Primitive Archer

Information and Resources => Message Board Q & A => Topic started by: steve.b on December 10, 2013, 09:26:23 pm

Title: Wiki to supliment the message board?
Post by: steve.b on December 10, 2013, 09:26:23 pm
I'm relatively new here, I've just noticed my name choice is very close to an established members, I will try to change it to prevent confusion.

This discussion forum is great and has amazing information, but has anyone considered that some of the information here would be better in a wiki and maybe a FAQ? The search feature for this site is not always as useful as it could be, but a wiki would allow long term organization and retention of the collective wisdom that shows up here.

Common themes could be organized and answered, reducing repetitive questions and answers. I would be willing to devote some time if necessary to kick this off if others think this is a good idea.
