Primitive Archer

Information and Resources => Message Board Q & A => Topic started by: Stickboy on June 18, 2011, 12:57:41 am

Title: New to the forums
Post by: Stickboy on June 18, 2011, 12:57:41 am
I couldn't find a regular "Introductions" section, so I suppose I'll just get started here:  My name's Steve and I live in Berea, KY.  For the past few months, I've been working on-and-off on my first bow.  It's sort of pyramid-style, but more of a character bow, made from some sort of evergreen (unfortunately, I'm only good at identifying basic hardwoods -- tree identification: another thing on my "to do" list).  I had no intentions of harvesting part of that particular tree, but a thunderstorm topped it, so it seemed an opportune piece of lumber for trying my hand at bow-making. 

If anyone is curious, "Stickboy" is actually a nickname my dad gave me as a kid, being as I was a scrawny little fella.  Now, he still calls me that.  Probably because I'm still a scrawny little fella...  Anyway: I thought it an appropriate moniker for a member of a group who share a love of things at the same time affectionately as derogatorily called "stickbows."  I look forward to trying my hand at the exploits of the community.
Title: Re: New to the forums
Post by: Pat B on June 18, 2011, 03:05:27 am
Welcome Stickboy!  If you have bows you want to show, go to "BOWS"  ::), arrows, go to "Arrows"! etc. If you have questions, ask 'em. You'll get used to it soon enough.  ;)

ps. when you get to "Around the Campfire" you can discuss(almost) anything...BUT not polotics, religion, age or weight!  ;D
Title: Re: New to the forums
Post by: Stickboy on June 19, 2011, 12:52:48 pm
HaHa! Sounds good. I hope to get the bow finished up fairly soon, and I'll post a few progression photos in the "bows" section. I imagine I'll be asking a lot of questions, probably mostly of the "how did I manage to mess this up?" variety...  Thanks for the welcome!
Title: Re: New to the forums
Post by: Calendargirl on June 21, 2011, 03:57:24 pm
Welcome to the message boards Stickboy!