Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: gstoneberg on June 21, 2011, 01:53:33 am

Title: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: gstoneberg on June 21, 2011, 01:53:33 am
My wife gave me a hard time about all the bow wood sitting in the driveway to the shop.  She had the audacity to suggest that I didn't need any more....silly woman.  ::)  Gary brought over some hickory on Saturday.  I've never tried it before.  Will wait until fall so it gets a little drier outside.


Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Stretch on June 21, 2011, 02:01:19 am
She had the audacity to suggest that I didn't need any more....silly woman. 

That's just crazy talk.   ;D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Cameroo on June 21, 2011, 02:04:14 am
Silly woman indeed.  I'd love to get my hands on some hickory.  I've never worked with it either, but the hickory bow that Darcy made for me is my favorite bow by far.  Nice and light for the draw weight, and a snappy shooter!  Let me know if you've got any to spare.  I don't have much to trade, but I did make a nice side quiver recently that I might part with.  It would give me an excuse to make another one :)
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: BowJunkie on June 21, 2011, 02:10:39 am
OMG   :o The nerve of some people.. LMAO
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Pat B on June 21, 2011, 02:11:52 am
George, tell her she's wrong, just plain wrong. >:(   At our age we need the security of knowing we will never run out.  :D

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Weylin on June 21, 2011, 02:32:17 am
My wife wasn't sure we had room for the one stave that I have drying (which is laying on the floor in our bedroom on my side of the bed). I showed her these pictures and she just shook her head.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Elktracker on June 21, 2011, 03:08:36 am
You can never have too much! I have about half again as much as this now and I have been getting allot more picky ;D I have about 1/3 of what you have on the ground there in my living room drying, my wife loves it, one whole corner ;D :D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Rick Wallace on June 21, 2011, 03:25:25 am
Hey,you could store it at my shop ;D I wont use too much ::) my wife never comes out there unless im in trouble,then I hide in the chicken house,she wont go in there :P
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Bow Nut on June 21, 2011, 04:07:51 am
I dont think I have ever been more jealous in my life as I am of yalls wood collection.  I can only dream about having that much wood lol.  I am doing my best to build a collection.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: wally on June 21, 2011, 04:41:08 am
Must be the same all over. I'm from London and my wife says the same thing.
'Haven't you got enough bows now!'  Strange person.
Mind you I don't have your enviable load of staves.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: johnston on June 21, 2011, 07:53:24 am
WARNING.... if you have osage do not try hickory!!
Osage is too expensive for firewood so you will wind up stuck with the stuff and your wife will really go off.

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: crooketarrow on June 21, 2011, 09:20:22 am
   I grilfriend / wife we been together 20 years use to say if you can spend a WEEKSSSS cutting wood. WHY CAN'T YOUUUUUUUU
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: crooketarrow on June 21, 2011, 09:23:45 am
  Sorry about that
  If we'ed move I move my stave first. She'd say how comes it takes you longer to move THAT WOOD than me.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Justin Snyder on June 21, 2011, 10:55:53 am
She is right, you have too much. So does Pat and Elktracker. I will promptly come to each of your houses and haul away all of the extra so you guys have the PROPER amount of wood. My wife will understand that I am just helping others.  :-*  BTW I have seen Pappy's storage, you don't have a drop in the bucket compared to him.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: gstoneberg on June 21, 2011, 11:16:18 am
Hey Justin, I don't have any delusion that my pile's the biggest for sure.  And, that's not my wood that's stored, that's what's sitting in the driveway waiting to be stored (or split, along with annoying my lovely lady).  But hey, all anybody has to do to get some of my wood is drive over and have a glass of iced tea with me.  That's all it takes. :)  You might be on to something though.  It'd be fun to load up the trailer with osage and drive around the country trading with the good folks on here, not come home until my wood was all gone and other wood had replaced it.  If I were just retired I might try it.  Remind me again in a few years. ;D

