Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Letters to the Editor => Topic started by: cailean on March 08, 2012, 09:55:42 pm

Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: cailean on March 08, 2012, 09:55:42 pm
Hi Folks... Great web site thanks for the wonderful job...i have a problem tho'... i just printed off a copy of Ferret's Floppy Ruler and checked it for accuracy, and found that the scale is off by almost 1/4 inch over 3 inches >:(... that seems like alot to me and would like to know if i'm the only one who found this problem or am i just nit-picking ???. I also would like to print off an accurate copy of this seemingly handy little tool. :'(
 thanks for your attention.
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: Pappy on March 09, 2012, 09:28:05 am
Never noticed,never really mesured one, He gave me a hand full so never printed any off either, ??? Guess I am no help at all. ;) ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: Pat B on March 09, 2012, 02:23:35 pm
The ones that Mickey sent me were all to scale. When I tried to scan and print the scale was off. You may just have to play with the computer to get the scale right od just draw it out to scale.
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: cailean on March 10, 2012, 03:52:37 pm
Thanks for the prompt response... when i checked for accuracy i did " play" with the printer options and couldn't get the scale right :-[.. i guess I'll have to copy the ruler to scale on my own, although' it'd be great if i didn't {or anyone else} had to go that far in order to get an accurate copy  :-\ :-X
 Thanks again.
 Cailean >:D
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: Calendargirl on March 12, 2012, 07:28:37 pm
if you can't get it right email the editor directly  He will pass your email on to the author and you can get a better response.  If something is off it could have been a typo and it would be best for all to have that corrected!  Plus Ed LOVES the letters!   ;)
Good luck!

Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: mullet on March 20, 2012, 12:10:57 am
Mine came out right when I printed it, but I work for an engineering company and we have a monster copy machine that is so High Tech it's usually broke down. :D
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: osage outlaw on March 21, 2012, 09:28:18 pm
The ones I printed were to scale.  I took a copy to an office supply store and had them print them on thin clear plastic.  It was fairly cheap.
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: Mickey on March 22, 2012, 06:13:02 pm
Hi Cailean, this is Mickey (Ferret).  Ed asked me to check in and see if I could help. There is a setting on your computer that you have to click "off"  in order for it to print to scale, but for the life of me I can't remember what that setting is. I believe it has something to do with printing. Once clicked off it will print to accurately. Maybe one of the more literate computer geeks here will no what I'm referring to. In the meantime, why don't you get a hold of Pappy, or Par, or Mullet and see if someone has an extra sitting around that they could mail you. If not, I probably have a few downstairs somewhere. I may be able to dig one up. If you can't get it worked out or find one, PM me and I'll see what I can do.
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: mullet on March 26, 2012, 10:27:31 pm

I can do it.  Cailean, just send me an address, unless you are going to the Classic and I'll bring you some.
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: Mickey on March 27, 2012, 09:48:48 pm
Thanks Mullet. I'm hoping to make it down to the Classic to see Pappy again, and to meet Pat B and a few of you other regulars I have not met . If I make it I will try and have some more made up to bring with me.
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: mullet on March 27, 2012, 11:09:37 pm
Looking forward to meeting you Mickey and I'll print up a boat load, also.
Title: Re: Ferret's Floppy Ruler
Post by: Diligence on April 16, 2012, 05:17:55 pm
I guess I misssed this post by almost a month.  In any event, I just downloaded and reprinted the PDF I posted in:,20462.msg280953.html#msg280953 make sure it was still to scale.

When you print the PDF, ensure that your printer setting has selected, "print actual size" and be sure to select 8.5 " x 11" as the page size.

That will result in you getting the correct scale.  I just did it to confirm and I'm off by 1/32" at 4".

Thanks again Mr Lotz!
