Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Primitive Skills => Topic started by: Harrifer on January 21, 2008, 10:59:54 am

Title: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Harrifer on January 21, 2008, 10:59:54 am
...that's sods law for you!

No neccessarily true, but the title hooked you, didnt it? Anyone ever HAD to use any primitive skills?
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Radon on January 21, 2008, 11:40:24 am
Well, not really a survival siuation but on the other hand...?:

I was doing some trekking/canyoning with my girlfriend when her trekking sandals obviously didn't like the water and fell apart. I tried to fix them with some first aid bandage (no survival situation there yet).
After a while she got fed up with the bandage soaking full with water and slipping away all the time. But I had tied them very well and had neither a knive nor scissors around. So I quickly chopped a stone to get a sharp enough blade to release her from the bandage.
A pissed off girlfriend in the middle of the wilderness might easy enough lead to a survival situation  ::) >:D
 >:( for the rest of the walk she wore my sandals and I walked barefeet  >:(

Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: leapingbare on January 21, 2008, 07:44:14 pm
One time i was out hunting about 8 miles from anything, and i got my front tire stuck on a log, i could not back up or go fowred i was stuck.. i had no axe and no saw and no jack. i was stuck..
 neather myself or my hunting buddy smoke so we had no matches or lighter, it was wet and cold out and we had about 2 1/2 hours before sundown so we went to look for fire makein mistrials i found a Mullen stalk and a a dead creeper vine, i used my  knife to make the hearth and spindle , my Buddy came back with a wad of shredded cider bark.
 So i started spinning away i got smoke but no coal i tyred until i was exusted. i had all but given up when i went to the back of my blazer to get some water and seen my jumper cables "WAha!" i said we started the blazer and attached the cables and put the cider bark under a well placed pile of sticks and i touched the cables together under the cider bark. POP snap Crack SPARK.. and than Flames!!! We were victorious we had fire, we moved the fire under the log that the blazer was stuck on and burned through it during the night, and we ate the Turkey my Buddy had shot earlier that day, we hunted the next morning and drove away around noon.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Minuteman on January 21, 2008, 09:11:08 pm
Anybody fool enough to go "canyoning" "whaever that is" while wearing sandals deserves to find himself in a p-ed off girlfriend situation! :D
 I'm about to wet myself laughin here !
 Is that like an assault pillow or maybe an attack trained Guppy?
 Sorry to get off topic here.
 No I've never been in a survival situation where I needed to use primitive skills I'd learned. Hope to some day! ;D
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: mullet on January 21, 2008, 09:49:30 pm
  When my son and I were fishing one morning after hiking up the river about 2 miles, we heard a strange noise. It turned out to be rain hitting the trees and cabbage palms about a mile away. We had a dense overhead canopy, so really couldn't tell it was going to rain. It didn't take long to figure out when the first bolt of lightning hit and then relized what the noise was.
    I always carry a pair of clippers, for pruning bushes with me. Well we started cutting cabbage palm limbs and started building a big lean too against a massive oak tree trunk. It took about twenty minutes and we were inside when the big squall line hit.While we were inside we amused ourselves by tying all the leaves together. The storm lasted about 2 hours but we came out of it nice and dry. I always wondered what somebody thought when they walked down the river and found that hut.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Tom B on January 23, 2008, 08:05:58 am
If the hut's still there i might be needing a place to live soon.and on the river bad cabbage gives me gas. :)
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Hillbilly on January 23, 2008, 09:37:50 am
Living in a hut with Tom after he's been eating cabbage would definitely qualify as a survival situation.  ;D
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Sparrow on January 26, 2008, 08:44:14 pm
