Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: bushboy on December 22, 2014, 06:47:04 pm

Title: green ash / white wood question?
Post by: bushboy on December 22, 2014, 06:47:04 pm
Hey all,happy holidays! I have a 6" @. The butt x 80" long green ash that I cut late last. Summer.the ring count is crazy like 30 plus/per ".the bark is stuck fast,i try a dull drawknife as a try out with not much success. Question is can I rough it out as a bow blank,let season for sometime and go about it as normal hoping that the bark will release juring tillering without damaging the back?thx's Rob!
Title: Re: green ash / white wood question?
Post by: PatM on December 22, 2014, 07:51:37 pm
It will if you get it really dry and shave most of the outer stuff off. The sap will also oxidise and turn a nice shade which will  sort of stain the outer layer and leave an interesting camo effect if you lightly sand it.
Title: Re: green ash / white wood question?
Post by: NeolithicMan on December 22, 2014, 08:32:21 pm
Did you try thumping it? I have a few rounded branch lengths that I use to thump on the bark of fresh cut wood to loosen the bark. comes off easily with my fingers after going up and down it a few times, thumping rigorusly. I did this on a dry stave with some success, was not ash though