Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Flintknapping => Topic started by: GregB on February 22, 2012, 09:31:21 am

Title: Where's Shannon?
Post by: GregB on February 22, 2012, 09:31:21 am
Anyone know what's up with Shannon these days? I miss not seeing his beautiful pine tree points! ;)
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: iowabow on February 22, 2012, 10:06:54 am
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: cowboy on February 22, 2012, 11:17:21 am
He must have gotten lost in his rock pile. I imagine he's drifting in and out like me - heck i don't know where i am half the time ::).
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: mullet on February 22, 2012, 01:41:59 pm
I heard he was busy at work and Turkey season was coming up. I talked to his Pinetree buyer in Florida Saturday and he wants Shannon to get back to work making Pinetrees.
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: Will H on February 22, 2012, 11:06:34 pm
SHANNON! Where are you buddy!!!??
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: Timo on February 22, 2012, 11:49:38 pm
Shannon is ok, he's just spending more time with his family right now.No worries, life is good.
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: FlintWalker on February 23, 2012, 02:19:21 am
I'm here...just lurking in the shadows :)
 Tim's right. Been doing a lot of soul searching lately, putting my priorities where they should be.    Left my job of 17 years  (should have done that years ago).
  I used to wake up angry, go to work angry, spend the day angry and come home...........angry :(  The day I walked out of that place it was as if a HUGE weight had been lifted off my shoulders!  Been working for half the money and loving every minute of it!  I drove home last night after 12 hours on my knees laying hardwood flooring  and walked through the door whistling 8) 
 I've started going back to church with my wife and son, taking time to reunite with some old friends and making some new ones.  My wife says I'm much easier to be around ;D  Yes, "Life is Good" ;D
 Thank you Greg, for asking about me. It's nice to have friends that care.
                              BTW, I won't be "Saw Filer" on here much longer. Gonna just be me ;D
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on February 23, 2012, 02:46:58 am
Shannon:  Whats the song say--"Take this job and shove it"!  That is the way I felt when I finally quit teaching.  Bet your son likes the new dad!  You have a lot of true friends here and I hope you count me as one of them!  A/Ho Joe
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: iowabow on February 23, 2012, 10:06:43 am
There is no price on happiness, good for you Shannon.  Sounds like you are following your heart and that will make you a wealthier man.  Good to hear your OK and happy.   
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: Tower on February 23, 2012, 10:20:16 am
I kept looking for ya to post some points. After a while I also began to wonder where ya went. Sounds like you are a man that has a handle on things. Everyone is right , Shannon & family come first. Just don't forget about your extended family (P. A. Firends) . Throw us a bone (point) every now & then. LOL.  It does me good to know your happier now. Tower
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on February 23, 2012, 10:52:44 am
Shannon, I quess I'd better beware' sounds like your after my position as richest man in world, you got family, friends an flint and a job that makes you happy. Yep you are rich now my friend. Later Bob
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 23, 2012, 05:56:03 pm
I sort of thought you might be doing a bit of "searching".
Glad to hear that you did not turn to the Dark side.

You know you got friends here. 

Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: FlintWalker on February 24, 2012, 01:02:31 am
I'm almost there Bob!  The job I'm doing now is only temperary. I'm helping a friend finish up a house before a new baby is to arrive. A lot of painting and a BUNCH of hardwood flooring (my knees are hurting now...back too! ;D)  I've got a welding job lined out after this one. Done that for a few years already before. It's a dirty job, but somebodys gotta do it!  I'm not looing for a new career right now though. I'll never won't let myself become so "needed" at any other job, 17 years without a vacation will NEVER happen again!!!
  It's nice to have friends. A lot of the relationships I've made here go way beyond a keyboard.  I'm amongst some of the finest people the good Lord ever created right here...and i'm thankful for that. :)
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: Postman on February 24, 2012, 01:06:40 am
Glad to hear you have a smile on your face - good luck!
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: mullet on February 24, 2012, 01:09:43 am

I'm glad for you, and the wife and your precious son. I know the feeling after walking out after 23 years. I'm better for it and really sure you will be too.

 Call me or the wife ::)  ;) I'll be up there the end of March for a week. Got the new 835.
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: GregB on February 24, 2012, 09:51:09 am
Good to hear you're doing okay Shannon!. I've been so busy here at work I haven't gotten on for a couple of days. I hope you can extend your therapy for a weekend at Twin Oak's sometime soon...does a body good! ;)
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: FlintWalker on February 24, 2012, 10:07:15 am
Good to hear you're doing okay Shannon!. I've been so busy here at work I haven't gotten on for a couple of days. I hope you can extend your therapy for a weekend at Twin Oak's sometime soon...does a body good! ;)
Soon...very soon ;D
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: HoBow on February 24, 2012, 11:04:02 am
Right on Shannon.  I'm sure there are a lot of people reading that thinking they should do the same thing.  I enjoy my job but it requires a lot of hours and sometimes question if it is worth it  :o
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: cowboy on February 24, 2012, 11:57:19 am
You have a welding job lined up? Can i go with ya :)?
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: BearG on February 24, 2012, 12:18:42 pm
Shannon now you are my hero for sure.  I would love to walk out of this place but, to many bills.
Anyway you going to Marks in March???  16th-18th
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: mullet on February 24, 2012, 05:12:27 pm
I talked to him for about an hour last night. Boy did he sound good! Man, he might start calling my wife again. ;D ;) Hope to see you Turkey Season if you can get away.
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: stickbender on February 24, 2012, 05:32:13 pm

     Good for you Shannon! 8)  No job is worth it if you can't enjoy it, or be happy. ;)
I wish the best for you.  Oh, if you need to relax for awhile, the Monastery still has that room available for you. ::) ;D ;D  oh...... does this mean, we are out of the blade material now?  :'( :'(
Oh well, I still have some of the stuff you sent me. ;)  Shannon, enjoy your family, and make a day each week, for you and the family to do stuff together, and a day each week just for you. ;)  Again, all the best for You and your Family.


Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: AncientArcher76 on February 25, 2012, 12:22:08 pm
Shan Man I feel ya brother!  So much has happened in the past year and its all looking better...just keep faith in you and your family and the rest will fall in place!  As mentioned you also have family/friends here that would do any thing they could to help out in anyway.  Sorry about getting back to you the other day very busy ....TTY soon!!!

Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: maddog314 on February 28, 2012, 09:48:28 pm
I'm here...just lurking in the shadows :)
 Tim's right. Been doing a lot of soul searching lately, putting my priorities where they should be.    Left my job of 17 years  (should have done that years ago).
  I used to wake up angry, go to work angry, spend the day angry and come home...........angry :(  The day I walked out of that place it was as if a HUGE weight had been lifted off my shoulders!  Been working for half the money and loving every minute of it!  I drove home last night after 12 hours on my knees laying hardwood flooring  and walked through the door whistling 8) 
 I've started going back to church with my wife and son, taking time to reunite with some old friends and making some new ones.  My wife says I'm much easier to be around ;D  Yes, "Life is Good" ;D
 Thank you Greg, for asking about me. It's nice to have friends that care.
                              BTW, I won't be "Saw Filer" on here much longer. Gonna just be me ;D
Title: Re: Where's Shannon?
Post by: nocams on March 02, 2012, 09:04:17 pm
Kicking Bird: [in Lakota; subtitled] I was just thinking that of all the trails in this life there is one that matters most. It is the trail of a true human being. I think you are on this trail and it is good to see.

Best thing that ever happened to me Shannon...... leaving my old job and starting over ! I was feeling the exact same feelings every day that you were. Stay on your new trail my friend !