   Got turned around in a snow storm ( Hunting elk in january) one time and wandered around in the Montana mountains for a couple of days and nights,10 to 30 below,3 foot of snow,finally walked out by taking a line,landmark to landmark to a cabin I saw many miles away from the top of a mountain.Made it thru one of the worst deadfall hells I've ever seen by following the trail of a couple of elk that went thru it,they were walking on logs and such, so I did too, worked good.This was in the middle of the night mind you,three qaurter moon put out enough light to navigate by.I learned that keeping your head and not giving up is the biggest tools you've got in your kit of skills. I had three hard candies in my pocket for rations.No water,no heavy coat. Got to that cabin at around midnight,Park county coroner answered the door,(he was coordinating the search for my body the next day).My clothes and boots were frozen to me, I did'nt get frostbit,but my core temp was so low that he could'nt get a temp with a oral thermometer(I passed on having the other kind used).Took three days for any moisture to make it to my bladder(Drank gallons of water),feet and ankles were sore and swollen for a week because of all the nearly non-stop walking I did to stay warm and make my way out. Lesson learned,never walk away from the truck(I don't care how hot a track you take up) without a fanny pack loaded with the essentials strapped on.That was back in the early 90's and I am still awandering the wild country.Me, my weapons and my pack. Frank
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: jamie on February 09, 2008, 01:55:52 pm
hit ice and fell into a 50' ravine this season. cloudy night with a quarter moon. when i fell i lost the flashlight. was only a few hours but i closed my eyes to protect them and used my nose, ears and my feet to feel my way out stopping everynow and then to open the eyes and try to get my bearings. ive also spent a week here and there walking into the woods with my knife just for the thrill. havent done it in a while though.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: huntertrapper on February 10, 2008, 11:50:20 pm
just a knife. thats awesome jamie.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: hawkbow on February 11, 2008, 12:05:04 pm
I spent six months in the bitterroot Selway Wilderness.. just me ,my dog , bow ,and a backpack ... lived off the land and saw a LOT of country... one of the most spiritual and rewarding moments of my life... Mike...A/ho
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: jamie on February 11, 2008, 12:38:57 pm
its amazing what happens to a person out there aint it mike
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Kegan on February 11, 2008, 08:15:44 pm
Couple months ago there was an article in Field & Stream, "Would You Survive?". They had some guy with a stern look, heavy camo, and a really modern looking rifle on the cover. He wandered around for three days with a GPS and Compass, burning his hunting bags, wasting matches and lighters, melting snow in a plastic container, and refuisnging to shoot a squirrel because, "he wasn't that hungry yet". He was hunting elk, much like Frank. He didn't react half as well. The whole article distgusted me, and their follow up "survival" pages were almost as bad. Made me wonder what the guys on here would do. Glad to see that I was right in assuming that this is home to the "better-than-average-woodsmen" ;D.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: hawkbow on February 11, 2008, 08:49:15 pm
Jamie, you are absolutely right.. the first month was hard, but after that it wasn't survival anymore... I was just living ......Mike A/ho
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: huntertrapper on February 11, 2008, 09:01:44 pm
Kegan, i know what your sayin about those magazines. They think they need all that tech. just to survive a few days.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: DanaM on February 11, 2008, 09:13:03 pm
Kegan my wife gets F&S I laughed my butt off when I saw the article ;D
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: D. Tiller on February 11, 2008, 09:33:56 pm
Lets see! What do we really need for survival? I think a person could survive most sittuations with just a toothpick and a bit of dental floss! Gots to keep up the ol'chompers if ya want to eat anything. Ah, throw out the tooth pick I can use as peice of a sapling if necisary but getting in between the teeth is tough!  ;D

