Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Announcements => Topic started by: robby on September 07, 2013, 02:36:36 pm

Title: Changes to profile
Post by: robby on September 07, 2013, 02:36:36 pm
I have been trying to change the email account in my profile. It keeps telling me that I am not using the right password. I logged out and successfully logged back in, so I'm pretty sure I am using the right one. Even if I did the 'I forgot my password' thing, it would be sent to an account that had been hacked and I cannot get access to anyway. So, I thought I would just re-register at PA with the new account and delete the old one, but for two days it has been telling me that I have not yet been approved. so, what going on? I freely admit I am largely ignorant about computer issues, not happy about it, but I came to this machine very late in life and can only devote so much time to getting up to speed. I can make a bow and set of arrows with nothing but hand tool's though. ;D
Title: Re: Changes to profile
Post by: Pat B on September 07, 2013, 08:46:59 pm
Robby, sorry you are having troubles. Let me check into it and get back with you.

Title: Re: Changes to profile
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 07, 2013, 09:36:36 pm
I have approved your new username so go ahead and use it.
Title: Re: Changes to profile
Post by: Pat B on September 07, 2013, 11:35:38 pm
Thanks Marc.
Title: Re: Changes to profile
Post by: Robby101 on September 08, 2013, 07:55:09 am
Thank you fellows!!! Sometimes using a computer reminds me of the time, when I was about six and got lost,  I figured I was still on the planet, so how lost can I be! Kind of unsettling but survivable, Hah!
Thanks again.