Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Shooting and Hunting => Topic started by: jayman448 on October 27, 2014, 07:28:11 am

Title: help!!!!
Post by: jayman448 on October 27, 2014, 07:28:11 am
last January as I picked up my bow, I found I could not miss. thirty yard groupings the size of my fist. now, after a years practice, my twenty yard group is about the size of my bag target. I have tried everything! nothing I do brings back my accuracy. light grip, heavy grip, different anchors, static release, pull through release, stiff elbow, bent elbow, two anchor points, three anchor points, straight bow, canted bow, canted head, weight on forward foot, hunched slightly, head at a 45 degree angle to match cant, standing straight like the English, swing draw, pre set draw, anchor for three seconds anchor for five seconds, no anchor, nose at specific point of fletching, and everything else imaginable! I shoot instinctive (or I used to) I don't even know what I do any more. it changes with the day in desperation that I will figure it out. any tips to get my groove back? I was hunt ready and winning tourneys..... now I just suck. please!!! help!!!!! :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: Pat B on October 27, 2014, 08:40:50 am
Start back with the basics like form, draw and release like you are just learning. Start shooting one arrow at a time at 10 yards until you are satisfied at that distance then move back to 15 yards, still only shooting one arrow at a time and continue moving out as you improve.
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: mhof86 on October 27, 2014, 10:06:51 am
Something that happened to me the other day might be applied here??

I am making a left handed bow and I am a right handed shooter. While trying to shoot the bow left handed (first time ever shooting a bow left handed) just like Pat B said I went back to the basics and after only about 20-30 shots at 15 yards I found my groups almost as consistent as shooting right handed. It felt really awkward but I actually found some bad habits that I had gotten into shooting right handed, and after transferring them back my group size has improved now right handed as well. Shooting offhand forced me to slow everything down and analyze every single motion I make from setting the arrow, to draw, anchor, and release. Almost all of which I don't even think about shooting right handed.

I don't know if you have the ability or want to try offhand shooting with a bow or if there is any real benefit in doing this but it did help me out with my right handed shooting. I am by no means an expert so take this with a grain of salt, just relaying what has helped me out.
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: burchett.donald on October 27, 2014, 10:48:10 am
               What kind of equipment are you using? Did you make any changes like lowering brace height? Change arrow spine?
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on October 27, 2014, 12:16:59 pm
Been there. 3 years worth of it actually. Im glad to be back on track lately. For me? I was short drawing and not squeezing my shoulder blades together. In other words, I was pulling the string back with a high elbow and not push/pulling. Target panic was an issue as well. My eyes locked in, I drew and released way too soon because my subconscious wasn't working for me. Only my conscious thought did, which was staring at a spot. The rest was a mess. Im better now and "Reunited and it feels so good" is my fave song now.
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: mullet on October 27, 2014, 09:10:43 pm
I just found out three days ago I couldn't hit crap. I just started shooting a new shooting glove. When I went back to my old, wore out one I was back in the groove.
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: Ryan_Gill_HuntPrimitive on October 27, 2014, 09:50:33 pm
this might help a little.
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: tattoo dave on October 27, 2014, 10:34:39 pm
Well Jayman, you are not alone. I've been having some issues myself with accuracy. I almost feel like its my vision, for what ever reason I can't seem to stay focused on my chosen spot unless I'm inside 10 yards. I hope it gets better for both of us friend.

Tattoo Dave
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: paulsemp on October 27, 2014, 10:48:06 pm
Been there. 3 years worth of it actually. Im glad to be back on track lately. For me? I was short drawing and not squeezing my shoulder blades together. In other words, I was pulling the string back with a high elbow and not push/pulling. Target panic was an issue as well. My eyes locked in, I drew and released way too soon because my subconscious wasn't working for me. Only my conscious thought did, which was staring at a spot. The rest was a mess. Im better now and "Reunited and it feels so good" is my fave song now.

Glad to hear.... no excuses marshall 2015
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 27, 2014, 11:00:30 pm
I'm no expert at all but I was told  something once that changed my shooting for ever. I was in an Archery shop. I had an old wheelie bow and couldn't hit a thing with it. I was ready to throw down some big money for a new one. This older fella got up from his chair, took my bow and shoot 4 shots with it at 25 yards. 3 of them was touching and 1 about an inch off. He then took me down range and stopped about 5 feet from the target. He handed me an arrow and said "close your eyes and shoot" I thought he was nuts but I tried it. After a couple shots I figured out that I was anticipating the release, cooking my wrist, and not using my back muscles. After about 30 shots he took me back to the 25 yards line and said "now that you can operate your bow the right way, look at the target, close your eyes, draw and fire." So I did, much to my surprise I only missed by about 8 inches. He kinda chuckled and said "you now hit as good with your eyes closed as you did when you got here!" I shot 5 more with my eyes open and stacked them, even hitting one nock and two fletchings.
I tried this with my recurve also, the same day. And when I started I could only hit a paper plate at 25 yards. When I was done I could put 4 in a paper cup at 25. Give it a shot, close your eyes and just draw and release. I still do that once in a while when I feel myself getting laxed in the fundamentals. Just my 2 cents, Patrick 
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: Danzn Bar on October 28, 2014, 08:24:07 pm
Been there. 3 years worth of it actually. Im glad to be back on track lately. For me? I was short drawing and not squeezing my shoulder blades together. In other words, I was pulling the string back with a high elbow and not push/pulling. Target panic was an issue as well. My eyes locked in, I drew and released way too soon because my subconscious wasn't working for me. Only my conscious thought did, which was staring at a spot. The rest was a mess. Im better now and "Reunited and it feels so good" is my fave song now.