Seriously though! What would you do first second and so forth if caught out in the wilderness? Me, I think first off would be shelter and a fire, second search for fresh water and any food. After that start scouting and improving my life untill rescued if I knew I could not get out of the sittuation on my own. How about you folks?
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: huntertrapper on February 11, 2008, 09:40:33 pm
when i was like 13 i decided i could live in the woods for 2 days with nothing but a knife flint and steel and some twine. i lasted about a half day till i cmae home tired and hungry. i built a pretty good lean-to but i couldnt get my fire started and i needed water to boil to drink so it didnt turn out well for me. now i can do it and it is fun to be alone in the woods. right now i am building a small log cabin at my uncles farm and thats where i do most of my "surviving"
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: jamie on February 12, 2008, 11:21:29 am
the first thing you do in a survival situation is take care of what you need first. raining , shelter and gather water. hot shade, cold sheltern/ heat. your wet get dry. thirsty get water. you pretty much take care of everything at once. gathering wood, look for food. there is no check list of what to do first. the funny thing is our hobby is one of the last things you need in the wild unless you are talking about some very long term situations, the bow is unnessarry.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Texas Pete on February 13, 2008, 05:29:57 pm
I had a situation that lasted for 47 days.  I'll post the story sometime if you all would like to read it.

Remembering the Rules of Three will keep you alive in a true survival situation

Texas Pete
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: jamie on February 13, 2008, 05:39:32 pm
yup we wanna hear it :)
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: hawkbow on February 13, 2008, 05:49:33 pm
Love to hear how others have coped in survival mode ... look forward to the story.. Mike A/ho
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Texas Pete on February 13, 2008, 08:55:27 pm
Not alot of Primitive to it, other than making a lean-to.  Where should I put it?

Texas Pete
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: jamie on February 13, 2008, 09:00:17 pm
start a new post in primitive skills
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: hawkbow on February 13, 2008, 09:00:40 pm
Pete, Maybe in anything else..MikeA/ho
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Texas Pete on February 13, 2008, 10:30:07 pm
Pete, Maybe in anything else..MikeA/ho

Looks like I won't be posting it.  I posted a joke that got deleted because it was suggestive and was reminded that this was a family forum (Not that I'm dogging the moderator that deleted it;  They were just going by the guidelines that the Admin set).  This story spans a coupla hundred pages and has some off-color moments in it.

I'd hate to have almost 20 years of writing deleted due to an off-color moment, and I really don't feel like re-writing it, so its probably just best not to post it

Texas Pete
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: DanaM on February 13, 2008, 11:01:48 pm
Just so ya all know I'm the moderator referenced ;) And it was a funny joke ;)
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Coo-wah-chobee on February 13, 2008, 11:03:56 pm
"Frigures "a yankee an yopper at that would do it ! ;D....bob
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: DanaM on February 14, 2008, 08:00:09 am
thanks bob thats why they pay me the big bucks ;)
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Texas Pete on February 14, 2008, 08:30:49 am
Once again no worries.

I got a notion last night andpulled out the archery equipment.  My bow and the arrows have been in storage for the better part of a year.  I stored both of them in big sections of PVC pipe.  I strung the bow, grabbed a few arrows, and picked up a chrony and went outside before thewind picked up too bad here.  I flung a few arrows at 30 yards, finding I can still put them in a fist sized target at that range.  Then, I set the Chrony up and fired a coupla sticks through it.  the speeds were 287, 281 and 289 respectively.

Gosh I love this bow

I went back inside and put all the gear away, and when I was looking in the corner where there was another PVC pipe.  I had forgotten all about it.  i pulled it out and opened her up to reveal my Paul Chen BaGua sword.  A friend of mine had it made for me in trade for an authentic japanese bow from the late 19th century that I had picked up in Okinawa.  I pulled the blade out of the scabbard and it sung coming out as usual.  I wiped it down and put a thin coat of oil onit, and put it away.

I guess I was reflecting on a simpler time, where the ethics of man and the quality of good steel still meant something.

Oh well, back to reality   ;D

Texas Pete
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: mullet on February 14, 2008, 03:18:15 pm
  Funny joke, I've been emailing it to everybody at work today.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Texas Pete on February 15, 2008, 09:10:26 am
  Funny joke, I've been emailing it to everybody at work today.

I guess I'm glad to hear that all the Mods and everyone NOT on the forum is enjoying it ???

Texas Pete

Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: DanaM on February 15, 2008, 10:19:05 am
Whats not to understand Texas, I deemed it inappropriate for our younger users, while not
outright dirty it was suggestive, do you think PA magazine would have printed it? Same applies here,
get over it ok.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Texas Pete on February 15, 2008, 11:09:53 am
Oh I was over it Dana, until a moderator stated he copied it and sent it out to everyone at his work.

Mullet said:

Funny joke, I've been emailing it to everybody at work today

Now I'm definitely glad I didnt post my survival story.

Talk about a self-righteous bunch

I guess you guys will ban me now or delete my posts for speaking my mind?

Texas Pete
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Justin Snyder on February 15, 2008, 11:18:32 am
Oh I was over it Dana, until a moderator stated he copied it and sent it out to everyone at his work.

Mullet said:

Funny joke, I've been emailing it to everybody at work today

Now I'm definitely glad I didnt post my survival story.

