Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => English Warbow => Topic started by: Badger on October 27, 2013, 11:45:15 am

Title: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: Badger on October 27, 2013, 11:45:15 am
   Does anyone know if any longbows have been built with Degame as a backing. I only have enough for 1 backing and if it probably won't work I don't want to waste it. Grain is not all that straight and does have violations. I have heard they don't worry about violations on degame but I am not convinced.
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: PatM on October 27, 2013, 04:43:04 pm
It wasn't violations but general growth ring orientation that didn't matter with lemonwood.
 Many Lemonwood bows ended up backed with some form of backing for insurance.
 I certainly wouldn't use any wood with violated grain for a backing.
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: adb on October 27, 2013, 05:16:44 pm
Use it as core wood for a tri-lam.
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: Badger on October 28, 2013, 04:55:22 pm
  I went ahead and glued it up to an unknown tropical wood with the lemonwood back. The tropical wood didn't have any tendency to chrysal like so many do and was relatively light at about 70 sg. I got it out to about 24" draw and my splice let go, This was the first time I tried a working handle using tightbond, the splice looked good so I am assuming the tightbond is not good for a flexable joint. My lemonwood was a lot straighter than I first thought it was once I cleaned it up, nice straight edge grain. Going to try again with cherry, no splice this time.
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: mullet on October 28, 2013, 05:54:15 pm
I would use it as a Belly wood, tho may be wrong.
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: Badger on October 28, 2013, 07:03:28 pm
 Eddie, I did the first bow as a bellywood and it seems a tad weak in compression. It made a nice bow but no barn burner. I backed it with hickory.
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: mikekeswick on October 29, 2013, 10:20:06 am
I've also found lemonwood to be a little poor in compression. A lot of elb's are made with it as the bellywood here in the UK but I personally don't really rate it. If they want something yellow then it's pau amerillo for me  ;)
I've seen a few old lemonwood backed lemonwood bows. The backings have all been about an 1/8th thick. I can't think of the maker's name now though....
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: Aussie Yeoman on November 22, 2014, 07:04:47 am
Badger, did you ever back another bow with Lemonwood?

Here in Australia, there is reportedly a vendor that will be selling lemonwood boards 1 /34 by 5 inches for $23 per meter (about 40 inches).

I'd be interested to hear of your experiments in backing with it.

Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: duke3192 on November 22, 2014, 09:30:51 pm
I've recycled a couple of old lemonwood bows that I got off ebay, I cleaned them up and backed them with bamboo and they came out real nice. A 65"ntn Hill style American longbow @48#'s @28", and a youth bow 52"ntn, 30#'s @20". I don't know about what you can get now, but the old stuff is very tight grained and imo is better than hickory as a belly wood.
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: Aussie Yeoman on November 22, 2014, 11:26:02 pm
I knew it was good for a belly material, I was wondering how it worked out as a backing material. Certainly not as good as Hickory or bamboo of course, but perhaps to back some of the lighter woods with suspect grain.
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: duke3192 on November 23, 2014, 08:17:16 pm
Please try it and post your results. We can't get it here in the States because of the Cuban embargo.
Title: Re: Cuban degame ( lemonwood) as a backing?
Post by: Badger on November 23, 2014, 10:54:33 pm
  Compared to osage or hickory I was not too impressed with degame. I still have a good sized piece and may eventually try it on something.