Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Horn Bows => Topic started by: Parnell on February 02, 2015, 05:06:05 pm

Title: 1st attempt.
Post by: Parnell on February 02, 2015, 05:06:05 pm
I've begun work on a Turkish design.  I'm designing for 47" between knocks and hope to come in somewhere in the 50-60# range...hope. 
I'm using hard maple grown at above 3,000 ft. elevation in WV, or so I was told.  It's clean with straight, tight, grain and free of any pin knots.  I cut two laths and think they are pretty good.  I will probably cut out a couple more to see if I can get the grain even better, then choose.  I'm going to do the handle with the same hard maple.  The wood has been air dried for a couple years.

I built some forms to bend them and will start soaking the laths in the spare bathtub for a week before I try the bend.  We'll see.

I plan to cut my horn strips this upcoming weekend.

My plan is to show my basic progress as I go.  Any experienced advice, highly welcomed!

Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: RBLusthaus on February 17, 2015, 01:27:18 pm
how thick a lath are you going to try to bend?

Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Parnell on February 18, 2015, 11:10:14 am
Just about .5".  I'm doing my measurements metrically going off the Karpowicz book, though.  I read about keeping the lath uniform thickness during this bending process and you are looking to base your thickness of off the greatest part of the limb.  Reduction will come later.
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: mikekeswick on February 19, 2015, 12:22:43 pm
It might be an idea to make your forms with a straight section to support the sal. It may warp if 'left hangin'!
Good luck with the bending. Make sure to have the wood fully immersed in boiling water whilst heating it. Boiling water is better than steam alone and having them completely underwater will ensure even heating. I used the bottom tray out of an old tool box and three camping stoves to ensure all the water is at a rolling boil not just one spot above the heat. Give it a good hour.
Round your edges well and maybe reduce the inside of the tip bend with a shallow radius this will really reduce the likelyhood of the lathes breaking at the tip bend.
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Parnell on February 19, 2015, 12:34:33 pm
Thanks for the advice, Mike.  I appreciate the "multiple heat sources" idea.  I'll definitely look to do that.  I am going to soak the laths in my bathtub for a week and then bring them to the boil before I bend them.  Good idea with the tip bend, too.  I remember reading about that.  I do need to round off my edges a bit...


Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Aaron H on February 19, 2015, 01:05:33 pm
Are you making this a build along?  That would really great if it was,  just saying.....
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Parnell on February 19, 2015, 01:19:52 pm
Falcon, I am planning on posting pictures of my progress as I go.  I don't suspect it will go fast.  That being said, I'd rather not call in a proper "build along" because it would be difficult to express the information that is needed to take in through "the book" and then others who have experience. 

I am going to post progress as I go, however.  I need to start soaking my laths.  I'll try to get them in the tub tonight.  Heading out for the knap-in in the morning, though...
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Aaron H on February 19, 2015, 01:55:49 pm
As long as you post pictures of your process, then you can call it whatever you want  ;)
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: mikekeswick on March 02, 2015, 03:07:04 am
How did you get on with bending your cores?
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Parnell on March 02, 2015, 09:23:56 am
I cleaned them up yesterday and sanded them perfectly clean, slightly rounding the edges of the belly side, and submerged them in a cooler.  I'll give them a week to soak and on Sat. I'll do the bend.

Had the knap-in last weekend and dug clay for pottery this weekend and filtered it.  Been a busy boy.
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Parnell on March 08, 2015, 09:04:52 pm
I made an attempt to bend my laths today.  No luck.  I couldn't get the water boiling in the only container I have that is big enough to hold the partially submerged enough...
I think I'm going to have to weld together something out of steel that is closer to the dimensions of these wood strips to get them boiling enough.

I read to keep them uniform during the boil, but can't they be reduced...some?

How thick could I keep these during the bend.

Also, I picked up some full length strips of bison sinew.  Any thoughts on how well this stuff would do for sinew backing.  The fibers will be really long.
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: duke3192 on March 09, 2015, 08:38:34 pm
Parnell, did you get those at the Silver Springs knap in, maybe you should just send them to me.
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: mullet on March 09, 2015, 10:25:56 pm
Steve, have you tried a big Turkey cooker pot and propane burner? I have some big ones if you don't.
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Parnell on March 10, 2015, 03:05:06 pm
Duke - I did find those bison strips at Silver River.  Couldn't pass 'em up as I don't think I'll soon again get the opportunity to find something like that.

I was using a turkey roasting pan Eddie.  But, on my stove top.  It just couldn't generate enough heat to bring it to a boil.  And, the pan was my mom-in-laws and she is picky over it so I didn't want to put it to the flame.  So I built me a steel box that'll fit the lath strips really well with a little extra room in case I get a bug enough to do a longer design like a Persian or something down the road.

It turned out well - wish I could say I tig weld the whole thing but I didn't.  I did tack it together though and the instructor did the seams to make sure it held water properly.  Came out REAL nice.  Onwards and upwards, I'll try again this weekend, hopefully.

I'm off next week for break and we are going camping up at the Suwanee.
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: DC on March 10, 2015, 04:04:03 pm
Stainless? I want one :)
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: RBLusthaus on March 10, 2015, 06:59:12 pm
make that two!
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: duke3192 on March 10, 2015, 08:33:15 pm
Steve, you are very lucky, I was aguring with Gary about price and left because my grandson was wanting Italian icee, came back they are gone, so if you don't use them all, I will be happy to help you use them up.
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Gaur on March 29, 2015, 09:38:12 am
Glad to see you attempting one Parnell.  I'll be watching.
Title: Re: 1st attempt.
Post by: Parnell on April 01, 2015, 01:07:29 pm
I've had my laths much too thick and have now reduced them.  I brought them down to about 18mm through the tips and transitioned to about 15mm. through the kasan and sal sections.  I've got those sections slightly rounded on the belly/horn side now and they are quite even.  They should bend properly, now.