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 21, 2011, 11:23:06 am
I would get the wood out of the weather as quickly as possible. I left a pile of nice, spit osage behind my shop, out in the sun for 6 months. When I finally got around to checking on it, my beautiful straight staves had turned into a twisted pile of unusable bug riddled snakes. Lesson learned, I have never left another piece of wood out in the weather.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: BowJunkie on June 21, 2011, 11:32:44 am
I see some good contestants on the next "Hoarding Buried Alive" reality TV show  ;D
I envy those wood collections.
Johnny, Texas
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: cracker on June 21, 2011, 11:45:03 am
Too much wood theres no such thing. It's just like too much money it just don't happen.Ron
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: JackCrafty on June 21, 2011, 12:26:30 pm
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: ErictheViking on June 21, 2011, 03:56:56 pm
The problems some people have! I feel for ya George... no reallly I do ;D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Bow Nut on June 21, 2011, 04:05:45 pm
I would do anything to have stock piles like thouse I would be happy to take some off your hands but texas is a bit to far of a drive for me.  cant wait in about 4 or 5 months I am off to grove Oklahoma got a nice piece of land up there just a short drive and I am in missouri.  All osage be ware  lol. my wifes mom has a farm she want to get ride of 400 a month for house payment only 30 acres but it will do there is 2 thousand acres behind it that a nice fella owns who will let me hunt any time I want if I make him a fine bow.  Cant wait super excited to get out of this over populated atlatna 
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: criveraville on June 21, 2011, 05:13:13 pm
oh boy.... oh boy.... wives dont disaprove, do they???
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Lombard on June 21, 2011, 08:26:57 pm
I must be one of the lucky ones, my wife encourages me to get wood. God, I love that gal.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: markinengland on June 21, 2011, 08:32:06 pm
You can't have too much bow wood. It's something we collect as part of our national heritage and then when the time comes pass on to a new generation of bow makers!
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: criveraville on June 21, 2011, 08:58:46 pm
George, I better haul some of that off so your wife doesn't become too unhappy :D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Buckeye Guy on June 21, 2011, 11:55:30 pm
Hey George if you come thru Buckeye land (Ohio) I will trade you about any kinda wood you want for yellow wood !
I have been trying for three years to get enough out of my shop SO I don't have to work outside !
I just traded my zebrawood stash for yellow wood ,and Chery for bamboo, but there is still allot of other kinds that need to go ! Hickory is easy to come by here But yellow is about all gone!
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: osage outlaw on June 22, 2011, 12:06:28 am
I've never had a woman tell me I had too much wood :'(

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: ken75 on June 22, 2011, 12:25:49 am
George ,do like i do ignore them. selective hearing is a wonderful thing >:D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: criveraville on June 22, 2011, 01:07:38 am
?? What?? What was that Ken??? ;)
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Mark Smeltzer on June 22, 2011, 01:19:10 am
About 1/3 of my Yew and 1/2 the Osage. I also have a few dozen mixed staves, Russian Olive, Hickory, Black Locust, Red Elm, Vine Maple and some Ash. You can never have too much wood.



Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: gstoneberg on June 22, 2011, 01:51:24 am
Nice piles of wood guys.  I just received a short yew stave in the mail today!!!! Wahoo!!!!!!  I think a recurve is in my immediate future.  That wood isn't going outside on the pile.

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Elktracker on June 22, 2011, 01:54:32 am
How short is it? I would LOVE to see a build allong on it I have been wanting to attemp a yew recurve for a while now and have some nice yew in mind for it. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Sidewinder on June 22, 2011, 04:44:59 am
When I read the title to the topic I said "why thats sacrilege" . There is no such thing as too much bow wood . Unless of course you have jsut debarked your 23rd osagestave  in 2 days and your dead tired and you look down and you have 11 more to go, then you r thinking you have too much bow wood to debark, but not too much overall.  Lol    Danny
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: druid on June 22, 2011, 07:23:36 am
Black locust...and other whitewood.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: gstoneberg on June 22, 2011, 09:51:04 am
Wow druid, that's a nice stash of wood!

Elk, it'll be my first yew bow.  Unless it works like osage I'm not sure how it'll turn out.  A build-along might be a bit optimistic.  I think the stave is 57" long.  It has a big sideways bend in it.  I'll have to check with the guys that work with yew to see the best way to bend it so the string is in the handle.  I will take lots of pics as it takes shape.  It's only been down 4 months so it may need more seasoning before I start.

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Mark Smeltzer on June 22, 2011, 12:49:12 pm
I normally sinew a recurve that is short (under 60") Lately I have been doing mine a little differently, I heat and glue in the recurve using underlays. This seems to hold the recurve in better, it has a tendency to pull out over time.
The finished bow is Osage with Yew underlays @ 62".  The bow in progress is a short (58") Sinewed Yew with Red Elm underlays. 
I hope to be shooting that Yew bow by the end of today.


Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: osage outlaw on June 22, 2011, 03:22:31 pm
Well, since were showin' off our stash.  Here is mine.  I keep most of mine in the garage. 
In my shop:  osage, hickory, HHB, and one piece of yew.


More osage in the garage


Above the workshop:  Elm, hackberry, and more osage.


In the rafters:  more hackberry and ash(not pictured)


I have a couple of 1/4 log chunks of osage in the wifes garden shed.  She complains about them all the time, but I tell her they are keeping it from blowing away.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 22, 2011, 06:34:30 pm
Osage Outlaw has revealed himself as a bald-faced liar!  Having studied those pictures and the pictures of other bowyer's shops as well as my own and I can clearly state that is NOT the shopspace of a bow builder!  Far too clean, organized, and well lit.  Everyone knows we must wade thru hip deep shavings, rooting for tools and tape measures (which magically disappear when set down), in shadowy half light. 

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Elktracker on June 22, 2011, 06:49:31 pm
Osage Outlaw has revealed himself as a bald-faced liar!  Having studied those pictures and the pictures of other bowyer's shops as well as my own and I can clearly state that is NOT the shopspace of a bow builder!  Far too clean, organized, and well lit.  Everyone knows we must wade thru hip deep shavings, rooting for tools and tape measures (which magically disappear when set down), in shadowy half light. 


