Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: mullet on July 22, 2014, 10:05:36 pm

Title: Cipriano
Post by: mullet on July 22, 2014, 10:05:36 pm
Hey guys, I saw on Facebook today that Cip is in the hospital with a good dose of morphine due to a spider bite.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Trapper Rob on July 22, 2014, 10:30:25 pm
Hope you get to feeling better.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: HickoryBill on July 22, 2014, 11:00:51 pm
Ouch..Hope ya get better bud!
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Cameroo on July 23, 2014, 12:27:21 am
I think he's on the mend.  He's been flooding his facebook page like a teenie-bopper ;) I talked to him yesterday and he figured he was running at about 70% capacity.  He was in rough shape for a while though. 
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 23, 2014, 12:36:30 am
The spider bite wasn't all that serious, but his doctor immediately started him on a flush of antibiotics to make sure that he didn't rot a limb off.  Well, it turns out that his body took offense at being offered help with fighting off an infection and it went into anaphylactic shock. 

Yup, allergies can bite worse than spiders. 

Apparently there were some very dopey pics taken of him while he was under powerful narcotics.  I'm willing to take up a collection to buy these black market photos in order to post them online as a sort of "this could happen to you" situation.  Certainly not to embarrass poor Cipriano, oh no!  Anyone wanna pitch in???
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: wildman on July 23, 2014, 12:52:39 am
I talked to him today , he said he was pretty weak still but getting better.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: JackCrafty on July 23, 2014, 01:23:30 am
Ouch!  Sorry to hear that about Cip.  Get better soon m'friend!
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Pappy on July 23, 2014, 05:18:09 am
Wondered where he had been,hope it all works out. :)
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: 4dog on July 23, 2014, 08:37:02 am
dang...wish i knew sooner...Cip here comes prayers for speedy recovery!!
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Fred Arnold on July 23, 2014, 08:48:14 am
Cip, get well soon and keep away from spiders!!!
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Pat B on July 23, 2014, 09:29:18 am
Get well soon Cipriano.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 23, 2014, 11:15:59 am
I wondered where he had been. Get well Cip
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Hillbilly on July 23, 2014, 11:16:11 am
Man, that doesn't sound like any fun at all. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: JEB on July 23, 2014, 11:49:33 am
Thoughts and prayers for a complete and speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Stringman on July 23, 2014, 12:04:15 pm
I'm with JW,  >:D    Let's find those pictures.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: osage outlaw on July 23, 2014, 12:15:54 pm
With all the critters he has been catching lately he was lucky it was a spider that bit him. 

Get well soon!
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: wildman on July 23, 2014, 01:47:43 pm
Clint, I thought the same thing. Cip being the guy who post a storage tote of live rattler video on FB. I would have thought a spider bite would have been the least of his worries.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Wolf Watcher on July 23, 2014, 04:42:00 pm
Cip:   Spiders scare me worse than grizzlies.  They have some monsters sized spiders in Namibia.  Sure hope you are on the mend!  Joe
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: 4dog on July 23, 2014, 06:15:05 pm
Wolf...we got some big stinkin spiders in Texas too...Cip is just a little north of me in
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Parnell on July 23, 2014, 07:25:28 pm
Feel better Cip!
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: TRACY on July 23, 2014, 07:27:04 pm
Sounds like he would of been better letting the body take care of the bite. Speedy recovery amigo!

Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: bubby on July 23, 2014, 08:14:47 pm
hang tough buddy
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: lesken2011 on July 24, 2014, 08:39:12 am
Get well soon, Cip. Best wishes from the deep south!!
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Outbackbob48 on July 24, 2014, 10:10:31 am
Hope your feelin better Cip.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: Zuma on July 24, 2014, 02:47:42 pm
Not a nice way to spend the summer.
Get well soon. Prayers
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: wildman on July 24, 2014, 06:09:34 pm
Cip, said tomorrow they are testing him for West Nile, and Lyme Disease. I guess they think its a could be more than a spider bite. :-\
I had Lyme years ago the meds are as bad on ya as the disease.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: killir duck on July 25, 2014, 12:43:49 am
Been praying for you bro, hope your better quick.
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: autologus on July 25, 2014, 09:42:43 am
Cip, said tomorrow they are testing him for West Nile, and Lyme Disease. I guess they think its a could be more than a spider bite. :-\
I had Lyme years ago the meds are as bad on ya as the disease.

I had Lyme Disease about a month ago, the antibiotics they give you for it will tear you up.

Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: rossfactor on July 29, 2014, 12:36:00 pm
Cip if it is Lyme check out something called ABART.  Its a tincture that my doc gave me, along with the traditional antibiotic treatment. I found it as effective as the antib's and easier on the system. 

I had Lyme really bad for several years.  Made a big impact in my life, but also some really positive things as well.  Anyway, hope you get better soon brother.

Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: criveraville on August 01, 2014, 03:52:05 am
Eddie, thank you for posting this. It's been kind of a a roller coaster ride. On a Thursday night I noticed the bite behind my shin above the ankle on my right leg. Friday I went to the doctor and was given Bactrim twice a day. It was a heavy dose. May Friday the dime sized area had grown considerably, was leaking pus, was tender and the doc said had developed cellulitis.

I took on pill after the appointment and one that night. When I woke up Saturday morning I was cold, had the chills, cold sweats, pounding headache, body aches, dry mouth, thirsty, difficulty breathing, unsteady, upset stomach, and my ears hurt. I had only felt this way when I was a kid and went into shock from losing too much blood from a cut.

My wife took me to the ER and they did a KEG, cheat x-rays, sonogram, ran blood work and gave me morphine. The doctor couldn't find a thing wrong with me and sent me home. She said she had more questions than answers.

The next few days I had blood in my urine and felt like I had the flu without having it. Worst part had been extreme fatigue and feeling weak. Blood work from ER all came back normal. I went back to the doctor and they checked for west Nile and Lyme disease as well as my kidneys. I'm still waiting in those results.

So far I really don't know what causes what, but I'm thinking it was a severe allergic reaction to the Bactrim.

Two days ago I felt almost normal, but yesterday I felt shaky and just not right. Still get cold sweats from time to time.

Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes. They are much appreciated!!

Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: chamookman on August 01, 2014, 05:14:50 am
Hang in there Brother - Your in My thoughts and Prayers. Bob
Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: TRACY on August 01, 2014, 08:02:20 am
Thanks for the update Cip and hope you get an answer and solution to the problem real quick!

Title: Re: Cipriano
Post by: SLIMBOB on August 01, 2014, 08:26:20 am
Good to hear from you, and hope this all gets put behind you soon.