Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 27, 2007, 06:37:52 am

Title: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 27, 2007, 06:37:52 am
A few members of Primitive Archer asked for staves,...but when I went harvest I got a bit crazy with the chain saw.

Pat B., Gordon, J.pitts, Robinwho, you can either pick your stave from the pictures or i can pick it for you ;), D.Tiller, yours is the long one.

I turned down several requests for staves in the last few months because i never thought I would have the time, but if someone is still interested here's a chance.

...Moderators, if this thead isn't cool, just take it away, I'll understand :)

Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 27, 2007, 06:38:40 am
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 27, 2007, 06:39:48 am
most stave have 2" or more of natural reflex


Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Pappy on July 27, 2007, 07:26:09 am
PM me on the 12th from the left,I think. :)catch the others while they are partying or sleeping. ;D
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 27, 2007, 07:30:39 am
You mean the 5th from the right ? ;D ;D ;D

...I like bowyers with balls :D, Pappy goes strait for a snakey one.

I'lll mesure it tomorrow, when it's lite and I can see. ;)
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Dane on July 27, 2007, 01:32:25 pm
Manny, I would love to have one, but take care of everyone else who had put in requests, of course, since I'm a latecomer.


Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: medicinewheel on July 27, 2007, 01:41:12 pm

hi manny!  -  i just sent you an eMail...
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: D. Tiller on July 27, 2007, 03:35:23 pm
OOOOHHHH! Manny thanks again!!! That is one beautifull stave you found me. I am so jelous! To have such suply of bow trees right in your back yard is a real boon.  ;D
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 27, 2007, 05:19:08 pm
O.K. I picked out the staves spoken for, this is what I got left with, first come first served from now ;D

from left to right in inches, 70, 70, 68, 67 1/2, 67 1/2, 65, 63 1/2, 60, 60, 57 1/2.


Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Pat B on July 27, 2007, 08:17:35 pm
I like the 6th from the right!   Pat
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 27, 2007, 08:38:49 pm
on the original post Pat ?
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: D. Tiller on July 27, 2007, 09:32:11 pm
Manny, I got a question though. How do the tips line up on the stave? If they dont what should I do to align the string? Also, how thick is the stave? I'm starting to think how I'm going to put it all together in my mind. My hands are starting to twitch now that I've had a visual on it. Now just need to hone the tools and place them on my table in surgical order!  ;D

Reminds me of the old ketchup commercial "Anticipation...its keeping me waiting!"  ;D
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 27, 2007, 10:26:33 pm
The tips alling, there's a tiny bit of snakeyness on the outher upper limb that after you take the stave close to dimention you could easyly steam straten , but it's not necessary, only cosmetic ;D.

I'll go mesure the baby
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: DCM on July 27, 2007, 11:36:00 pm
Manny that one on the far right looks like an ambush bow candidate, if such interests you.  Good to see you posting work again.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: waterlogged on July 27, 2007, 11:43:38 pm
Hey, mentioned it on the other board, but after looking at it some more I thought I should attempt to claim it again, I like the screwy ones (just look at my friends for prof, lol). I'll see if I can strike a trade with you for the one fourth from the left.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 27, 2007, 11:47:11 pm
Mimms TOM Paleo just got that one.

waterlogged, got your name on that one, I'll get in touch when I get back from work,...glad to see someone going for a snakey one
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: lowell on July 28, 2007, 11:08:40 am
PM'd you Manny.

           Thanks for the offer!!!, Lowell

Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: froplord on July 28, 2007, 02:27:57 pm
I would love a shot at the 5th one from the right. Ill PM you with some details.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: koan on July 28, 2007, 03:12:49 pm
Love to have one with some character, if ya got any left ;)....Brian
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 28, 2007, 04:11:32 pm
Great I like when people are sking for the caracter ones, I have to go and take a picture bacause I only got a couplle left, I'll post it in a bit so you can chose

Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 28, 2007, 04:36:57 pm
lowell. I marked a good one for you.

this is what I got left

68"-65"-63 1/2"-60"


I'm asking  $$ 70 ,but I'll pay shipping,....If you like one just claim it and I'll mark it down for you ;D
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 28, 2007, 04:37:47 pm
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: froplord on July 28, 2007, 05:25:06 pm
Ill take the 2nd one from the left (65").
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: brokennock on July 28, 2007, 11:49:11 pm
 If they're not already claimed I'd be thrilled with either one on the right. 63 1/2" or 60". Let me know how to get the $$$ to ya. If they're already spoken for that's o.k. just please keep me in mind next time. I like bows/staves in the 60" to 66" range.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Pat B on July 29, 2007, 03:09:04 pm
Manny, If its still there, the 7th from the left in the original pics, if not, you choose for me.   Pat
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 29, 2007, 04:12:27 pm
Chad, the 65"er has your name marked on it  ;)

Dave the 63 1/2" was the last stave, and you got it ;D

Thanks a lot everyone !!!!