Talk about a self-righteous bunch

I guess you guys will ban me now or delete my posts for speaking my mind?

Texas Pete
You will have to try harder than that to get banned.  ;) BTW we don't delete posts because people speak their mind, in fact, we kind of like it.  Justin
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: DanaM on February 15, 2008, 11:18:51 am
No were not self righteous, this is not my site its not even our site. It is the sole property of Primitive Archer
what the say goes, they pay for the site. Contrary to popular belief websites are not free. I for one appreciate this site and Primitive Archer
for making it possible. Moderators aren't paid or receive any compensation, we do it because we want this site to stay open to everyone,
yourself included, just abide by the rules. We don't enforce the rules that rigidly. No you won't be banned or your posts deleted for speaking your mind.
Just keep it family oriented and respectful, you can disagree with someone but don't make it personal. Simple enough I would think.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Texas Pete on February 15, 2008, 06:59:27 pm
You're absolutely right Dana.

BTW, I'm a moderator at another site, so i know what you mean.

As I said earlier, I'll move on from this and will be more careful of what I post

Texas Pete
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: jamie on February 15, 2008, 07:22:44 pm
pete im a mod and these guys have to watch me more than anybody else ;D
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: wolfsire on February 15, 2008, 08:18:48 pm
No were not self righteous...

Well, I can be sometimes, but you guys have kind enough not to ban me because of it.   And some of you have become my friends, not withstanding it.  ;)

I did feel obligated to go back and delete part of a response that contained a double entendre.  However, I figure if someone is old enough to read the hidden meaning, they are old enough for such a joke.   All the same, I'd rather not possibly offend, just for a laugh.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: mullet on February 16, 2008, 01:19:41 am
 Pete, I'm far from Self- Righteous. I just thought it was funny as hell. I've been debating about stirring up a S&%t Storm by putting it back. I don't think it was bad myself. Personally, My own opinion, not as a Moderater, I think this Censoring is getting carried away.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: jamie on February 16, 2008, 06:31:33 am
amen brother edward!!!!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Marc St Louis on February 16, 2008, 10:40:07 am
I thought it was hilarious as well and so did my wife, but then I don't have kids.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Texas Pete on February 16, 2008, 12:37:20 pm
I've been debating about stirring up a S&%t Storm by putting it back. I don't think it was bad myself

You Rabble-Rouser you!  ;D

Folks don't do it on my account.  It's no skin off my back.  If thats the way some mods wanna play, no worries.  It's just a forum, and the net is full of them.  If it get too Neo-Nazi for me, I simply leave and don't come back.

As i said, I understand that this is a family setting.  Realize, also, that most families have said far worse in front of their children, or most of them have heard worse by age 10 in school.

Just my opinion, which is worth exactly what you just paid for it

Texas Pete
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Marc St Louis on February 16, 2008, 02:02:17 pm

As i said, I understand that this is a family setting.  Realize, also, that most families have said far worse in front of their children, or most of them have heard worse by age 10 in school.

Texas Pete

The operative word here is "most" and it's in deference to these other families that we try to keep as clean as possible
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Minuteman on February 16, 2008, 04:59:35 pm

I guess I was reflecting on a simpler time, where the ethics of man and the quality of good steel still meant something.

Oh well, back to reality   ;D

Texas Pete
 Whats all that stuff about ? Are you trying to spurn someone's character or just waxing poetic? Good steel and strength  of character are more important today than they have ever been. Dana's  just doing his job. Or was that the first part of your story?
 I was looking forward to your story ........missed the deleted joke as well.
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: Texas Pete on February 16, 2008, 05:14:51 pm

 Whats all that stuff about ? Are you trying to spurn someone's character or just waxing poetic?

What? You work for the Census or something?

I was looking forward to your story

Hold your breath tillI post it.

Well, Admins, i guess this isnt going to get dropped, and since I'm the last to join, I'll be the first to leave

Peace out

Texas Pete
Title: Re: Nobody on here will be stuck in a survival situation...
Post by: wolfsire on February 16, 2008, 06:16:54 pm
Minuteman, I though those were fair questions.  I think TP was a little too sensitive.  Too bad, I bet he had a lot to share.