Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Primitive Skills => Topic started by: Tetsuoh on August 15, 2013, 08:09:20 pm

Title: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: Tetsuoh on August 15, 2013, 08:09:20 pm
I'm getting ready to make a new kit and a question popped up thanks to a friend of mine.

How much and what size cordage/rope do you all keep on hand or take with you when you go hunting gathering or what have you?

Including if your a prepper with a survival kit/bug bag.

Things we're just wondering.
Title: Re: Lengths os Cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: Pat B on August 15, 2013, 08:36:52 pm
If you use para cord you can use it as is or pull the individual strands out and use them. A 10' of para cord can give you almost 100' of individual strings.
Title: Re: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 15, 2013, 11:02:38 pm
I keep about 20' of paracord in my "crash" bag.  Plus during deer/Antelope season I keep a drag system.  It consists of a 4 layer thick 2" wide canvas strap with grommets on either end of the 36" length.  I can throw that across my shoulder like a bandolier and along with the paracord to tie to the deer and I gotta nice drag system that keeps the hands free. 

For giggles once I slung that canvas strap between two trees and made a butt hammock style seat to wait for a deer to come to me. 

I also keep a small spool of black sewing thread along with an assortment of needes, including some curved suture needles (got a veterinarian friend that hooked me up), bees wax, and about 50" of artificial sinew.  That way I have a variety of fibrous options.  The beeswax goes with rope/cord/thread because when you wax it the knots stay tighter.  Plus is helps with firestarting when things are soggy.
Title: Re: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on August 18, 2013, 10:25:53 pm
20" of jute(its an amazing firestarter)... plus a mag flint and steel...
And 30' of paracord- 20' in a neat little coil, and 10' in a double chrochet bracelet...
I am debating the merits of a bracelet 2" wide, holds almost 30' of paracord!
Title: Re: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: PrimitiveTim on August 18, 2013, 10:38:20 pm
Just make it as you need it. lol  This is something you'll figure out as you do it more often.  I keep 50' of paracord in my backpack.  I've never needed that much but it doesn't take up much room and it's light so I just cut off as much as I need at the moment.  A far as size, you just need something that is really strong.
Title: Re: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 19, 2013, 04:17:30 pm
25' feet of 1/4" 100# rope is always in my pack.
Title: Re: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: okiecountryboy on August 20, 2013, 03:46:24 am
I have mostly the same 20-30' of paracord, with a little twist, i.e. 9-cord.
1 roll of this stuff can be used in many ways. I use it at work for securing power, fiber, catV, and catVI.
If anyone out there was in communication service installation or electronics in the Navy will know what I am talkin about.

Title: Re: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: sleek on August 20, 2013, 07:26:47 am
I ran lan line through a carrier once. As I recall the cord was waxy? Dont remember the color though. 
Title: Re: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: okiecountryboy on August 20, 2013, 11:06:42 am
Yup Waxy, Strong as hell. Color, just plain-o white.
It ranks above nylon for a bow string in a pinch. No stretch that is.
Great for throwing a shelter together quickly in bad weather, and anything else left to only your imagination (Just like paracord).
I have seen 2" thick copper stranded cable tied down with this stuff 2 decades old...still strong as hell.
couldn't do without it.


Title: Re: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: _Jon_ on August 23, 2013, 03:59:31 pm
50 feet of 550 para cord.   :)
Title: Re: Lengths of cordage you take on walkabout or have in your kits?
Post by: sleek on August 23, 2013, 08:27:09 pm
typically, I carry a spool of 15 lb test mono fishin line a few hooks, and a spare bow string. I fish by a river, and like to toss a jug out in the morning on the way to my spot and check it in the afternoon on the way back. I am pretty much sure to get a 10 or so lb blue for supper that night.