PM is driving me a bit crazy, so I post this here




don't forget to write me your adress so I can ship the staves  ;D ;D ;D

thanks again

Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: brokennock on July 29, 2007, 10:12:38 pm
Thanks Manny. I can't wait to try something new. I guess my only question about the wood it'self is, how is it about moisture/humidity. I'm used to hickory wich seems to suck up moisture from the air easily.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 29, 2007, 11:37:29 pm
I think once you got it dry you'll be good, but it takes a wile,...take it down to dimentions as soon as you can.

Tempering will help a lot to.

any further questions you have, just go ahead, I'll try answer as soon as I can.

To everyone, thanks a lot,...all the staves are gone :)

....Make sure you write your address when you send payments, so I can get the wood on the way pronto ;D
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Gordon on July 30, 2007, 12:12:04 am
Manny, if you got anything left I'll take it. I have a nice vine maple stave that has been drying for a couple of months and has your name on it. I'm really happy how nicely it pulled into reflex. I think you will like it.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 30, 2007, 03:18:55 pm
Gordon, yours was put aside with the original 6 ;)

Gimme your address and Ill send it out.

again mine is:


66-219  KAMEHAMEHA HWY    # C

Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: duffontap on July 30, 2007, 04:00:48 pm
OOOOHHHH! Manny thanks again!!! That is one beautifull stave you found me. I am so jelous! To have such suply of bow trees right in your back yard is a real boon.  ;D

Dave, you're living in a bow wood paradise.   Those of use in the Northwest have about 30 species to make bows from.  ;D

         J. D.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: D. Tiller on July 30, 2007, 06:31:17 pm
I know JD but heck I never get out of my store! By the way when ya going to show me where all them good trees are?  ;D

David T
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Justin Snyder on July 30, 2007, 09:39:39 pm
David, its called a forest.  Maybe you should have Manny send me the wood since you don't leave your perfume shop.  Justin
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: D. Tiller on July 30, 2007, 09:54:29 pm
Justin, at least I smell good and I'm surrounded by beautiful women constanltly!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Robinwho on July 31, 2007, 12:14:48 am
First one on the left or first one on the right either one is god.
expect mail.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Justin Snyder on July 31, 2007, 09:41:27 am
Justin, at least I smell good and I'm surrounded by beautiful women constanltly!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;)
Well, women at least, and shopping women at that, what a treat. Most of us work real hard to avoid that. But if that floats your boat, more power to you. Justin
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: 8up on July 31, 2007, 10:47:29 am
If there are any left please let me know what I need to do to get one.......Thanks, Ron
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on July 31, 2007, 03:22:46 pm
Robinwho, your's has being set aside since the original 6, can't remember wich one but as requested was a pretty much srait one 64-68" for a 55-6-# bow.

8up, thanks for the interest, if someone wont come tru with payments I'll put the leftover staves back on ;)
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: D. Tiller on July 31, 2007, 04:07:14 pm
Hey Justin! They put money in my pocket when they are shopping and they like to flirt and have fun while doing it!  Better go shopping with your wives and girlfriends guys. You never know who's behind the counter while they are shopping!!! :D ;D :D
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Justin Snyder on July 31, 2007, 04:39:49 pm
Don't take this the wrong way David, but my wife wouldn't give the time of day to a guy working in a pretty smell shop.  You also might want to re-evaluate. The fact that they are flirting with you might be a bad sign. You know what they say about girls flirting and hanging out with guys that are non threatening. For example, they will hang out and flirt with the   ;) boys that like boys   ;) because they don't want anything.  Maybe you better ask what kind of feller they think you are.  :-X Justin
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: SimonUK on July 31, 2007, 04:45:55 pm
If there are any left please let me know what I need to do to get one.......Thanks, Ron

There are plenty left. Just go along to Dave's shop, smile and say nice things ... maybe put on a british accent, that always helps.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: D. Tiller on July 31, 2007, 05:36:34 pm
AH! Simmon your crakkin me up!!!  ;D

Justin, they know exactly who they are flirting with! Why flirt if there is no danger!!! I have never seen a young woman or older for that matter flirt with someone who is gay. Pluss, I'm the only straight soap and skin care manufacturer out there! I likes the ladies!!! Thats why I sell so much soap!

David T.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Justin Snyder on July 31, 2007, 06:24:13 pm
And where have you been hanging out to see if they flirt with them?  ???   Do you have a dark closet at work?  Justin
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: D. Tiller on July 31, 2007, 09:02:35 pm
Goen to far Justin!  ::)  They are nice ladies.
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Justin Snyder on July 31, 2007, 09:24:15 pm
That joke had absolutely no reference to the ladies.  Justin
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: lowell on August 08, 2007, 08:58:25 pm

        Got my guava today and it looks great and it smells good too!!!! ;) ;D

                               Thanks, Lowell
Title: Re: Guava Harvest !!
Post by: Pat B on August 09, 2007, 12:22:24 am
Got mine today also. Thanks Manny. ;)   Pat