Glad to hear.... no excuses marshall 2015
Ditto Paul....I think we may have a shoot off in the mak'ins... ???
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: JacksonCash on November 01, 2014, 08:31:11 am
Been there. 3 years worth of it actually. Im glad to be back on track lately. For me? I was short drawing and not squeezing my shoulder blades together. In other words, I was pulling the string back with a high elbow and not push/pulling. Target panic was an issue as well. My eyes locked in, I drew and released way too soon because my subconscious wasn't working for me. Only my conscious thought did, which was staring at a spot. The rest was a mess. Im better now and "Reunited and it feels so good" is my fave song now.

- How Good Chris got his groove back.
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: FAW on November 01, 2014, 11:58:04 am
Jayman, I have gone through the same dilemna, at least three times in my old age. Like some have suggested herein, I always found it a matter of shooting close, 7 yards, and one shot at a time. For me I kept this up in my basement all Winter and never thought about going outside where I might have been tempted to make a longer shot. When, at seven yards I started putting two arrows inside a  cardboard roll from toilet paper, I would graduate outside and shoot anywhere from five yards to twenty using the same target picture as ingrained while shooting in the basement. This always got me back on track until I developed another bad habit which was usually during the draw and release stage. It is frustrating and most of it has to do with the ability to think positive and know that your arrow is going to go where you want it. Take heart in the knowledge that you did it once for a period of time at twenty and thirty yards and know that you will return with some perseverance to that accuracy again. Good luck.
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: bradsmith2010 on December 14, 2014, 06:53:12 pm
remember also you have to have fun,, you are really out thinking yourself,, go back to basics as suggested,, and try to have fun,, you will regain your accuracy,, :)
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: crooketarrow on February 17, 2015, 01:49:57 pm
 I know some one went through the same thing.

  If nothings change machinery It's simple we all has gone through it. We all shot better when we were younger.

  Our eyes changed. THOSE 30 YARD GROUPS GROW INTO 20 YARD GROUPS. I've have debtic pushing 30 years.  I have days I'm deadly at 20 next day I shoot 6,8 inch groups.

 Your missing out on the trill of getting close to mature bucks. Or any deer your hunting.

  I've shot 40 bucks with my selfbows the longest shot was 17 steps. MY closes was a 3 1/2, 6 point. I had 2 strokes in 06 I started hunting again in 08. I said he must have been sent by god. He followed the deer Danna I arrowed him at 3 yards.

 FOR 3 YEARS COULD'NT FEEL THE RIGHT SIDE OF MY FACE TO MUCH. I cut my arrows down to where they touched the bow. I knew I was at full draw. I still do this toady.  Kinda a clicker or sorts. SECOND ANKOR If your having target panic. Your going by feeling (touch) I've helped a few people like this.
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: stickbender on February 18, 2015, 07:15:21 pm

     I read an article by Jim Hamm, about how his Daughter n law, who is I think an olympic shooter, or a competitor, of some sort, anyway, she helped his grouping by showing him how to raise his elbow, like in rifle shooting.  His groups improved.  Don't know if this will help you or not.  Not exactly an expert in the field of Archery.

Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: crooketarrow on February 19, 2015, 11:58:26 am
  Keeping your elbow up is true if your shooting a straight up and down bows. Like a compounds and the Olympic re curves.

If you cant your bow like anyone shooting instinctive should. It's far better to teach yourself to pick spot and learn to set up close (where you need to be). THAN IT IS TO KEEP YOUR ELBOW UP AT 15 YARDS. 

It's better to be more natural  (what feels right to you). You have to cant your bow if your when shooting instinctive. If your setting up right you never have more than a 15 yard shot anyways.

  If you what to shoot distances get a compounder. Don't set up where you can see and shoot 50 yards like compound hunters do.  If you do expect to watch a lot of sun rises and sun sets.

Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: PAHunter on February 20, 2015, 06:42:08 pm
I did the same thing this year.  So I took a little time off and shot compound.  When I came back I stuck to good fundamental form and problems corrected themselves.  Maybe ya just need a breather.  then keep your form simple and consistent and maybe the arrows will fall in.  good luck!
Title: Re: help!!!!
Post by: jayman448 on February 21, 2015, 02:56:20 am
ive been shooting a lot better recently now. im barely 20 so that comment about getting older does not apply yet XD. wehat i did find that made all the difference in the world ( and i know its stupid) is pausing for a pre draw. i look, pick the spot, raise my bow, pause and continue to focus, then draw, three second pause and release. unfortunately this shot cycle takes around ten seconds per shot but as far as accuracy goes its working. i do wish i could "snapshoot" a little better but hey, its working this way for now XD