Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Arrows => Topic started by: AJMag on July 01, 2012, 11:00:28 pm

Title: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: AJMag on July 01, 2012, 11:00:28 pm
I was looking for any topics that centered around peoples preferences for hunting arrows, but didn't really find much. If anyone knows of any, please share.

What I was wondering is what you guys use for hunters and how you like to set them up, i.e., wood vs cane/bamboo, stone or primitive vs broadheads, etc. 

I'm working on some boo arrows to set up for hunting season and it sparked a curious interest in others' set-ups. I may also be fishing for ideas, since I'm not yet decided on a final set-up.
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: Pat B on July 02, 2012, 01:11:43 am
I use all sorts of shafting, cane, hardwood shoots, POC, Doug fir, ash dowels, all sorts. I hunt with my every day arrows. I don't want any change between my arrows for hunting and target. I use commercial broadheads, stone heads or trade points for hunting. Whatever shoots best from the bow I will be hunting with.
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: Pappy on July 02, 2012, 08:33:18 am
I do about like Pat,most everything except,alumna/carbon and screw in heads.
I prefer shoot shafts and trade points if they fly out of the bow I am shooting at the time. :) :) I like Cain also but sometimes have trouble getting the consistent   flight I want in a hunting head.  :)
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: Tom Leemans on July 12, 2012, 02:55:51 pm
I just go about mounting broadheads on my arrows and the top 4 best fliers go in the hunting quiver. I used to shoot different woodies, but there's less and less wood, and more and more cane in my arsenal.
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 13, 2012, 12:09:12 am
My choice in hunting arrows is pretty straightforward.....bloody!   >:D

I'm leaning toward heavier arrows and hardwoods do that for me.  I am shooting ash, 5" turkey fletch, and this fall I will be trying some Tusker single bevel broadheads. 
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: AJMag on July 13, 2012, 12:22:09 am
My choice in hunting arrows is pretty straightforward.....bloody!   >:D

Why didn't I think of that...?

So far I'm really liking the boo arrows I've been making. Some seem to shoot way better than the only set of POC I have. Since I finished my last bow I've spent just about every night making more and implying lessons I'm learning already on where to improve.  I'm slowly working on some from a poplar board for variety, but at the moment I'm thinking I may just work on my proficiency with the boo in preparation for archery season here soon. Time's ticking down fast and I haven't even really started scouting much yet. But I do have that issue of needing to get some broadheads on the ends and verify those. So much to do, so little time.
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: Bryce on July 13, 2012, 05:21:01 am
I use ocean spray shoots with Zwickey Eskimo broadheads
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: AJMag on July 13, 2012, 02:46:19 pm
I've seen you reference that wood a bit lately, and possible somewhere else. It intrigues me cause I've never heard of it. The closest thing we got to ocean spray down here is hurricanes and cranberry juice.
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: Bryce on July 13, 2012, 03:30:59 pm
I was using osoberry shoots but they where a little too heavy for my liking.
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: FAW on July 15, 2012, 11:23:27 am
Nothing but wood and cane in my arsenal - the switch to bamboo now seems to take over, although I am finding some weird little quirks with this material. They seem to want to be longer to get good flight until I put a broadhead on which just seems to go the opposite way that my "woodies" usually shoot. Basically I will shoot the most consistent group of broadhead equipped arrows, whether, cane or wood. 
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: lowell on July 15, 2012, 05:14:49 pm
I have been using cedar, rose shoots and cane.  What ever flys the best is what I use for hunting.  Some of the best have been from rose.  But it may take making a bunch to get a couple great arrows.  I'm making 8 rose arrows now and if I get 2 or 3 good shooters I'll be happy!!
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: crooketarrow on July 15, 2012, 09:43:34 pm
 I've maded ,shot,hunted with dozens and dozens or BOO,CAIN, HAZZEL,WILD ROSE,DOG WOOD AND MANY others as well as any kind of dowel shafting I could get.
  I've shot shoot arrows for a dozzen or more years and DOG WOOD came to be my favorite. Can't get any tuffer or harder,heavy but not too heavy like HICKORY or some others.
  I've heard good things (IT DOS'NT GROW LOCAL) about sour wood but it must be something mystile about if because I've tryed a dozzen times to get a few shoots. WITH NO LUCK
     I shot zwickey's for 15 or so years. CAN'T FIND ONE BAD THING TO SAY ABOUT THEM. I started makeing my own trades a dozzen years ago. I can't see any reason to change. Trade points just go with shoot arrows. CAN'T SEE PUTING ON A GLUE ON OR A GLUE ON NOCK. JUST DO'NT FIT.
   I use HOWARD HILLS formura 3 x 1 out of 1/8", 1095 old saw mill blades. Along the way I've user knapped heads when ever the itch hits me. I killed 5 bucks and 3 gobblers and umteen ground hogs with knapped heads.
  There's just something about makeing your hunting equiment. But I guess you all know that already.
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: Elktracker on July 15, 2012, 11:07:50 pm
I preffer tight grain old growth doug fir shafts they are heavy and very strong!

As Far as point I use a 2 blade as sharp as I can get it!

Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: anasazi on August 09, 2012, 01:16:32 am
Has any one ever tried using nettle shafts. Or had any luck using feathers other than the primary feathers?
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 09, 2012, 01:27:06 am
I have often used secondaries from the wings of turkeys, even canada geese.  Leave them a bit taller.

Secondaries and even tail feathers work just fine.  But they are softer and will wear out faster.  But then I lose 'em faster than they wear out, so it's no big deal to me!
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 09, 2012, 08:40:22 am
Straight and sharp, the rest are all details that wont change the game much. If I could remember how many different types of broadheads I haves used to kill deer I would tell you, over 20 Im sure.
Title: Re: Huntin arrow preferences
Post by: killir duck on August 09, 2012, 02:31:44 pm
think i'm gonna use boo and cane shafts just because that's what i have, normally i fletch my arrows with turkey feathers but prefer bright colored comercial dyed feathers for my hunting arrows because of thier visibility. also gonna use tusker concordes and mayby some trade points and obsidian heads of my own make. also gonna be usin my osage flatbow