.  I didn't wanna cut it off just yet so i could rewrap it later.


And the money pic.  I sure was hopin he didn't let'r slip and put an arra in the tv!!

Thanks again!!  I welcome any critique, long as it's nice ;)
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: Del the cat on May 27, 2011, 08:01:07 am
Very nice work!
Tillering those low poundage bows can be a nightmare.
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: Hrothgar on May 27, 2011, 08:36:09 am
Nice job, looks like a shooter!
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: dwardo on May 27, 2011, 09:05:43 am
Nice job. Let him loose the arrow, TV sucks anyways!
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: Pappy on May 27, 2011, 10:40:46 am
Nice job,ya tillering a light weight bow always gives me trouble,looks like you done good,great looking
boy also.  :) :)
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 27, 2011, 11:21:32 am
Looks good, Im glad you got it tillered out.
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: half eye on May 27, 2011, 11:27:22 am
I'm with Pappy, really light biows are really tough tio get tillered even.....thats a very nice bow and I'll bet he's really glad to get it. Hey, ya dont need frequent flyer miles for them backyard safaris either ;D
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: George Tsoukalas on May 27, 2011, 11:40:20 am
Nice to see! Jawge
Title: Re: tiller critique **Updated: Got'r did!!! Pics included
Post by: k-hat on May 27, 2011, 12:33:46 pm
Thanks men!!!  That was a big lesson for me:  light bow does NOT equal easy bow!!!!  Real easy to get a hinge in there, as you can see from the tillering pics. 

We've had several of those back yard safaris ;)  , hope to take him several times this summer to do some roving and stump shooting on some property some friends of mine have.

 I REALLY appreciate all the feedback and tillering advice you guys have given, been a great learning experience.  Feelin like i got lucky getting my first few bows tillered out at all given how tough this one was and how much i learned along the way :)

Well, there's more to come, in fact I have a 50# hickory bow in tiller right now, hope it goes a little smoother!