Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: Squirrelslayer on April 28, 2013, 04:45:52 pm

Title: the art of persuasion
Post by: Squirrelslayer on April 28, 2013, 04:45:52 pm
Hey all. Im trying to work on a board bow ( not sure what wood bit it's a dark red/ brown colour.  Possibly some kind of mahogany) it has very straight grain and only 1-2 run offs. Your probably thinking lets see some pics well thats the problem, my mum is so concerned with my studies that im studying all day! Which is why I need your help - can any of you give me some kind of speech that would persuade my mum let me work on my bow for an hour a day? And if you want ill give the person who writes the most persuasive text a knapped broadhead.if you could that would be really great.  Im not saying I don't want to study just to have some time to work on my bow. Thanks,  SS
Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: Lemos on April 28, 2013, 05:44:56 pm
Sorry kid, work first then reward. That's how it's done here with my kids. Now get offline and get your studies done or I'm calling your mum😊
Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: PrimitiveTim on April 28, 2013, 06:08:09 pm
Doubt you're  going to find many sympathizers. lol.  She's right :D
Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: mullet on April 28, 2013, 09:45:12 pm
YES! You Mom is a Saint.
Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: jeffhalfrack on April 28, 2013, 11:12:06 pm
Mom is right! All in good time son,,,don't  rush life,,you'll  soon  wonder  where the time went . Now that it's out of the bag,,how  are  youre grades? We'll  need to know so we can keep you on the straight a narrow!  Good luck Jeff W
Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: Marks on April 30, 2013, 01:28:51 pm
I always went with........" :( BUT MOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!! :'( "

Hope it works. I'll PM you where to ship that broadhead. lol.

But in all seriousness I'm in the same boat sorta kinda but not really. I'm 27, out of school, married, and living in my own house with a job and earning my own money but its still the same ole story. I've had so much to do this Spring around the house (we just bought it a little over a year ago) that I haven't been able to work on my bow much at all. I worked on it a total of 10 minutes this weekend and thats the first time I've touched it in a week or more. At your age I saw it the same way you do but you'll learn priorities as you get older. I'd love to be like one of these Old Farts on this site who sit around and do nothing but play with bows but then I'd have to be an Old Fart amd that comes with its own set of challenges  >:D. NOW BACK TO WORK!!!!  >:( ;)
Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: TRACY on April 30, 2013, 10:51:32 pm
I'm a teacher and will agree with mum! Priorities- get your studies done and grades higher and you will reap the benefits. This is how you will persuade mum to work on bows! Good luck a d hit the books!

Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on April 30, 2013, 10:58:40 pm
I have a 100 in every class but 1 and I still ain't allowed to work on bows on schoolnights. Which means I get about 3 mins on friday nights... if I am home.

Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: Ifrit617 on April 30, 2013, 11:00:47 pm
Its doable for sure. I work 15 hours a week, am a boxer and a black belt in karate, so I have those 4 nights a week, take multiple college level courses, and hold a 97.8 average. I'm a senior in highschool, but I still have time to work on My stuff. Time management and learning and using shortcuts and knowing your own limits is key. Also don't sleep in late or go to bed super early without reason, for me sleep is just time wasted.

Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: PrimitiveTim on April 30, 2013, 11:29:49 pm
I have a 100 in every class

What you didn't do your extra credit?  Ask  for some extra credit. 
Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: killir duck on April 30, 2013, 11:51:22 pm
for me sleep is just time wasted.

 amen to that, why sleep when you could be makin bows and and huntin coons all night?
Title: Re: the art of persuasion
Post by: Gordon on May 01, 2013, 02:17:03 am
Try to make a deal with her. Ask her if she would let you work on a bow for a few hours during the week (as a reward) as long as you maintain an 4.0 average.