Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: PrimitiveTim on January 31, 2014, 10:02:05 pm

Title: Flaming Arrow
Post by: PrimitiveTim on January 31, 2014, 10:02:05 pm
This is a nice shot!

Tonight I was messing around with flaming arrows using pine resin and a very fibrous palm cordage wrapped around the end of the shaft.  It kept going out when shot.  I was wondering if any of y'all have made primitive flaming arrows like the ones we see in the westerns that the indians were shooting.  I was thinking maybe animal fat mixed in there but I don't know.  Any help would be appreciated as I plan to raid some villages here pretty soon  :P
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 31, 2014, 10:08:59 pm
Remind me to put an asbestos tarp on my conestoga when I go to Florida.

As for what the special effects people used when filming Native Americans, I can tell you with some degree of assurance it probably was petrochemical in nature!
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: PrimitiveTim on January 31, 2014, 10:15:56 pm
Remind me to put an asbestos tarp on my conestoga when I go to Florida.

As for what the special effects people used when filming Native Americans, I can tell you with some degree of assurance it probably was petrochemical in nature!
well, ya I figured in the movies it was but I'm more curious about what the actual natives did.
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: tipi stuff on January 31, 2014, 10:31:32 pm
I have never tried this, but have intended to for a couple of years now. This was discussed several years ago on a Plains Indian message board that I am a member of.  There are several historic accounts of Indians shooting flaming arrows. One that comes to mind is an account of some Comanche's shooting a couple of flaming arrows at a cabin. I don't have the passage in front of me right now, or I would quote it. The guys that I know who've tried this have been less than successful. They are trying to use only the materials that would have been available to 19th century Plains Indians. There is a guy who claims to have found an obscure description of "signal arrows" that were made by alternately rolling an arrow shaft in glue, and then gun powder. The final wrap is the inner bark of cottonwood. I have not read the description personally, but would love to have a copy to use as a guide. I have all of the materials, as I understand them, but no instructions. Maybe this spring, providing we get a little moisture on the ground, I can experiment a bit. If so, I'll post my results. In the mean time, I too am very curious about this in case any of you others might have done this.
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: 4dog on January 31, 2014, 10:54:42 pm
Tim ,, will be bringing you a file and some rocks hidden inside your PRISON cake,,do we need to do an intervention on ya ,you pyro.?  :o lol...thanks for the idea.  >:D
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: DGF on January 31, 2014, 11:58:42 pm
Years ago in scouts there was a flaming arrow shot into a lake as part of my order of the arrow ceremony. Watching the flaming arrows path arc high in the night sky before landing in the lake was nothing shy of cool. Unfortunately I don't know how the arrow was constructed, but wish you the best of luck.

Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: Pat B on February 01, 2014, 12:04:03 am
That was the coolest Olympic opening ever.  8)
  There have been flaming arrow discussions here on PA before. Have you done a search?
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: PrimitiveTim on February 01, 2014, 12:18:47 am
I appreciate the gesture 4dog

Tipi stuff, you got to bring it back!

That was the coolest Olympic opening ever.  8)
  There have been flaming arrow discussions here on PA before. Have you done a search?
Yeah, not a lot of info on how natives did it though.  My mind is coming up with more and more ideas though.  I think I'll have it soon enough :D  Those villages won't have a chance!

This the best thing I've seen so far.  My concept might be good but I should let my resin burn longer and let it get real hot.  A round two is in order.
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: WillS on February 02, 2014, 07:39:35 am
Hey Tim,

I appreciate this is not native/primitive in the sense you're after, but there's a chance you might find something helpful in this video.

I don't know if any of what they use could be found where you are, so apologies if it's useless!
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: caveman2533 on February 02, 2014, 09:34:03 am
If we are talking about the 1800's what makes you think they did not have access Kerosene. Have you tried that? Interesting subject.
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: PrimitiveTim on February 02, 2014, 09:41:05 am
If we are talking about the 1800's what makes you think they did not have access Kerosene. Have you tried that? Interesting subject.
We're talking about a native running around the woods.  >:D  kerosene... that'd be too easy
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: wildman on February 02, 2014, 10:16:56 am
I have tried it with good old 87% native push water and K1 no luck always went out. I think the trick maybe a long soak. I wish you luck. It would make awesome you tube video.
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: PrimitiveTim on February 02, 2014, 10:22:19 am
I think the trick maybe a long soak. I wish you luck. It would make awesome you tube video.
thanks!  The idea is to be able to shoot it at something really flammable(non primitive) and watch it blow up.  Maybe a small raft on a the water.  Then I'll do a how-to video on it so all the little kiddies in America can walk into the woods and come out with flaming arrows  >:D jk jk
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: bowtarist on February 02, 2014, 01:13:33 pm
Do we know that NA natives shot flaming arrows pre YT encounters?  I kinda agree w/ caveman. Maybe they didn't start doing this until they were shooting them at the encroachers.  How about soaking your material in some sort of liquified fat? or multi layers of pitch. Next time I see/talk to my indian buddy I'll try to remember to ask him about this.