 ;D :D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: osage outlaw on June 22, 2011, 08:20:47 pm
You're right.  It's all firewood.  I prefer to burn pieces 6' x 2"  >:D

I didn't take a picture of my work bench.  Its a mess.  I just can't stand a messy floor.  I will stop and sweep the floor up every 20 minutes or so when I am using a drawknife.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: gstoneberg on June 22, 2011, 08:37:01 pm
O, you would hate my shop.  I just don't feel right without the crunch of osage shavings underfoot.  It bothers my wife too, she comes out and sweeps every week or so.

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 22, 2011, 09:54:56 pm
Since I bought that $100 spokeshave from Lee Valley I steadfastly refuse to sweep my shop floor!  I want cushion for when I drop a tool!!!  Shavings also absorb any spilled paint, thinner, polyurathane, iced tea, coffee, blood, sweat, and the inevitable tears.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Elktracker on June 22, 2011, 10:03:22 pm
Since I bought that $100 spokeshave from Lee Valley I steadfastly refuse to sweep my shop floor!  I want cushion for when I drop a tool!!!  Shavings also absorb any spilled paint, thinner, polyurathane, iced tea, coffee, blood, sweat, and the inevitable tears.

 ;D :D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: John W. Cooper on June 22, 2011, 10:30:53 pm
I must say that I am envious of some of your wood stashes!  Mine's slowly outgrowing my small shop, but I don't know if I'll be able to expand into the house... ::)  I got a chuckle as I also subscribe to the cushioning effect of at least ankle-deep shavings.  I do occasionally do have to go digging for pencils and dropped tape measures.  Thanks for the laughs!

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 22, 2011, 10:36:02 pm
I found a burned up 25' carpenter's tape in my woodstove once.  The only good part of the story is that it allowed me to stop looking for the bloody thing.  Nowadays I sift the shavings before they go in the fire.
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: osage outlaw on June 22, 2011, 11:11:45 pm
John, do you have a dust ruffle around your bed?  You would be supprised how many staves will fit under a bed ;D   And if you wait till the wifes out shopping to move them, she will never know ;)
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Elktracker on June 22, 2011, 11:17:48 pm
John, do you have a dust ruffle around your bed?  You would be supprised how many staves will fit under a bed ;D   And if you wait till the wifes out shopping to move them, she will never know ;)

Now thats an idea outlaw!! Thanks my wife will think I cleaned out the corner of my front room hahahahaaa >:D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: John W. Cooper on June 23, 2011, 10:39:47 pm
John, do you have a dust ruffle around your bed?  You would be supprised how many staves will fit under a bed ;D   And if you wait till the wifes out shopping to move them, she will never know ;)

Now that's genius!  We just celebrated 3 years of wedded bliss.  I'm sure I'll find little things like that to do when we've been together longer.  ;-)

Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: mstrick96 on June 24, 2011, 01:02:53 pm
 ;D  My wife asked the other day, "This might be a dumb question, but why do you need more than ONE bow?"

Keep in mind that I am a rank beginner!!  I have made one red oak board bow that broke and one successful one!  I only have a couple of boards waiting to become bows.  No staves.... yet!

OH Well!!! ::)

Oh, another thing that happened yesterday....  I took my bow in to work to show it off.  We have a bunch of bowhunters and general outdoors enthusiasts.  A couple of guys asked me how much I would charge to make them one.  I was flattered and told my wife.  Her response was, "Tell them we have too many other things to do around the house!"   :-\  ::)

By the way, this September we celebrate 44 years of happy marriage!!
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Josh on June 24, 2011, 01:10:54 pm
...ask her why she needs more than one purse... or more than one pair of shoes.  ;D
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Bow Nut on June 24, 2011, 01:23:59 pm
I might be having this problem soon I have an large elm log now to split up some mulberry billets on the way and some osage staves on the way plus I am about cut some persimmon and hickory as well and maybe some pecan she is going to flip when I am all done lol under the bed sounds like a bet she will never know lol.  Congrats on the long and happy marage
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Gus on June 24, 2011, 01:41:46 pm

I just say "Yes Dear", and keep stacking.

Got three or four ton of various woods picked up all over.
All before it occurred to me that Bow Building might be something I'd like to try.
So nearly none of it is of suitable size for stave wood or billits.
All Walking Stick, Cane or Staff material.

Now I am beginning to acquire some Bow worthy Stave wood.
She rolls her eyes at me like a moon shined mare with each new piece.
I tell her, "Honey, you can't count this wood in with the other stuff, Its for building Bows"...

That and I got most of the wood out of the bedroom.
Which seems to have helped a little.


Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Lee Slikkers on June 24, 2011, 01:57:17 pm
Hey MDS65, that is a stunning recurve!!!  Underlays...never tried that one.  So do you thin out your Osage limbs (how thin?) I would guess you heat and bend your Yew 1st then after your Osage is heated and bent you glue on the Yew underlay? and leave them clamped to until they cool and the glue is dried?  Lovely work!
Title: Re: She says I have too much bow wood!!
Post by: Mark Smeltzer on June 25, 2011, 04:29:11 pm
Hey Lee, you got it.  I thin the out limb in a taper to about 3/16 or a 1/4" it depends on how thick the underlay is.  The added benefit to this is the wood is much easier to bend when it is that thin.
