Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Shooting and Hunting => Topic started by: gstoneberg on July 23, 2011, 02:28:53 am

Title: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 23, 2011, 02:28:53 am
Well, I'd hoped my first primitive successful hunt this year would be a hog, but tonight coming out of the shop there were 2 rabbits in the back yard.  I've been waging war on rabbits ever since they took a liking to my speedometer cable on the Saturn and cost me a couple hundred in repair costs.  Fortunately, there's no closed season on rabbits in Texas where I live.  I grabbed the osage bow and 2 of the arrows I finished a few weeks ago.  I missed a close easy shot, then made 2 longer, tougher shots.  I held back the flint point for the piggies, these 2 sported trade points. A fun night of hunting.    George

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: Cameroo on July 23, 2011, 02:33:01 am
Good shootin George!  I'd be lucky if I could hit the broad side of a barn.  I was hoping I'd be ready to take a longbow out deer hunting this fall, but I'm not sure I'll be ready for it.  Gonna keep practicing though!
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 23, 2011, 09:11:54 am
You'll get it Cam.  Keep after it.  Good luck.

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: Bryce H on July 23, 2011, 10:06:02 am
Dinner time!
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: Bryce H on July 23, 2011, 10:13:40 am
I just moved to Euless last year, and there are hogs everywhere. I know they're invasive, but I have not yet gotten my hunting license, so I have no idea where I can't shoot and where I can't. But there's a decent sized piece of public land near me where I know at least ten hogs are running around. I need to quit workin so much...
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 23, 2011, 11:54:03 am
Great Bryce, another PA member in the DFW area!  It'd have to be a ways from Euless for it to be legal to hunt.  Next time I run out to the lease for a hog hunt I'll give you a shout.  New hunting licenses come out towards the end of next month, you might as well wait now if you're really busy.

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: andy thomas on July 23, 2011, 12:24:15 pm
nice shootin their george
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: nclonghunter on July 23, 2011, 01:21:36 pm
If your busting bunnies, those hogs are doomed...great shooting
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 23, 2011, 01:49:42 pm
Thanks guys.  Bunnies don't raise my heart rate quite the same as hogs (or deer) do.  Great practice though, and they eat good.  Thought I'd missed the first one, the arrow went 5 yards past him and almost got the hose.  Ran over there and grabbed for it in the dark and only then realized it was not a miss. ;D  I am feeling good about my next hog shot.  Need to get another arrow ready.

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: BowJunkie on July 23, 2011, 03:13:54 pm
It's amazing how little critters are attracted to car parts  ;D
I have had squirrels caught up and backed between the radiator and electric fan
and also had one that just loved to eat power steering hoses.
I think once he gnawed into the line and got a drink of the fluid it didn't agree with him.
Found him at the scene of the crime dead.   ;D
Nice kills by the way.
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: crooketarrow on July 24, 2011, 07:26:59 pm
  Home made bow,arrow, tip you joined a club not many are a member of.
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 24, 2011, 07:34:56 pm
That's a funny story Johnny, what part of Texas are you from?  (Always looking to make PA friends in the DFW area. ;))

Thanks buddy.  I have a couple deer with a primitive bow, but for sure this is the first time with my arrow shaft, fletch and point.  I think I should say your arrow shaft, shouldn't I?  ;D  I did leave my mark on it with the torch getting it straight. :)

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: BowJunkie on July 24, 2011, 10:51:20 pm
Fort worth Area, just North/East of downtown
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: Gus on July 24, 2011, 10:56:51 pm
Nice Shootin' George!

Poor little bunnies never had a chance...  >:D

Mmm... Fried Rabbit with mashed potatoes and cream gravy backed up with fresh green beans...

Egad, now I'm hungry!

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 24, 2011, 11:30:43 pm
Great Bowjunkie, that's just on the other side of Dallas from me.  We're going to have to get together, either to build a bow, break some flint up, or chase the piggies out at the lease.  Might not pull that last one off until next spring as hot as it is these days.

Thanks Gus.

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: beetlebailey1977 on July 25, 2011, 12:07:11 am
Great shooting.  I have come close on rabbits but near misses,  although they were running shots.
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: BowJunkie on July 25, 2011, 12:10:27 am
Well George,, currently I am bowless. My board bow of three years broke last month.  >:(
The month before I was working on a mulberry that turned out to be rotted in the Heart wood.  :(
I was making a Hackberry bow that broke last week.  :o
And as of right now I just started roughing out the final dimensions of a Hickory stave I have had for a year and a half.
Just trying to find time to work on it while juggling kids and real life.
Keep me posted on the get togethers, I will see if I can work it in.
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 25, 2011, 12:37:57 am
James, I've never hit a rabbit on the run with a bow.  These were sitting for sure.  It was dark enough that I didn't see the arrow in flight or the hits.  Gotta love instinctive shooting.

Mike, that's tough.  What draw weight and draw length are you?  I might have something laying around you can shoot until you make one of your own.  If you'd be willing to shoot a glass bow temporarily, I'm sure I have one.   Or, if your hickory doesn't work out or will take too long, I'll rough you out an osage stave you can tiller out in a hurry.

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: PeteC on July 25, 2011, 08:20:15 pm
Congrats on your success George. That's good shootin'. God Bless
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 25, 2011, 08:42:50 pm
Thanks Pete, I get lucky sometimes.  How's your summer been, I haven't seen you on in awhile?

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: PeteC on July 25, 2011, 09:56:20 pm
Thanks for asking George. It's been good . We had a great trip to Colorado,but  have been very busy with duties.( my mom fell and broke her leg in 3 places,and she has Parkinson's . I don't think she'll ever get to go home again,and I have been busy helping out,since my dad spends all day every day at the nursing home. It's a real bad deal).  Also our computer crashed ,then mysteriously re-started itself after a month long shutdown. My son tells me the hard drive is going out,and it's just a matter of time.I don't have a clue myself. Here is a picture though. I caught this brownie on a #8 stonefly nymph ,after my wife and I climbed 2000' down into the Black Canyon of the Gunnison.  God Bless
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 25, 2011, 10:30:32 pm
Lovely trout, that must've been fun.  I'm so sorry to hear of your mom's problems though.  Sounds like a real tough situation.   Hope the computer keeps running for you.  Be prayin for your folks.

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: PeteC on July 25, 2011, 11:29:14 pm
Thank you George,it would very much be appreciated. God Bless
Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 25, 2011, 11:32:01 pm
Great shooting.  I have come close on rabbits but near misses,  although they were running shots.

I usually plant my feet solidly before I even start drawing, not sure if I can get a consistent anchor point while running. 

Title: Re: Bloodied a Primitive Arrow (or 2)
Post by: gstoneberg on July 25, 2011, 11:39:52 pm
 ;D ;D ;D