How 'bout the Vikings?  >:D I bet they shot flaming arrows. That was a pretty long time ago.  Like Tony Kintons's artical asks in the latest PA, "Where Did Primitive Begin?"

I'm interested in your findings, dp
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: Pat B on February 02, 2014, 02:03:00 pm
Coal oil, tar, pitch, animal fat all would be appropriate early on. The fuel doesn't seem to be the problem. Keeping the flame going does. How about an ignite on contact with the flammable material attached to the shaft and some sort of flint/steel ignition when it hits.
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: Don Case on February 02, 2014, 02:09:13 pm
How about a disk or lump that the flame can sorta hide behind. Or mix a little saltpeter with the pitch. Bat guano and pitch, that'll do it.
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: mullet on February 02, 2014, 02:36:35 pm
When you get it working I suggest the first village you attack is Orlando and Disney. ;D
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: PrimitiveTim on February 02, 2014, 02:41:53 pm
How about a disk or lump that the flame can sorta hide behind. Or mix a little saltpeter with the pitch. Bat guano and pitch, that'll do it.
... I actually have access to some bat guano.  I like that idea!

When you get it working I suggest the first village you attack is Orlando and Disney. ;D
Hahaha, and all the tourists will think it's just part of the show! 
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: bowsandroses on February 02, 2014, 04:29:33 pm
Ok! Agreed best Olympic opener ever. Man that was cooooool! Makes me want to go shoot a trough full of gas. Oh wait we are in drought conditions here may get the wrong folks over excited. :o Oh well maybe next year. ::)
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: Dharma on February 02, 2014, 09:54:40 pm
Well, burning wagon trains happened, but not as often as Western movies make it look. Too much valuable loot going up in flames. If there was a chance the wagon could be captured, that's what would be done. Might be able to capture guns, metal tools, food, clothes, knives, axes, and other gear. The wagon would be burned afterwards since that makes it easier to get the rims off the wheels to make arrowheads. So sometimes the assumption was made fire arrows burned the wagons.

With my people, before Europeans arrived, we'd fire villages in war. Since the dwellings had thatch roofs, this was easily done. The Spaniards made sketches of this being done. We had textiles, so we could wrap an arrow in fiber cordage, soak this in hickory nut oil or bear fat, and use this. Those crude arrowheads you find in the Southeast are often the points used for fire arrows. There's no reason to knapping a great point for an arrow you're just going to launch on fire into a thatch roof and not be able to recover. These points are often thick and heavy so they'd dig deep into the thatch. There wasn't a whole lot of need to worry about loot since anything they had was stuff we could make ourselves anyway. Besides, the places that were worth looting were obvious. They were sitting atop mounds.
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: Gus on February 02, 2014, 10:08:25 pm
How about a disk or lump that the flame can sorta hide behind. Or mix a little saltpeter with the pitch. Bat guano and pitch, that'll do it.

Well Sargent Batguano, if that IS your real name...


Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 02, 2014, 11:12:22 pm
plant fibers rolled into pine tar as you apply it to shaft building up in layers
use a long shaft with big feathers and a low poundage bow it all helps to slow arrow speed
this is not that hard you will get there I am sure, If not come to the Marshall Primitive Archery Rendezvous on Memorial weekend and we will show you how to burn your world down
just have to do it undercover of dark
Have fun!
Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: DGF on February 03, 2014, 01:25:28 am
If not come to the Marshall Primitive Archery Rendezvous on Memorial weekend and we will show you how to burn your world down
just have to do it undercover of dark
Have fun!

Raiding the castle this year Guy?

Title: Re: Flaming Arrow
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 03, 2014, 08:20:31 am
Just remembering those who have gone before us !

I ain't no fool to storm that castle would bring down the full wrath of Maid Merriam and all her band of merry men!